android Programming Glossary: position
How to get screen dimensions to get the screen width and screen height and then set position int px screenWidth m int py screenWidth n Does anyone know how..
How do I get the current GPS location programmatically in Android? Unfortunately you cannot just ask Android for your current position since GPS may take quite some time to get a fix. Instead you..
Focusable EditText inside ListView I want that child to take focus instead of indicating the position with the selector. I've tried many possibilities and have so.. would take more work to dynamically determine if any given position contains a focusable view I can change descendant focusability.. void onItemSelected AdapterView listView View view int position long id if position 1 listView.setItemsCanFocus true Use afterDescendants..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds 0 Since the line at the specific vertical position would be cut off we must trim up to the previous line int..
When to call activity context OR application context? found it to be painful. Ms. Hackborn also agrees with this position . Here are reasons why not to use getApplicationContext wherever..
How to call Android contacts list? protected void onListItemClick ListView l View v int position long id super.onListItemClick l v position id Cursor C Cursor.. l View v int position long id super.onListItemClick l v position id Cursor C Cursor mAdapter.getItem position PBCONTACT C.getString.. l v position id Cursor C Cursor mAdapter.getItem position PBCONTACT C.getString C.getColumnIndex People.NAME RHS 05 06..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” Spinner view. It overrides setAdapter to set the initial position to 1 and proxies the supplied SpinnerAdapter to display the.. supplied SpinnerAdapter to display the prompt string for position less than 0. This has been tested on Android 1.5 through 4.2.. obj Intercepts getView to display the prompt if position 0 protected class SpinnerAdapterProxy implements InvocationHandler..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works R.layout.day_view_item parent false Log.d DayViewActivity Position is position TextView convertView.findViewById
find current location latitude and longitude No location found myLocationText.setText Your Current Position is n latLongString After running it on emulator i always find.. No location found myLocationText.setText Your Current Position is n latLongString private final LocationListener locationListener..
How to stop scrolling in a Gallery Widget? v int position long id Toast.makeText GalleryExample.this Position position Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public class AddImgAdp extends..
Android: Animation Position Resets After Complete Animation Position Resets After Complete I'm using an xml defined animation to..
Android VideoView orientation change with buffered video uiMode 17 seq 210 12 13 15 37 35.561 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Position X0 Y76 W480 H225 12 13 15 37 35.561 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Adjusted.. H225 12 13 15 37 35.561 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Adjusted Position X1 Y0 W403 H225 12 13 15 37 35.561 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Rotation.. uiMode 17 seq 216 12 13 15 43 00.171 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Position X0 Y76 W480 H225 12 13 15 43 00.171 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Adjusted..
Android AdMob Position top of screen not working AdMob Position top of screen not working I am trying to integrate AdMob into..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android if l.distanceTo lastLocation minDistance force Log.d TAG Position didn't change return if l.getAccuracy lastLocation.getAccuracy..
Get focused View from ViewPager R.layout.news_fragment null Falls sich die Position verändert so verändert sich auch die View if position 0 view..
webserivce messages in listview with smileys put a smiley. I created a Db and added 4 fields to it ID Position Special Character URL. So i was able to display the corresponding..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter new OnPageChangeListener int lastPosition float posOffset 0 @Override public void onPageSelected int position.. if positionOffset 0 positionOffsetPixels 0 position 0 lastPosition position posOffset positionOffset CommonLogic.logMessage Position.. position posOffset positionOffset CommonLogic.logMessage Position position Position Offset positionOffset Position Offset..
How to get screen dimensions the top edge and m pixels from the right edge therefore I need to get the screen width and screen height and then set position int px screenWidth m int py screenWidth n Does anyone know how to get screenWidth and screenHeight in the main Activity..
How do I get the current GPS location programmatically in Android? and I'm sure this stuff is covered in his book as well . Unfortunately you cannot just ask Android for your current position since GPS may take quite some time to get a fix. Instead you need to request location updates and use the first update you..
Focusable EditText inside ListView to explicitly identify the row that has a focusable child I want that child to take focus instead of indicating the position with the selector. I've tried many possibilities and have so far had no luck. layout ListView android id @android id list.. I know which header view I want to override the selector would take more work to dynamically determine if any given position contains a focusable view I can change descendant focusability and set focus on the EditText. And when I navigate out of.. I navigate out of that header change it back it again. public void onItemSelected AdapterView listView View view int position long id if position 1 listView.setItemsCanFocus true Use afterDescendants because I don't want the ListView to steal focus..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds Check that we have a least one line of rendered text if layout.getLineCount 0 Since the line at the specific vertical position would be cut off we must trim up to the previous line int lastLine layout.getLineForVertical height 1 If the text would..
When to call activity context OR application context? I built one app using a custom Application object and found it to be painful. Ms. Hackborn also agrees with this position . Here are reasons why not to use getApplicationContext wherever you go It's not a complete Context supporting everything..
How to call Android contacts list? mAdapter end onCreate Called when contact is pressed @Override protected void onListItemClick ListView l View v int position long id super.onListItemClick l v position id Cursor C Cursor mAdapter.getItem position PBCONTACT C.getString C.getColumnIndex.. is pressed @Override protected void onListItemClick ListView l View v int position long id super.onListItemClick l v position id Cursor C Cursor mAdapter.getItem position PBCONTACT C.getString C.getColumnIndex People.NAME RHS 05 06 pbContact TextView.. ListView l View v int position long id super.onListItemClick l v position id Cursor C Cursor mAdapter.getItem position PBCONTACT C.getString C.getColumnIndex People.NAME RHS 05 06 pbContact TextView findViewById pbContact.setText..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” this question Here's a general solution that overrides the Spinner view. It overrides setAdapter to set the initial position to 1 and proxies the supplied SpinnerAdapter to display the prompt string for position less than 0. This has been tested.. setAdapter to set the initial position to 1 and proxies the supplied SpinnerAdapter to display the prompt string for position less than 0. This has been tested on Android 1.5 through 4.2 but buyer beware Because this solution relies on reflection.. new Class SpinnerAdapter.class new SpinnerAdapterProxy obj Intercepts getView to display the prompt if position 0 protected class SpinnerAdapterProxy implements InvocationHandler protected SpinnerAdapter obj protected Method getView..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works parent.getContext convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.day_view_item parent false Log.d DayViewActivity Position is position TextView convertView.findViewById .setText array position LinearLayout layout LinearLayout..
find current location latitude and longitude latLongString Lat lat nLong lng else latLongString No location found myLocationText.setText Your Current Position is n latLongString After running it on emulator i always find no location found . Why this is so android share improve.. latLongString Lat lat nLong lng else latLongString No location found myLocationText.setText Your Current Position is n latLongString private final LocationListener locationListener new LocationListener public void onLocationChanged Location..
How to stop scrolling in a Gallery Widget? public void onItemClick AdapterView parent View v int position long id Toast.makeText GalleryExample.this Position position Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public class AddImgAdp extends BaseAdapter int GalItemBg private Context cont private..
Android: Animation Position Resets After Complete Animation Position Resets After Complete I'm using an xml defined animation to slide a view off the screen. The problem is as soon as the..
Android VideoView orientation change with buffered video 4 loc en_US touch 3 keys 1 1 2 nav 1 1 orien 2 layout 34 uiMode 17 seq 210 12 13 15 37 35.561 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Position X0 Y76 W480 H225 12 13 15 37 35.561 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Adjusted Position X1 Y0 W403 H225 12 13 15 37 35.561 1262 1268.. 12 13 15 37 35.561 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Position X0 Y76 W480 H225 12 13 15 37 35.561 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Adjusted Position X1 Y0 W403 H225 12 13 15 37 35.561 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Rotation 90 12 13 15 37 35.561 1262 1268 I Overlay v4l2_overlay_set_position.. 4 loc en_US touch 3 keys 1 1 2 nav 1 1 orien 2 layout 34 uiMode 17 seq 216 12 13 15 43 00.171 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Position X0 Y76 W480 H225 12 13 15 43 00.171 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Adjusted Position X138 Y0 W266 H225 12 13 15 43 00.171 1262 1268..
Android AdMob Position top of screen not working AdMob Position top of screen not working I am trying to integrate AdMob into my Android Application and can get it to work fine in the..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android lastLocation Log.d TAG Distance to last distance if l.distanceTo lastLocation minDistance force Log.d TAG Position didn't change return if l.getAccuracy lastLocation.getAccuracy l.distanceTo lastLocation l.getAccuracy force Log.d TAG..
Get focused View from ViewPager Standardmä ig ist news eingeblendet View view layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.news_fragment null Falls sich die Position verändert so verändert sich auch die View if position 0 view layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.favorite_fragment null else..
webserivce messages in listview with smileys tags inside text for smileys. For example when string occurs put a smiley. I created a Db and added 4 fields to it ID Position Special Character URL. So i was able to display the corresponding specialcharcter when clicked. When i submit how can i..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter awesomeAdapter awesomePager.setPageMargin 10 awesomePager.setOnPageChangeListener new OnPageChangeListener int lastPosition float posOffset 0 @Override public void onPageSelected int position viewerPage position CommonLogic.logMessage Viewer.. int position float positionOffset int positionOffsetPixels if positionOffset 0 positionOffsetPixels 0 position 0 lastPosition position posOffset positionOffset CommonLogic.logMessage Position position Position Offset positionOffset Position.. 0 positionOffsetPixels 0 position 0 lastPosition position posOffset positionOffset CommonLogic.logMessage Position position Position Offset positionOffset Position Offset Variable posOffset Position Offset Pixels positionOffsetPixels..
How to dynamically remove items from ListView on a button click? using the remove method of your ArrayAdapter . A possible way to do that would be Object toRemove arrayAdapter.getItem POSITION arrayAdapter.remove toRemove Another way would be to modify the ArrayList and call notifyDataSetChanged on the ArrayAdapter..
Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception edit new Intent getParent WebViewLink.class TabGroupActivity parentActivity TabGroupActivity getParent edit.putExtra POSITION FAQ parentActivity.startChildActivity WebViewLink edit I am getting error like this 08 19 13 44 49.955 ERROR AndroidRuntime.. this way for call new Activity There is no problem Intent edit new Intent getParent WebViewLink.class edit.putExtra POSITION FAQ More.this.startActivity edit you can see My class here public class WebViewLink extends Activity public.. edit you can see My class here public class WebViewLink extends Activity public static String POSITION position int position 0 private Button back private TextView ttl ProgressDialog myProgressDialog null private WebView webView..