android Programming Glossary: portrait
How to change an application icon programmatically in Android? keyboardHidden orientation android screenOrientation portrait android label @string app_name android theme @style CustomTheme..
How to make application completely ignore screen orientation change in Android? need to change two fields Screen orientation select either portrait or landscape whichever is desired. This will be the default..
How to disable orientation change in Android? I have an application that I just would like to use in portrait mode so I have defined android screenOrientation portrait in.. portrait mode so I have defined android screenOrientation portrait in the manifest XML. This works OK for the HTC magic phone and.. keyboard not the virtual keyboard . My activity stays in portrait mode but seems to get restarted and loses all its states. This..
Force an android activity to always use landscape mode application always in landscape mode despite my G1 is in portrait mode. Since android vnc viewer is open source I would like know.. This should change the program to switch from portrait to landscape when the user rotates the device. This may work..
Android - Camera preview is sideways displays the picture at an incorrect 90 degree angle in portrait mode. Such as in the picture I am aware that using the following.. is displayed correctly android camera orientation preview portrait share improve this question This issue appeared to start.. the HTC Desire 0 was the phone as you would have expected portrait 90 degrees was turning the phone 90 degrees COUNTER CLOCKWISE..
Activity restart on rotation Android and the layout just adjusts or 3. Limit the app to just portrait so that onCreate is not called. android rotation android activity..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget I am trying to change the layout of my application from portrait to landscape and vice versa. But if i do it frequently or more..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? as well as the camera parameters but the camera preview in portrait mode always comes upside down. I would need to rotate it by.. Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT p.set orientation portrait p.set rotation 90 if getResources .getConfiguration .orientation.. parameters camera.getParameters parameters.set orientation portrait camera.setParameters parameters Version 2.2 not for all devices..
Android - disable landscape mode? improve this question Add android screenOrientation portrait to the activity in the AndroidManifest.xml. For example activity.. android label @string app_name android screenOrientation portrait EDIT Since this has become a super popular answer I feel very.. a super popular answer I feel very guilty as forcing portrait is rarely the right solution to the problems it's frequently..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? To put it simply if you use the same layout for both portrait and landscape you're in good shape by doing the overwrite. Instead..
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? A 7 inch tablet can display 2 panes split vertically in Portrait and split horizontally in landscape mode. A 10 inch tablet can.. A 10 inch tablet can display 2 panes split vertically in Portrait 3 panes split horizontally in landscape. For simplicity lets..
Force a camera to always open in portrait mode in android be in portrait mode I tried the following answer Force Portrait Mode but didn't work Thanks android android intent android..
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? bar true d status bar d software d state default true name Portrait d description The device in portrait orientation d description..
Zxing Camera in Portrait mode on Android Camera in Portrait mode on Android I want to show portrait orientation on Zxing..
Canvas containing bitmap size proper adjustment in landscape and portrait mode of the grid chart buttons are narrowed to a single letter. Portrait mode In portrait mode there is only 1 side viz right side only..
How do I specify different layouts for portrait and landscape orientations? two separate layout xml files for an activity one for Portrait and one for Landscape. I've not been to find any information..
Android Camera in Portrait on SurfaceView Camera in Portrait on SurfaceView I tried several things to try to get the camera..
Check orientation on Android phone How can I check if the Android phone is in Landscape or Portrait java android orientation share improve this question The..
Can Android's WebView automatically resize huge images? to the Screen Width. This works for both Orientations Portrait and Landscape webview.getSettings .setLayoutAlgorithm LayoutAlgorithm.SINGLE_COLUMN..
Android - Camera preview is sideways And leave the rest of my Activity correctly displayed in Portrait mode Or anyway to rotate the preview so that it is displayed..
Android: Capturing the return of an activity text fields. Requirement is that the application runs in Portrait mode. All 3 tabs work as expected w the exception of the Camera..
android camera surfaceview orientation camera this all work great because when the orientation is Portrait from surfaceCreated m_camera Camera.Parameters p..
Picture distorted with Camera and getOptimalPreviewSize This line helped me set the preview Display Orientation to Portrait Only works API Level 8 and higher unfortunately. camera.setDisplayOrientation..
Portrait for phone, landscape for Tablet (Android-Layout) for phone landscape for Tablet Android Layout So I'm making.. and I want to force Landscape orientation for tablets and Portrait orientation for phones. However it seems as though I can only.. orientations for devices. Tablets Landscape Phones Portrait To put it more technical. I have a layout in res layout xlarge..
IllegalStateException when replacing a Fragment to newInstance int it's based upon the clicked button. Portrait Orientation L click R In portrait orientation it just..
Android: Detect Orientation Changed I want to detect if the user made the complete movement Portrait Landscape or Landscape Portrait. Thanks for the help Filipe.. made the complete movement Portrait Landscape or Landscape Portrait. Thanks for the help Filipe android android layout screen orientation.. 90 THRESHOLD orientation 90 THRESHOLD private boolean isPortrait int orientation return orientation 360 THRESHOLD orientation..
How to keep Popup window opened when orientation changes at run time in Android? to Landscape else Log.i orientation Orientation changed to Portrait for preview download and install this sample app . share improve..
How to change an application icon programmatically in Android? name android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation android screenOrientation portrait android label @string app_name android theme @style CustomTheme android launchMode singleTask intent filter action android..
How to make application completely ignore screen orientation change in Android? for the orientation change behavior. Within Attributes you need to change two fields Screen orientation select either portrait or landscape whichever is desired. This will be the default layout. Select events for Config changes you wish to override..
How to disable orientation change in Android? to disable orientation change in Android I have an application that I just would like to use in portrait mode so I have defined android screenOrientation portrait in the manifest XML. This works OK for the HTC magic phone and.. I have an application that I just would like to use in portrait mode so I have defined android screenOrientation portrait in the manifest XML. This works OK for the HTC magic phone and prevents orientation changes on other phones as well . But.. a problem with the HTC G1 phone as i open the hardware qwerty keyboard not the virtual keyboard . My activity stays in portrait mode but seems to get restarted and loses all its states. This does not happen with the hero version. My application is..
Force an android activity to always use landscape mode using android vnc viewer on my G1. But for some reason that application always in landscape mode despite my G1 is in portrait mode. Since android vnc viewer is open source I would like know how is it possible hard code an activity to be 'landscape'... activity android screenOrientation sensor android name VncCanvasActivity This should change the program to switch from portrait to landscape when the user rotates the device. This may work but might mess up how the GUI looks depending on how the layout..
Android - Camera preview is sideways surface set and the surface is displayed. However it always displays the picture at an incorrect 90 degree angle in portrait mode. Such as in the picture I am aware that using the following code will set the picture straight setRequestedOrientation.. in Portrait mode Or anyway to rotate the preview so that it is displayed correctly android camera orientation preview portrait share improve this question This issue appeared to start out as a bug with certain hardware see here but can be overcome.. watched the logCat output while I rotated the device. For the HTC Desire 0 was the phone as you would have expected portrait 90 degrees was turning the phone 90 degrees COUNTER CLOCKWISE I had assumed it would have been clockwise . In the code you'll..
Activity restart on rotation Android device rotation or 2. Make it so onCreate is not called again and the layout just adjusts or 3. Limit the app to just portrait so that onCreate is not called. android rotation android activity share improve this question Using the Application..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget bitmap size exceeds VM budget I am trying to change the layout of my application from portrait to landscape and vice versa. But if i do it frequently or more than once then at times my application crashes.. Below is..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? nothing seems to be working. I tried to rotate the Surface as well as the camera parameters but the camera preview in portrait mode always comes upside down. I would need to rotate it by 90 degree clockwise for it to be correct. Here is the code I.. most of devices if getResources .getConfiguration .orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT p.set orientation portrait p.set rotation 90 if getResources .getConfiguration .orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE p.set orientation.. XPeria X10 but it is good for X8 and Mini Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters parameters.set orientation portrait camera.setParameters parameters Version 2.2 not for all devices camera.setDisplayOrientation 90 http p android..
Android - disable landscape mode? in my Android app android orientation android manifest share improve this question Add android screenOrientation portrait to the activity in the AndroidManifest.xml. For example activity android name .SomeActivity android label @string app_name.. For example activity android name .SomeActivity android label @string app_name android screenOrientation portrait EDIT Since this has become a super popular answer I feel very guilty as forcing portrait is rarely the right solution to.. android screenOrientation portrait EDIT Since this has become a super popular answer I feel very guilty as forcing portrait is rarely the right solution to the problems it's frequently applied to. The major caveats with forced portrait This does..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? up. However this speed does come with a price of convenience. To put it simply if you use the same layout for both portrait and landscape you're in good shape by doing the overwrite. Instead of a full blown reload of the activity the views will..
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? pane at a time regardless of portrait landscape orientation A 7 inch tablet can display 2 panes split vertically in Portrait and split horizontally in landscape mode. A 10 inch tablet can display 2 panes split vertically in Portrait 3 panes split.. in Portrait and split horizontally in landscape mode. A 10 inch tablet can display 2 panes split vertically in Portrait 3 panes split horizontally in landscape. For simplicity lets keep TV screens out of the discussion. Now translating this..
Force a camera to always open in portrait mode in android is even if the user flipped the device the camera will still be in portrait mode I tried the following answer Force Portrait Mode but didn't work Thanks android android intent android camera share improve this question As of API lvl 8 this..
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? d gl extensions d status bar true d status bar d software d state default true name Portrait d description The device in portrait orientation d description d screen orientation port d screen orientation d keyboard..
Zxing Camera in Portrait mode on Android Camera in Portrait mode on Android I want to show portrait orientation on Zxing 's camera. How can this be done android zxing landscape portrait..
Canvas containing bitmap size proper adjustment in landscape and portrait mode Chart font covers the sides of the grid on both sides of the grid chart buttons are narrowed to a single letter. Portrait mode In portrait mode there is only 1 side viz right side only containing fragment 2 . The 7' screen tablet device is small..
How do I specify different layouts for portrait and landscape orientations? orientations I've seen references to being able to specify two separate layout xml files for an activity one for Portrait and one for Landscape. I've not been to find any information on how to do that though. How do I specify for each activity..
Android Camera in Portrait on SurfaceView Camera in Portrait on SurfaceView I tried several things to try to get the camera preview to show up in portrait on a SurfaceView . Nothing..
Check orientation on Android phone orientation on Android phone How can I check if the Android phone is in Landscape or Portrait java android orientation share improve this question The current configuration as used to determine which resources..
Can Android's WebView automatically resize huge images? It resizes all Images Greater than the Device Screen Width to the Screen Width. This works for both Orientations Portrait and Landscape webview.getSettings .setLayoutAlgorithm LayoutAlgorithm.SINGLE_COLUMN You can add extra margins padding later..
Android - Camera preview is sideways is there anyway to just change the orientation of the Preview And leave the rest of my Activity correctly displayed in Portrait mode Or anyway to rotate the preview so that it is displayed correctly android camera orientation preview portrait share..
Android: Capturing the return of an activity view A contains gMap activity B camera activity C some random text fields. Requirement is that the application runs in Portrait mode. All 3 tabs work as expected w the exception of the Camera Preview Surface B . It is rotated 90 degrees. They only..
android camera surfaceview orientation surfaceHolder surfaceDestroyed calls stopPreview release camera this all work great because when the orientation is Portrait from surfaceCreated m_camera Camera.Parameters p m_camera.getParameters if getResources .getConfiguration .orientation..
Picture distorted with Camera and getOptimalPreviewSize SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height This line helped me set the preview Display Orientation to Portrait Only works API Level 8 and higher unfortunately. camera.setDisplayOrientation 90 Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters..
Portrait for phone, landscape for Tablet (Android-Layout) for phone landscape for Tablet Android Layout So I'm making an application for Android and I want to force Landscape orientation.. Android Layout So I'm making an application for Android and I want to force Landscape orientation for tablets and Portrait orientation for phones. However it seems as though I can only do an orientation lock from what I've seen which defeats the.. what I've seen which defeats the purpose of wanting two separate orientations for devices. Tablets Landscape Phones Portrait To put it more technical. I have a layout in res layout xlarge land for landscaping on the tablet and I have the original..
IllegalStateException when replacing a Fragment What makes different those two instances is a parameter passed to newInstance int it's based upon the clicked button. Portrait Orientation L click R In portrait orientation it just shows the fragment leftPort has the same layout as leftLand..
Android: Detect Orientation Changed more complex than if 90 THRESHOLD orientation 90 THRESHOLD I want to detect if the user made the complete movement Portrait Landscape or Landscape Portrait. Thanks for the help Filipe android android layout screen orientation share improve this.. orientation 90 THRESHOLD I want to detect if the user made the complete movement Portrait Landscape or Landscape Portrait. Thanks for the help Filipe android android layout screen orientation share improve this question Ok after trying to.. private boolean isLandscape int orientation return orientation 90 THRESHOLD orientation 90 THRESHOLD private boolean isPortrait int orientation return orientation 360 THRESHOLD orientation 360 orientation 0 orientation THRESHOLD public boolean canShow..
How to keep Popup window opened when orientation changes at run time in Android?
bitmap size exceeds Vm budget error android share improve this question I also had the same problem OOME because of bitmaps. When orientation changes from PORTRAIT to LANDSCAPE and vice versa the previous UI is completely discarded and a new UI is loaded and displayed In this case if..
Tab Widget Issue when use android:configChanges=“orientation|keyboardHidden” in Grid View but working for other Tab Log.e On Config Change LANDSCAPE gridView.setNumColumns 6 else Log.e On Config Change PORTRAIT gridView.setNumColumns 4 Generally we are adding either android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation tag under activity..
Camera preview on Android - strange on Samsung Galaxy S static final String ORIENTATION orientation private static final String ROTATION rotation private static final String PORTRAIT portrait private static final String LANDSCAPE landscape public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder camera Surface.ROTATION_90 Parameters p camera.getParameters p.setPictureSize IMAGE_WIDTH IMAGE_HEIGHT p.set ORIENTATION PORTRAIT p.set ROTATION 90 p.setPreviewSize 640 480 Camera.Size s p.getSupportedPreviewSizes .get 0 Log.d APP preview params s.width..
How do I use a service to monitor Orientation change in Android .orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE it's Landscape Log.d TAG LANDSCAPE else Log.d TAG PORTRAIT and here is the part to define MyService in manifest file Services service android enabled true android name
Why isn't my fragments onSaveInstanceState() being called? the pre 3.0 support package for fragments brought in through ActionBarSherlock. LogCat gives me BEFORE SCREEN ROTATION PORTRAIT 02 23 11 45 58.015 I TestFragment 22629 onCreate NULL 02 23 11 45 58.015 I TestFragment 22629 onCreateView 02 23 11 45 58.035..