android Programming Glossary: poorly
Android: got CalledFromWrongThreadException in onPostExecute() - How could it be? AsyncTask always Runs on the UI thread ref someone decided poorly that instead of the AsyncTask always running on its creation.. the correct UI thread they decided to use hocus pocus or a poorly crafted shortcut you decide to execute on the main looper ....
Proper way to handle action bar up button? It plays the wrong animation and handles multitasking poorly. How do I set this up right Here's the part in my Main activity..
Android AsyncTask for Long Running Operations AsyncTask have two main issues that are related they are poorly tied to the activity life cycle the create memory leaks very..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match some difficulties with this since the MediaCodecAPI is poorly documented but I've gotten something to work at last. I'm setting..
How to handle RTL languages on pre 4.2 versions of Android? in advance what help the framework is going to need. No or poorly thought out framework level awareness of right to left issues...
Android - can I mute currently playing audio applications? be pretty horrible for a while. The APIs are pretty weird poorly documented and keep changing deprecating breaking between versions...
Streaming to the Android MediaPlayer as I was streaming to it. The Media Player behaved very poorly if its playback buffer was emptied while it was playing audio...
Background Image Placement @drawables my_drawable . The drawable XML format is very poorly documented in the Android site though so it's definitely not..
Android compilation is slow (using Eclipse) step is the one that takes longer because it's really poorly optimized the ADT plugin doesn't cache anything it just retranslates..
what's design pattern principle in the Android development? but I beginning to see a method to their madness. It's poorly explained by the android documentation. My biggest gripe has..
How to set the Android Live Wallpaper icon (aka “thumbnail”) I think I need to add some info to this question as it poorly describes my problem sorry . I have all the res drawable hml..
Android: Raw image callback supported devices if raw support is rare then it's not used by many apps poorly tested and so raw could be anything. JPEG is very much used..
Android: Proper Way to use onBackPressed() have my code working to an extent but I know it is written poorly and I assume there is a better way to do it. Any suggestions..
Android to node.js communication the last I looked it's websocket implementation was rather poorly implemented. I'm currently working on a project at the moment..
GridView with different column sizes GridView 's layoutChildren function although it's pretty poorly documented. Our implementation has a check for a special view..
What is the difference between total installs and active installs in the Android market? app store like Amazon app store. And don't forget that a poorly designed and rated app is far less likely to be downloaded...
How to handle RESTful update of remote server with SyncAdapter avoiding SyncAdapter completely it's documented very poorly and the automatic account authentication management comes at.. incrementing it's various error counts etc. Again very poorly documented and a PITA to get working. parseXML leverages the..
honeycomb sync adapter features for editing contacts Gingerbread integrated editing of 3rd party contacts is poorly supported. The trick is to insert a data row Edit in MyApp which..
Android: got CalledFromWrongThreadException in onPostExecute() - How could it be? an application can have more than one UI thread and an AsyncTask always Runs on the UI thread ref someone decided poorly that instead of the AsyncTask always running on its creation thread which in 99.999999 of cases would be the correct UI.. on its creation thread which in 99.999999 of cases would be the correct UI thread they decided to use hocus pocus or a poorly crafted shortcut you decide to execute on the main looper .. example Log.i AsyncTask Handler created ON Thread.currentThread..
Proper way to handle action bar up button? button is pressed but it's hacky and doesn't really work right. It plays the wrong animation and handles multitasking poorly. How do I set this up right Here's the part in my Main activity that launches the About Intent aboutIntent new Intent MainActivity.this..
Android AsyncTask for Long Running Operations an Android Programmer to fully understand the issue. Indeed AsyncTask have two main issues that are related they are poorly tied to the activity life cycle the create memory leaks very easily. Inside the RoboSpice Motivations app available on Google..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match tablet using the new low level MediaCodec . I have gone through some difficulties with this since the MediaCodecAPI is poorly documented but I've gotten something to work at last. I'm setting up the camera as follows Camera.Parameters parameters..
How to handle RTL languages on pre 4.2 versions of Android? among Android versions it is difficult to predict in advance what help the framework is going to need. No or poorly thought out framework level awareness of right to left issues. For instance good luck getting the scroll bar to display..
Android - can I mute currently playing audio applications? this question Audio handling on Android is going to be pretty horrible for a while. The APIs are pretty weird poorly documented and keep changing deprecating breaking between versions. Even the AudioManager code has FIXMEs in it. Anyway..
Streaming to the Android MediaPlayer anything else. The Android Media Player was playing the music as I was streaming to it. The Media Player behaved very poorly if its playback buffer was emptied while it was playing audio. It was very important for me to make sure my HTTP server..
Background Image Placement left And then set this drawable xml as your view's background @drawables my_drawable . The drawable XML format is very poorly documented in the Android site though so it's definitely not an easy problem to figure out how to solve on your own. share..
Android compilation is slow (using Eclipse) the ones coming from referenced libraries. This last translation step is the one that takes longer because it's really poorly optimized the ADT plugin doesn't cache anything it just retranslates every class at every build and it's painfully slow..
what's design pattern principle in the Android development? this question Android's architecture annoyed me at first but I beginning to see a method to their madness. It's poorly explained by the android documentation. My biggest gripe has always been that it's hard to have a centralized data model..
How to set the Android Live Wallpaper icon (aka “thumbnail”) file has an application icon specified as @drawable icon Update I think I need to add some info to this question as it poorly describes my problem sorry . I have all the res drawable hml dpi icons. I named them all icon.png . My manifest file contains..
Android: Raw image callback supported devices worth considering too. I think I would go that route because if raw support is rare then it's not used by many apps poorly tested and so raw could be anything. JPEG is very much used so it's properly tested that's important. share improve this..
Android: Proper Way to use onBackPressed() to press back again if they would like to exit. I currently have my code working to an extent but I know it is written poorly and I assume there is a better way to do it. Any suggestions would be helpful Code public void onBackPressed backpress backpress..
Android to node.js communication of 76 and 75. As for I can't comment too much but the last I looked it's websocket implementation was rather poorly implemented. I'm currently working on a project at the moment called node websocket protocol which will be able to be used..
GridView with different column sizes good stuff . We found that you CAN do this if you override GridView 's layoutChildren function although it's pretty poorly documented. Our implementation has a check for a special view and for if the new layout has already been implemented @Override..
What is the difference between total installs and active installs in the Android market?
How to handle RESTful update of remote server with SyncAdapter in later APIs but as it was... I would strongly recommend avoiding SyncAdapter completely it's documented very poorly and the automatic account authentication management comes at a high price as the API for it is also convoluted and under.. to do exponential backoff etc. I use it in the executeRequest incrementing it's various error counts etc. Again very poorly documented and a PITA to get working. parseXML leverages the superb Simple XML lib . public synchronized void processRequest..
honeycomb sync adapter features for editing contacts employee states In releases of Android from Eclair through Gingerbread integrated editing of 3rd party contacts is poorly supported. The trick is to insert a data row Edit in MyApp which would take the user to your app and your app would then..