android Programming Glossary: postdata
GCM Push Notification with Asp.Net string.Format Sender id 0 SENDER_ID string postData 'registration_id' ' regId ' 'data' 'message' ' txtMsg.Text '.. ' regId ' 'data' 'message' ' txtMsg.Text ' string postData collapse_key score_update time_to_live 108 delay_while_idle.. registration_id regId Console.WriteLine postData Byte byteArray Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes postData tRequest.ContentLength..
http post method passing null values to the server vendorUrl resultfinal context.startActivity in postData tag_text.setTextSize 16 return view Hi i am new to android..
Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP) know how to include add the XML data itself. public void postData Create a new HttpClient and Post Header HttpClient httpclient..
Sending POST data in Android example of how to do HTTP Post using it. public void postData Create a new HttpClient and Post Header HttpClient httpclient..
how to add parameters in android http post? I have added the code from the link above... public void postData Create a new HttpClient and Post Header HttpClient httpclient..
Android Webview POST URL_STRING http postreceiver public void postData throws IOException ClientProtocolException List NameValuePair.. URL_STRING http postreceiver public void postData throws IOException ClientProtocolException List NameValuePair..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? msg box showing login error how can i do that public void postData Create a new HttpClient and Post Header HttpClient httpclient..
Android C2DM Push Notification Send a sync message to this Android device. StringBuilder postDataBuilder new StringBuilder postDataBuilder.append PARAM_REGISTRATION_ID.. device. StringBuilder postDataBuilder new StringBuilder postDataBuilder.append PARAM_REGISTRATION_ID .append .append YOUR_REGISTRATION_STRING.. .append YOUR_REGISTRATION_STRING if delayWhileIdle postDataBuilder.append .append PARAM_DELAY_WHILE_IDLE .append 1 postDataBuilder.append..
Send data from android to server via JSON HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost Log.i postData response.getStatusLine .toString Could do something better..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ String message throws IOException StringBuilder postDataBuilder new StringBuilder postDataBuilder.append PARAM_REGISTRATION_ID.. StringBuilder postDataBuilder new StringBuilder postDataBuilder.append PARAM_REGISTRATION_ID .append .append registrationId.. PARAM_REGISTRATION_ID .append .append registrationId postDataBuilder.append .append PARAM_COLLAPSE_KEY .append .append 1..
HTTP POST response into WebView in android ZHttpPostProjActivity.this Loading... postData private final String URL_REGISTER https checkout.. URL_REGISTER https checkout public void postData BufferedReader bufferedReader null try List NameValuePair nameValuePairs..
How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android? Context context LayoutInflater mInflater ArrayList PostData mPostingData null private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2.. Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 private Bitmap mIcon3 PostData mp public CustomListView Context c super c 0 mInflater LayoutInflater.. else return 0 public void setData ArrayList PostData mPpst mPostingData mPpst public Object getItem int arg0 TODO..
implement search on a custom listview requirement. I have used a custom Filter. ArrayList PostData mPostingData null arraylist of class items ArrayList PostData.. mPostingData null arraylist of class items ArrayList PostData mTemp new ArrayList PostData temporary arraylist of class items.. of class items ArrayList PostData mTemp new ArrayList PostData temporary arraylist of class items ArrayList PostData mOri new..
GCM Push Notification with Asp.Net string.Format Authorization key 0 applicationID tRequest.Headers.Add string.Format Sender id 0 SENDER_ID string postData 'registration_id' ' regId ' 'data' 'message' ' txtMsg.Text ' string postData collapse_key score_update time_to_live 108.. Sender id 0 SENDER_ID string postData 'registration_id' ' regId ' 'data' 'message' ' txtMsg.Text ' string postData collapse_key score_update time_to_live 108 delay_while_idle 1 data.message value data.time System.DateTime.Now.ToString.. delay_while_idle 1 data.message value data.time System.DateTime.Now.ToString registration_id regId Console.WriteLine postData Byte byteArray Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes postData tRequest.ContentLength byteArray.Length Stream dataStream tRequest.GetRequestStream..
http post method passing null values to the server stub Intent in new Intent context LinkWebView.class in.putExtra vendorUrl resultfinal context.startActivity in postData tag_text.setTextSize 16 return view Hi i am new to android and I am trying to pass values from the url to the server..
Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP) via HTTP. I found this snipped for sending a POST but i dont know how to include add the XML data itself. public void postData Create a new HttpClient and Post Header HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httppost new HttpPost http..
Sending POST data in Android the way to go. It is already included in android. Here's a simple example of how to do HTTP Post using it. public void postData Create a new HttpClient and Post Header HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httppost new HttpPost http..
how to add parameters in android http post? new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs UPDATE I have added the code from the link above... public void postData Create a new HttpClient and Post Header HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httppost new HttpPost http..
Android Webview POST suggestions Much Thanks Solution private static final String URL_STRING http postreceiver public void postData throws IOException ClientProtocolException List NameValuePair nameValuePairs new ArrayList NameValuePair nameValuePairs.add.. improve this question Try this private static final String URL_STRING http postreceiver public void postData throws IOException ClientProtocolException List NameValuePair nameValuePairs new ArrayList NameValuePair nameValuePairs.add..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? page if the login success then go to next screen else show a msg box showing login error how can i do that public void postData Create a new HttpClient and Post Header HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httppost new HttpPost http..
Android C2DM Push Notification Tag Started String auth_key prefManager.getString AUTH n a Send a sync message to this Android device. StringBuilder postDataBuilder new StringBuilder postDataBuilder.append PARAM_REGISTRATION_ID .append .append YOUR_REGISTRATION_STRING if delayWhileIdle.. AUTH n a Send a sync message to this Android device. StringBuilder postDataBuilder new StringBuilder postDataBuilder.append PARAM_REGISTRATION_ID .append .append YOUR_REGISTRATION_STRING if delayWhileIdle postDataBuilder.append .append.. StringBuilder postDataBuilder.append PARAM_REGISTRATION_ID .append .append YOUR_REGISTRATION_STRING if delayWhileIdle postDataBuilder.append .append PARAM_DELAY_WHILE_IDLE .append 1 postDataBuilder.append .append PARAM_COLLAPSE_KEY .append .append..
Send data from android to server via JSON httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity data HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost Log.i postData response.getStatusLine .toString Could do something better with response. catch Exception e Log.e log_tag Error e.toString..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ static String sendMessage String auth_token String registrationId String message throws IOException StringBuilder postDataBuilder new StringBuilder postDataBuilder.append PARAM_REGISTRATION_ID .append .append registrationId postDataBuilder.append.. auth_token String registrationId String message throws IOException StringBuilder postDataBuilder new StringBuilder postDataBuilder.append PARAM_REGISTRATION_ID .append .append registrationId postDataBuilder.append .append PARAM_COLLAPSE_KEY .append.. postDataBuilder new StringBuilder postDataBuilder.append PARAM_REGISTRATION_ID .append .append registrationId postDataBuilder.append .append PARAM_COLLAPSE_KEY .append .append 1 postDataBuilder.append .append data.payload .append .append..
HTTP POST response into WebView in android true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true progressBar ZHttpPostProjActivity.this Loading... postData private final String URL_REGISTER https checkout public void postData BufferedReader bufferedReader null.. Loading... postData private final String URL_REGISTER https checkout public void postData BufferedReader bufferedReader null try List NameValuePair nameValuePairs new ArrayList NameValuePair nameValuePairs.add..
How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android? Have a Look at the code. class CustomListView extends ArrayAdapter Context context LayoutInflater mInflater ArrayList PostData mPostingData null private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 private Bitmap mIcon3 PostData mp public CustomListView Context.. mInflater ArrayList PostData mPostingData null private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 private Bitmap mIcon3 PostData mp public CustomListView Context c super c 0 mInflater LayoutInflater c.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE.. Auto generated method stub if mPostingData null return mPostingData.size else return 0 public void setData ArrayList PostData mPpst mPostingData mPpst public Object getItem int arg0 TODO Auto generated method stub return arg0 public View getView..
implement search on a custom listview search listview share improve this question I had a similar requirement. I have used a custom Filter. ArrayList PostData mPostingData null arraylist of class items ArrayList PostData mTemp new ArrayList PostData temporary arraylist of class.. requirement. I have used a custom Filter. ArrayList PostData mPostingData null arraylist of class items ArrayList PostData mTemp new ArrayList PostData temporary arraylist of class items ArrayList PostData mOri new ArrayList PostData Original.. a custom Filter. ArrayList PostData mPostingData null arraylist of class items ArrayList PostData mTemp new ArrayList PostData temporary arraylist of class items ArrayList PostData mOri new ArrayList PostData Original arraylist getListView .setTextFilterEnabled..