android Programming Glossary: pop
How to programmatically enable GPS in Android Cupcake can't starting with Android 1.5. The most you can do is pop open the activity to allow the user to toggle it on off. Use..
Pop up window over Android native incoming call screen like true caller Android app Android and on getting incoming calls I want to inflate an pop up over the native incoming call screen. I completed that code... listing the code My broadcast receiver package com.example.popwindowonincomingcallscreen import java.util.concurrent.Executors..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentByTag TAB_1_TAG .popFragment else if currentTabTag.equals TAB_2_TAG isPopFragment.. getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentByTag TAB_2_TAG .popFragment else if currentTabTag.equals TAB_3_TAG isPopFragment.. getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentByTag TAB_3_TAG .popFragment else if currentTabTag.equals TAB_4_TAG isPopFragment..
Android: Storing username and password? the preferences screen but what if the user misses this or pop up a dialog box and ask the user for the credentials If so I..
Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0? working example that displays a PopupWindow java android popupwindow share improve this question I created a working.. layout XML and assign the appropriate parent view to the pop up. popup_example.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout.. XML and assign the appropriate parent view to the pop up. popup_example.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns..
How to register some URL namespace (myapp://app.start/) for accessing your program by calling a URL in browser in Android OS? browser a la a href myapp mysettings Foo a my app would pop up and run using the params sent in that URL. So how do I do..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] sake of this example n 4 int 50 25 70 32 16 18 98 73 You pop the 2nd ball which disappears your int becomes n 3 int 50 25..
How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android? these changes to spinningwheel.js . His code wants to pop up the picker from the bottom of the screen with cancel and..
Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager happens a soundId is dropped into a stack which I then pop whenever my timeout occurs. This allows me to kill a stream..
Android popup window dismissal popup window dismissal I have a popup window displaying when I.. popup window dismissal I have a popup window displaying when I click an item in my list activity... registering a onkeylistener to the view I'm passing to my popup window. Like this pop.setOnKeyListener new View.OnKeyListener..
How to develop a soft keyboard for Android? to a normal QWERTY one. If that doesn't work can I use a pop up dialog instead android keyboard share improve this question..
Application idle time application's idle time so that after 15 mins it will pop up a message irrespective of activity. what is the best method.. if idle period idle 0 do something here e.g. call popup or so while stop Log.d TAG Finishing Waiter thread public..
AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver?? Can it be done? Can it be done I am working on a app that will pop up a Dialog box if I get SMS message. I am trying to code this..
Can the Android Layout folder contain subfolders? using R.layout. _ at that time there is no any xml layout pop up inside the menu. android android layout share improve..
Supporting Amazon and Android market links inside application it against the Amazon TOS to give the user a choice say I pop up a dialog instead and ask the user where to download from..
How to set a reminder in Android? the intent to add an event on the calendar This will pop up the Calendar application and let the user add the event... the user add the event. You can pass some parameters to prepopulate fields Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance Intent intent..
Soft Keyboard shows up on EditText focus ONLY once keyboard and tap the EditText I don't get the keyboard to pop up ever again. Only way out is to the start the Activity again...
Android and Facebook share intent to allow the user to do it via the regular Share Intent pop up window seen here I have tried the usual share intent code..
Android - Start service on boot .show Log.d TAG onStart This will pop up everytime you start the device after executing the Applicaton..
How to tell if the sdcard is mounted in Android? a way to tell if the usb is mounted so that I could just pop up a message informing the user that it won't work android..
How to programmatically enable GPS in Android Cupcake android gps android 1.5 share improve this question You can't starting with Android 1.5. The most you can do is pop open the activity to allow the user to toggle it on off. Use the action held in android.provider.Settings.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS..
Pop up window over Android native incoming call screen like true caller Android app I am developing a broadcast receiver for in coming calls in Android and on getting incoming calls I want to inflate an pop up over the native incoming call screen. I completed that code. But now the problem is that in the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.. called but the code under it doesn't get executed. I am listing the code My broadcast receiver package com.example.popwindowonincomingcallscreen import java.util.concurrent.Executors import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService import..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? TAB_1_TAG isPopFragment BaseContainerFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentByTag TAB_1_TAG .popFragment else if currentTabTag.equals TAB_2_TAG isPopFragment BaseContainerFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentByTag.. TAB_2_TAG isPopFragment BaseContainerFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentByTag TAB_2_TAG .popFragment else if currentTabTag.equals TAB_3_TAG isPopFragment BaseContainerFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentByTag.. TAB_3_TAG isPopFragment BaseContainerFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentByTag TAB_3_TAG .popFragment else if currentTabTag.equals TAB_4_TAG isPopFragment BaseContainerFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentByTag..
Android: Storing username and password? application what is the best way to do it Is it through the preferences screen but what if the user misses this or pop up a dialog box and ask the user for the credentials If so I do have to maintain state for the application. How would I..
Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0? removed such as Activity.getViewInflate . Is there a simple working example that displays a PopupWindow java android popupwindow share improve this question I created a working example based on this Google Groups post. To create a simple.. the PopupWindow. Invoke the PopupWindow by inflating the layout XML and assign the appropriate parent view to the pop up. popup_example.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android.. PopupWindow. Invoke the PopupWindow by inflating the layout XML and assign the appropriate parent view to the pop up. popup_example.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android..
How to register some URL namespace (myapp://app.start/) for accessing your program by calling a URL in browser in Android OS? phone user clicks on special button on a web page inside a web browser a la a href myapp mysettings Foo a my app would pop up and run using the params sent in that URL. So how do I do such thing I need a tutorial with code java android browser..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] 16 18 98 73 . Well here's your abstraction simplified for the sake of this example n 4 int 50 25 70 32 16 18 98 73 You pop the 2nd ball which disappears your int becomes n 3 int 50 25 98 73 16 18 98 73 notice how we don't even care about cleaning..
How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android? Matteo Spinelli so start by downloading his code and then apply these changes to spinningwheel.js . His code wants to pop up the picker from the bottom of the screen with cancel and done buttons so we need to modify a few lines to eliminate this..
Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager Next we queue up sounds with playSound . Each time this happens a soundId is dropped into a stack which I then pop whenever my timeout occurs. This allows me to kill a stream after it has played and reuse it again. I choose 20 streams..
Android popup window dismissal popup window dismissal I have a popup window displaying when I click an item in my list activity. The problem is that the back.. popup window dismissal I have a popup window displaying when I click an item in my list activity. The problem is that the back key doesn't close it. I tried.. my list activity but it doesn't register it...then I tried registering a onkeylistener to the view I'm passing to my popup window. Like this pop.setOnKeyListener new View.OnKeyListener @Override public boolean onKey View v int keyCode KeyEvent..
How to develop a soft keyboard for Android? key press e.g. to display a custom input interface different to a normal QWERTY one. If that doesn't work can I use a pop up dialog instead android keyboard share improve this question Some tips Read this tutorial Creating an Input Method..
Application idle time application there are three activities A B C A. I want to detect application's idle time so that after 15 mins it will pop up a message irrespective of activity. what is the best method to implement this. android share improve this question.. catch InterruptedException e Log.d TAG Waiter interrupted if idle period idle 0 do something here e.g. call popup or so while stop Log.d TAG Finishing Waiter thread public synchronized void touch lastUsed System.currentTimeMillis..
AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver?? Can it be done? Can it be done AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver Can it be done I am working on a app that will pop up a Dialog box if I get SMS message. I am trying to code this within a BroadcaseReceiver. But I cant use this line of code..
Can the Android Layout folder contain subfolders? folder but when the time comes to access the xml layout file using R.layout. _ at that time there is no any xml layout pop up inside the menu. android android layout share improve this question The answer is no. I would like to draw your..
Supporting Amazon and Android market links inside application point the user automatically to one or the other Secondly is it against the Amazon TOS to give the user a choice say I pop up a dialog instead and ask the user where to download from Thanks all. Edit Direct from Amazon customer service Re Link..
How to set a reminder in Android? into the user's calendar. You've got a couple of choices Calling the intent to add an event on the calendar This will pop up the Calendar application and let the user add the event. You can pass some parameters to prepopulate fields Calendar.. calendar This will pop up the Calendar application and let the user add the event. You can pass some parameters to prepopulate fields Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT intent.setType
Soft Keyboard shows up on EditText focus ONLY once However when I press the back button to dismiss the keyboard and tap the EditText I don't get the keyboard to pop up ever again. Only way out is to the start the Activity again. Here's what my code looks like EditText editText EditText..
Android and Facebook share intent SDK it appears that this is easy enough to do however I'm keen to allow the user to do it via the regular Share Intent pop up window seen here I have tried the usual share intent code however this no longer appears to work for Facebook. public..
Android - Start service on boot intents Toast.makeText this My Service Started Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Log.d TAG onStart This will pop up everytime you start the device after executing the Applicaton once. public class hello extends Activity public void onCreate..
How to tell if the sdcard is mounted in Android? read the list of images on the disk. Does anyone know of a way to tell if the usb is mounted so that I could just pop up a message informing the user that it won't work android android sdcard share improve this question If you're trying..
Pop up window over Android native incoming call screen like true caller Android app up window over Android native incoming call screen like true caller Android app Update 09 May 2013 I tried to implement..
Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0? there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0 I looked online and was not able to find a working example of the PopupWindow class. The.. example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0 I looked online and was not able to find a working example of the PopupWindow class. The code examples I found online either compile but do not work or are using methods which have since been.. which have since been removed such as Activity.getViewInflate . Is there a simple working example that displays a PopupWindow java android popupwindow share improve this question I created a working example based on this Google Groups..
Trying to draw textured triangles on device fails, but the emulator works. Why? Draw the vertices as triangles gl.glDrawElements GL10.GL_TRIANGLES indices.length GL10.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE indexBuffer Pop the matrix back to where we left it gl.glPopMatrix Disable the client state before leaving gl.glDisableClientState GL10.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY.. GL10.GL_TRIANGLES indices.length GL10.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE indexBuffer Pop the matrix back to where we left it gl.glPopMatrix Disable the client state before leaving gl.glDisableClientState GL10.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY gl.glDisableClientState GL10.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY..
Android - MapView contained within a Listview Location curGroupMap.put ICON R.drawable.map_icon else curGroupMap.put ICON R.drawable.icon Pop on the Name and Value curGroupMap.put NAME keyName curGroupMap.put VALUE value curGroupMap new HashMap String Object..
How to launch a PopupWindow or Dialog from an input method service? to launch a PopupWindow or Dialog from an input method service I get the same exception when I try to pop a PopupWindow or Dialog from.. to launch a PopupWindow or Dialog from an input method service I get the same exception when I try to pop a PopupWindow or Dialog from InputMethodService FATAL EXCEPTION main android.view.WindowManager BadTokenException Unable to add.. 177 at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView 91 at android.widget.PopupWindow.invokePopup 828 at android.widget.PopupWindow.showAtLocation 688 at mypackage.MyInputMethodService.onClick..
PopupWindow in android in android To create a simple working PopupWindow we need to do the following popup_example.xml xml version 1.0.. in android To create a simple working PopupWindow we need to do the following popup_example.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android layout_marginTop 10dip android text Test Pop Up LinearLayout Java code LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater this.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE PopupWindow..