android Programming Glossary: popup
BroadcastReceiver + SMS_RECEIVED SMS applications installed on the phone which display a popup when the sms is received are they somehow blocking the intent..
Dialogs / AlertDialogs: How to “block execution” while dialog is up (.NET-style) when calling MessageBox.Show ... that creates and shows a popup dialog. In the call to Show I can specify what buttons should.. Show I can specify what buttons should be available in the popup for example DialogResult myDialogResult MessageBox.Show My text.. returns a DialogResult when a button is pressed in the popup informing me what button was clicked. Note that in .NET execution..
Android: How to create a Dialog without a title? Even if I don't set the title of the dialog the dialog popup has a blank space at the position of the dialog. Is there any..
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android? SurfaceView . See here for a sample project that layers popup panels above a SurfaceView used for video playback. share improve..
Android popup window dismissal popup window dismissal I have a popup window displaying when I click.. popup window dismissal I have a popup window displaying when I click an item in my list activity... registering a onkeylistener to the view I'm passing to my popup window. Like this pop.setOnKeyListener new View.OnKeyListener..
Application idle time if idle period idle 0 do something here e.g. call popup or so while stop Log.d TAG Finishing Waiter thread public..
How to display input errors in popup? to display input errors in popup I want to show all my validation error's of EdiText fields.. to show all my validation error's of EdiText fields in a popup as shown in below image As far as I know Android has drawables.. in below image As far as I know Android has drawables 1 popup_inline_error.9.png 2 popup_inline_error_above.9.png 3 indicator_input_error.png..
android webview geolocation displayLocation handleError But the permission request popup never opens. I've set these settings ws.setJavaScriptEnabled..
Creating an Android trial application that expires after a fixed time period these checks in the onCreate. If the expiration has ended popup an AlertDialog with a market link to the full version of the..
Quick dialog using onclick search view in android my code public class QuickAction extends PopupWindows implements OnDismissListener private View mRootView private.. mInsertPos mInsertPos 3 mInsertPos Show quickaction popup. Popup is automatically positioned on top or bottom of anchor view...
IBM Worklight: UI Performance some of the functionalities such as Transitions Panels and Popup Menu are not smooth in real device Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung..
Show popup above map marker in MapView GeoPoint in the ItemizedOverlay OverlayItem onTap method. Popup will scroll automatically without any additional code when user..
How to create a completely custom Dialogue/Popup in Android (change overlay colour and dialogue window layout) to create a completely custom Dialogue Popup in Android change overlay colour and dialogue window layout..
Android : Floating Clickable Icon over Screen? Icon is Clickable Touchable and it does popopen a Small Popup window which the user can interact with. I'm very interested.. in how this is done I think it's something to with PopupWindow . Any ideas Thanks in Advance. android taskbar share..
Problems creating a Popup Window in Android Activity creating a Popup Window in Android Activity I'm trying to create a popup window.. close the popup. However I'm having troubles getting the PopupWindow to even work. I've tried two different ways of doing it.. and I've added this in the OnCreate of my main Activity PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow findViewById 100 100 true..
Popup window in any app window in any app i want to Popup dialog at a specific time.. window in any app i want to Popup dialog at a specific time in any app my code public class testPOPDialog..
Android Image Dialog/Popup Image Dialog Popup Is it possible to have just an image popup come up in an Android..
Popup over incoming-call screen over incoming call screen I want to create a customized popup..
EditText setError() with icon but without Popup message setError with icon but without Popup message I want to to have some validation for my EditText wherein..
How to keep Popup window opened when orientation changes at run time in Android? to keep Popup window opened when orientation changes at run time in Android.. changes at run time in Android I have created a Popup window which contains month view to pick up date. When I changes..
BroadcastReceiver + SMS_RECEIVED but the log statement never gets printed. I do have some other SMS applications installed on the phone which display a popup when the sms is received are they somehow blocking the intent from getting passed down to my app they are just consuming..
Dialogs / AlertDialogs: How to “block execution” while dialog is up (.NET-style) looking to understand how Dialogs work in Android. In .NET when calling MessageBox.Show ... that creates and shows a popup dialog. In the call to Show I can specify what buttons should be available in the popup for example DialogResult myDialogResult.. ... that creates and shows a popup dialog. In the call to Show I can specify what buttons should be available in the popup for example DialogResult myDialogResult MessageBox.Show My text here My caption here MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel As you.. MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel As you can see the call to Show returns a DialogResult when a button is pressed in the popup informing me what button was clicked. Note that in .NET execution is halted at the line where the call to Show ... is made..
Android: How to create a Dialog without a title? Everythings works fine except for the title of the Dialog. Even if I don't set the title of the dialog the dialog popup has a blank space at the position of the dialog. Is there any way to hide this part of the Dialog I tried it with an AlertDialog..
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android?
Android popup window dismissal popup window dismissal I have a popup window displaying when I click an item in my list activity. The problem is that the back.. popup window dismissal I have a popup window displaying when I click an item in my list activity. The problem is that the back key doesn't close it. I tried catching.. my list activity but it doesn't register it...then I tried registering a onkeylistener to the view I'm passing to my popup window. Like this pop.setOnKeyListener new View.OnKeyListener @Override public boolean onKey View v int keyCode KeyEvent..
Application idle time catch InterruptedException e Log.d TAG Waiter interrupted if idle period idle 0 do something here e.g. call popup or so while stop Log.d TAG Finishing Waiter thread public synchronized void touch lastUsed System.currentTimeMillis public..
How to display input errors in popup? to display input errors in popup I want to show all my validation error's of EdiText fields in a popup as shown in below image As far as I know Android.. to display input errors in popup I want to show all my validation error's of EdiText fields in a popup as shown in below image As far as I know Android has drawables 1 popup_inline_error.9.png 2 popup_inline_error_above.9.png.. my validation error's of EdiText fields in a popup as shown in below image As far as I know Android has drawables 1 popup_inline_error.9.png 2 popup_inline_error_above.9.png 3 indicator_input_error.png I am able to display the red error indicator..
android webview geolocation function getLocation navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition displayLocation handleError But the permission request popup never opens. I've set these settings ws.setJavaScriptEnabled true ws.setGeolocationEnabled true ws.setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically..
Creating an Android trial application that expires after a fixed time period up a webserver and such. It is always good practice to do these checks in the onCreate. If the expiration has ended popup an AlertDialog with a market link to the full version of the app. Only include an OK button and once the user clicks on..
Quick dialog using onclick search view in android check I want in this way check check check check Ok Here is my code public class QuickAction extends PopupWindows implements OnDismissListener private View mRootView private ImageView mArrowUp private ImageView mArrowDown private.. mChildPos Log.i mChildPos mChildPos 1 mChildPos Log.i mInsertPos mInsertPos 3 mInsertPos Show quickaction popup. Popup is automatically positioned on top or bottom of anchor view. public void show View anchor preShow int xPos yPos arrowPos..
IBM Worklight: UI Performance Mobile 1.3 for Worklight 5.0.6 development. I find that some of the functionalities such as Transitions Panels and Popup Menu are not smooth in real device Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Note II Android 4.1.1 . It is poor and quite lag during display...
Show popup above map marker in MapView MapView.LayoutParams to position the popup with respect to GeoPoint in the ItemizedOverlay OverlayItem onTap method. Popup will scroll automatically without any additional code when user scrolls the map. Basically popup gets tied to a GeoPoint..
How to create a completely custom Dialogue/Popup in Android (change overlay colour and dialogue window layout) to create a completely custom Dialogue Popup in Android change overlay colour and dialogue window layout I would like to completely re skin the default dialogue component..
Android : Floating Clickable Icon over Screen? visible over ALL the activites including the home screen . The Icon is Clickable Touchable and it does popopen a Small Popup window which the user can interact with. I'm very interested in how this is done I think it's something to with PopupWindow.. Popup window which the user can interact with. I'm very interested in how this is done I think it's something to with PopupWindow . Any ideas Thanks in Advance. android taskbar share improve this question I recently experimented with this...
Problems creating a Popup Window in Android Activity creating a Popup Window in Android Activity I'm trying to create a popup window that only appears the first time the application starts... starts. I want it to display some text and have a button to close the popup. However I'm having troubles getting the PopupWindow to even work. I've tried two different ways of doing it First I have an XML file which declares the layout of the.. of the popup called popup.xml a textview inside a linearlayout and I've added this in the OnCreate of my main Activity PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow findViewById 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation findViewById Gravity.CENTER 0..
Popup window in any app window in any app i want to Popup dialog at a specific time in any app my code public class testPOPDialog extends Activity.. window in any app i want to Popup dialog at a specific time in any app my code public class testPOPDialog extends Activity Called when the activity is first..
Android Image Dialog/Popup Image Dialog Popup Is it possible to have just an image popup come up in an Android application It's similar to an overriding the normal view..
Popup over incoming-call screen over incoming call screen I want to create a customized popup over the android's incoming call screen where I wish to add..
EditText setError() with icon but without Popup message setError with icon but without Popup message I want to to have some validation for my EditText wherein I want to show the icon that comes when you put editText.setError..
How to keep Popup window opened when orientation changes at run time in Android? to keep Popup window opened when orientation changes at run time in Android I have created a Popup window which contains month view to.. to keep Popup window opened when orientation changes at run time in Android I have created a Popup window which contains month view to pick up date. When I changes orientation due to Android loads an activity all over again..
Show popup above map marker in MapView guide tutorials views hello mapview.html Create a popup View by inflating from the layout View popUp getLayoutInflater .inflate R.layout.map_popup map false Use MapView.LayoutParams to position the popup with respect to GeoPoint..
PopupWindow in android a demo example . See this and customize it according to your need. public class ShowPopUp extends Activity PopupWindow popUp LinearLayout layout TextView tv LayoutParams params LinearLayout mainLayout Button but boolean click true @Override public.. but boolean click true @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState popUp new PopupWindow this layout new LinearLayout this mainLayout new LinearLayout this tv new TextView this but new Button this.. new Button this but.setText Click Me but.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v if click popUp.showAtLocation layout Gravity.BOTTOM 10 10 popUp.update 50 50 300 80 click false else popUp.dismiss click true params..
how to create a popup window in android? [closed] import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams import android.widget. public class ShowPopUp extends Activity PopupWindow popUp LinearLayout layout TextView tv LayoutParams params LinearLayout mainLayout Button but boolean click true public void onCreate.. Button but boolean click true public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState popUp new PopupWindow this layout new LinearLayout this mainLayout new LinearLayout this tv new TextView this but new Button this.. new Button this but.setText Click Me but.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v if click popUp.showAtLocation mainLayout Gravity.BOTTOM 10 10 popUp.update 50 50 300 80 click false else popUp.dismiss click true..