android Programming Glossary: path.getpath
Check if the SDCard is present, boolean is always true path Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory String pathS path.getPath When the SDCard is in the slot the pathS contains mnt sdcard..
android internal phone storage path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize long availableBlocks stat.getAvailableBlocks..
Get free space on internal memory path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize long availableBlocks stat.getAvailableBlocks..
Save internal file in my own internal folder in Android getFilesDir OutputStreamWriter out try File f new File path.getPath myfolder myfile.txt out new OutputStreamWriter openFileOutput..
Android get free size of internal/external memory path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat2 new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat2.getBlockSize long availableBlocks stat2.getAvailableBlocks.. path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize long availableBlocks stat.getAvailableBlocks.. path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize long totalBlocks stat.getBlockCount..
Check if the SDCard is present, boolean is always true Thanks in advance EDIT Testing with the following code File path Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory String pathS path.getPath When the SDCard is in the slot the pathS contains mnt sdcard but when I removes the SDCard the pathS is still mnt sdcard..
android internal phone storage on it. Shamelessly stolen from the Android settings app File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize long availableBlocks stat.getAvailableBlocks return Formatter.formatFileSize this availableBlocks..
Get free space on internal memory a bit and here is the solution found at android git File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize long availableBlocks stat.getAvailableBlocks return Formatter.formatFileSize this availableBlocks..
Save internal file in my own internal folder in Android MODE_PRIVATE out.write test out.close Fourth Way File path getFilesDir OutputStreamWriter out try File f new File path.getPath myfolder myfile.txt out new OutputStreamWriter openFileOutput f.getPath MODE_PRIVATE out.write test out.close Fifth way..
Android get free size of internal/external memory bytesAvailable 1048576 Log.e Available MB megAvailable File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat2 new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat2.getBlockSize long availableBlocks stat2.getAvailableBlocks String format Formatter.formatFileSize this.. public static String getAvailableInternalMemorySize File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize long availableBlocks stat.getAvailableBlocks return formatSize availableBlocks blockSize.. public static String getTotalInternalMemorySize File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize long totalBlocks stat.getBlockCount return formatSize totalBlocks blockSize public static..