android Programming Glossary: passes
How to make a ViewPager loop? that this calls the alternate form of setCurrentItem and passes false to cause the jump to happen instantly rather than as a..
onClick on ViewPager not triggered ev to allow swipes to keep working. It passes in a MotionEvent so you could check for clicks with that if..
How can I catch SIGSEGV (segmentation fault) and get a stack trace under JNI on Android? the signals and store the old handlers. android.c 570 Time passes a segfault happens. In the signal handler call up to JNI one..
Android: How to get location information from intent bundle extras when using LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates() or will it create the extras bundle regardless when it passes the fired intent to the broadcast receiver My code looks like..
Remove all debug logging calls before publishing: are there tools to do this? changes for release builds. ProGuard can also do multiple passes over the bytecode to remove other undesired statements empty.. dontobfuscate forceprocessing optimizationpasses 5 keep class extends assumenosideeffects..
Send HTML mail using Android intent sending mail Where the purchaseOrder is the method which passes me the string having full HTML code. But though the GMail client..
AlertDialog in BroadcastReceiver 1843 From what I have seen in the AlertDialog code it passes the context as well as a Window and WindowManager which I believe..
How to create a completely custom Dialogue/Popup in Android (change overlay colour and dialogue window layout) when creating the dialog object use the constructor that passes both the context AND the theme. Eg. myDialog new Dialog this..
Android: Bitmaps, SoftReferences, and OOMs? use finalizers therefore it might take a couple of GC passes before the native memory is actually released. This is something..
How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml way of construction a custom component in java that passes or sets properties that would have otherwise been set by the..
Is there a way to use the SpeechRecognizer API directly for speech input? activity displays a pre configured pop up with the mic and passes its results using onActivityResult My question Is there a way..
Peer-to-Peer communication options [duplicate] with Google App Engine . i.e. to send a message the sender passes it to the server and the server then passes it on to the recipient... the sender passes it to the server and the server then passes it on to the recipient. In theory all devices on the net have..
Android get a cursor only with contacts that have an email listed >android 2.0 contact.getContactId null null my current implementation passes every row in the cursor and aquires its emails and stores them..
Android listview with checkbox problem method is called and since its recycling the rows it passes in the position of the new row that its not selected but since..
Android post JSON using HTTP JSON object JSONObject holder getJsonObjectFromMap params passes the results to a string builder entity StringEntity se new StringEntity..
Revision 2: How to pass data from a background Service/thread to some other activity than the MainActivity that created the background service thr.start This is the ServiceWorker thread that passes messages to the handler defined in the MainActivity class. NOTE..
Android search with Fragments doMySearch query Performs a search and passes the results to the container Activity that holds your Fragments...
Authorative way to override onMeasure()? has chosen. This is done so that Android can make multiple passes to find the right size for each item see here for more details...
Android: requestLocationUpdates updates location at most every 45 seconds updates with the interval specified until that interval passes below 45 seconds. It seems as though a minimum time of 45 seconds..
How to make a ViewPager loop? else if curr lastReal viewPager.setCurrentItem 1 false Note that this calls the alternate form of setCurrentItem and passes false to cause the jump to happen instantly rather than as a smooth scroll. There are two main drawbacks I see to this...
onClick on ViewPager not triggered to fall through. I would also recommend calling super.onInterceptTouchEvent ev to allow swipes to keep working. It passes in a MotionEvent so you could check for clicks with that if you wanted. Hope that helps. It should at least get you started...
How can I catch SIGSEGV (segmentation fault) and get a stack trace under JNI on Android? you can see on github . Here's how Use sigaction to catch the signals and store the old handlers. android.c 570 Time passes a segfault happens. In the signal handler call up to JNI one last time and then call the old handler. android.c 528 In that..
Android: How to get location information from intent bundle extras when using LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates() so it knows how to add it into the intent or will it create the extras bundle regardless when it passes the fired intent to the broadcast receiver My code looks like this Intent intent new Intent com.myapp.swarm.LOCATION_READY..
Remove all debug logging calls before publishing: are there tools to do this? output for regular builds and don't have to make any code changes for release builds. ProGuard can also do multiple passes over the bytecode to remove other undesired statements empty blocks and can automatically inline short methods where appropriate... a very basic ProGuard config for Android dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses dontobfuscate forceprocessing optimizationpasses 5 keep class extends assumenosideeffects class android.util.Log public static d ... public static v..
Send HTML mail using Android intent purchaseOrder startActivity Intent.createChooser intent sending mail Where the purchaseOrder is the method which passes me the string having full HTML code. But though the GMail client opens on my Nexus1 but it has the String with all HTML..
AlertDialog in BroadcastReceiver H.handleMessage 1843 From what I have seen in the AlertDialog code it passes the context as well as a Window and WindowManager which I believe is why it's crashing is there a better way or something..
How to create a completely custom Dialogue/Popup in Android (change overlay colour and dialogue window layout) true item style resources 3 Back in your java code when creating the dialog object use the constructor that passes both the context AND the theme. Eg. myDialog new Dialog this CustomDialogTheme is the name attribute..
Android: Bitmaps, SoftReferences, and OOMs? share improve this question The problem is that Bitmaps use finalizers therefore it might take a couple of GC passes before the native memory is actually released. This is something we are working on making better. share improve this answer..
How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml really required. My question is then What is the most efficient way of construction a custom component in java that passes or sets properties that would have otherwise been set by the attrs object when inflating a component using xml android..
Is there a way to use the SpeechRecognizer API directly for speech input? input using the built in Google Speech Input Activity. The activity displays a pre configured pop up with the mic and passes its results using onActivityResult My question Is there a way to use the SpeechRecognizer class directly to do speech input..
Peer-to-Peer communication options [duplicate] could then use Cloud to Device Messaging perhaps in tandem with Google App Engine . i.e. to send a message the sender passes it to the server and the server then passes it on to the recipient. In theory all devices on the net have a unique IP address.. in tandem with Google App Engine . i.e. to send a message the sender passes it to the server and the server then passes it on to the recipient. In theory all devices on the net have a unique IP address and can talk to each other but it's rarely..
Android get a cursor only with contacts that have an email listed >android 2.0 null ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.CONTACT_ID contact.getContactId null null my current implementation passes every row in the cursor and aquires its emails and stores them in an arrayList of java objects. what i was wondering if..
Android listview with checkbox problem scroll really because every time I scroll the onCheckedChanged method is called and since its recycling the rows it passes in the position of the new row that its not selected but since it has the same index as the one that was previously selected..
Android post JSON using HTTP HttpPost httpost new HttpPost path convert parameters into JSON object JSONObject holder getJsonObjectFromMap params passes the results to a string builder entity StringEntity se new StringEntity holder.toString sets the post request as the resulting..
Revision 2: How to pass data from a background Service/thread to some other activity than the MainActivity that created the background service Thread thr new Thread null new ServiceWorker BackgroundService thr.start This is the ServiceWorker thread that passes messages to the handler defined in the MainActivity class. NOTE Instead of passing messages to a handler in MainActivity..
Android search with Fragments getIntent .getAction String query intent.getStringExtra SearchManager.QUERY doMySearch query Performs a search and passes the results to the container Activity that holds your Fragments. public void doMySearch String query TODO implement this..
Authorative way to override onMeasure()? in your example. MeasureSpec.EXACTLY No choice. Parent has chosen. This is done so that Android can make multiple passes to find the right size for each item see here for more details. If you do not follow these rules your approach is not guaranteed..
Android: requestLocationUpdates updates location at most every 45 seconds is only a hint but it is not taken as a hint by my app. I get updates with the interval specified until that interval passes below 45 seconds. It seems as though a minimum time of 45 seconds between location updates is hardcoded into Android but..