android Programming Glossary: pause
How to pause / sleep thread or process in Android? to pause sleep thread or process in Android I want to make a pause between.. pause sleep thread or process in Android I want to make a pause between two lines of code Let me explain a bit the user clicks.. R.drawable.defaultcard I've tried to pause the thread between these two lines of code with try Thread.sleep..
Restful API service I hit the post Config.getURL login values the app seems to pause for a while seems weird thought the idea behind a service was..
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible.. Dolphin Browser seem to avoid this problem and properly pause the Flash content when the browsing activity is put into the.. the WebView completely if the activity is finishing but pauses it otherwise basically copying the default behavior of the..
How can I show a MediaController while playing audio in Android? methods public void start mediaPlayer.start public void pause mediaPlayer.pause public int getDuration return mediaPlayer.getDuration.. void start mediaPlayer.start public void pause mediaPlayer.pause public int getDuration return mediaPlayer.getDuration public..
Android Sleep/Standby Mode mode. What I have discovered is that the timer seems to pause when the phone is in sleep. It doesn't seem to do this on the..
How can I keep my Android service running when the screen is turned off? off When the screen turns off my application service is paused. I start my service with the following code if mSharedPrefs.getBoolean.. startService svc How can I can avoid the service pause What I have to do in MyService is to download some data from..
Problem to load flv video in webview super.onPause callHiddenWebViewMethod onPause webView.pauseTimers if isFinishing webView.loadUrl about blank setContentView.. credits http questions 3431351 how do i pause flash content in an android webview when my activity isnt visible.. super.onPause callHiddenWebViewMethod onPause webView.pauseTimers if isFinishing webView.loadUrl about blank setContentView..
phonegap - splash screen for Android app . Then you'll need to modify your loadUrl method to pause for 5 seconds before loading up the main page. It would look..
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one MediaPlayer mp null private Button play private Button pause private Button stop @Override public void onCreate Bundle icicle.. R.layout.main play Button findViewById pause Button findViewById stop Button findViewById findViewById pause Button findViewById stop Button findViewById play.setOnClickListener new..
Starting Activity from Fragment causes NullPointerException AndroidRuntime 10557 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to pause activity
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted this private boolean mIsCanceled false private boolean mIsPaused true TODO more efficient for processor way of pausing is required.. catch InterruptedException e e.printStackTrace if mIsPaused doStep public MyClass mTimerThread.start private void pause.. public MyClass mTimerThread.start private void pause mIsPaused true private void resume mIsPaused false private void doStep..
About android launchmode “singleTask” in the logs you can see that the 2nd Activity is put on Pause and when you launch it again from the Recent App's list the..
Pausing/stopping and starting/resuming Java TimerTask continuously? Checking a a SomeClass.getSomeStaticValue if a Pause stop timer1 start resume timer2 for 5 seconds timer2.schedule.. Checking a a SomeClass.getSomeStaticValue if a Pause stop timer2 back to timer1 timer1.scheduleAtFixedRate new Task1..
Is Android 2.2 HTTP progressive streaming = HTTP Live Streaming? layout_height wrap_content Button Button android text Pause android id @ id pause android layout_width wrap_content android..
Passing data through Intent and receiving it control.setText R.string.pause state 1 break case 1 Pause currentTime System.currentTimeMillis timeElapsed currentTime..
Android logs 'GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC' 'GC_FOR_MALLOC' Amount Freed Heap Statistics External Memory Statistics Pause Time Reason Viktor Robert already explained GC_CONCURRENT GC_FOR_MALLOC.. of external allocations are for java.nio.ByteBuffers. Pause Time If it's a concurrent GC event there will be two times listed...
Set Alpha/Opacity of Layout background. Say a collection of Video Controls like Play Pause and Progressbar in a Relative Layout. I can use animation to..
Stopping & Starting music on incoming calls reads this variable and then pauses the music in its onPause method and resets is when the call is done and the activity.. state TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING Incoming call Pause music else if state TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE Not in..
Pause CountDownTimer in Android when activity is not in front CountDownTimer in Android when activity is not in front I have.. timer in your class number of milliseconds left . In the onPause method for the activity call cancel on the timer. In the onResume..
Sending pause to dialer pause to dialer In a similar vein to Sending Pause and DTMF input in android I'm trying to send the pause character..
Difference between onCreate() and onStart()? [duplicate] Duplicate Android Activity Life Cycle difference between onPause and OnStop I was wondering what is the difference between onCreate.. On Destroy ..... non Javadoc @see @Override protected void onPause super.onPause Log.i TAG On.. @Override protected void onPause super.onPause Log.i TAG On Pause ..... non Javadoc @see
Android lock screen or like that Music Player on lock screen with Play Pause buttons. Thanks android text locking screen lockscreen share..
android soundpool heapsize overflow Exception e Log.w TAG Play sound error e public void onPause for SoundPoolContainer container containers container.onPause.. for SoundPoolContainer container containers container.onPause public void onResume for SoundPoolContainer container containers.. return this.size.get MAX_STREAMS_PER_POOL public void onPause try soundPool.autoPause catch Exception e Log.w TAG Pause SoundPool..
Event for VideoView playback state or MediaController play/pause pause state. I am using MediaController which has a Play Pause button but I have a secondary button that also controls Play.. but I have a secondary button that also controls Play Pause . Using my custom button I can play pause but if I play pause.. public class CustomVideoView extends VideoView private PlayPauseListener mListener public CustomVideoView Context context super..
How to handle Handler messages when activity/fragment is paused shown. When the app is put into the background I get an onPause but then still get my messages coming through as one would expect... a message in the handler. Derive your handler from the PauseHandler class. Whenever your activity receives an onPause call.. PauseHandler class. Whenever your activity receives an onPause call PauseHandler.pause and for onResume call PauseHandler.resume..
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one layout_height wrap_content Button Button android text Pause android id @ id pause android layout_width wrap_content android..
How to pause / sleep thread or process in Android? to pause sleep thread or process in Android I want to make a pause between two lines of code Let me explain a bit the user clicks.. to pause sleep thread or process in Android I want to make a pause between two lines of code Let me explain a bit the user clicks a button a card in fact and I show it by changing the background.. of the button by changing back its background thisbutton.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.defaultcard I've tried to pause the thread between these two lines of code with try Thread.sleep 1000 catch InterruptedException e TODO Auto generated..
Restful API service out but unsure how to do callbacks without it. Also when I hit the post Config.getURL login values the app seems to pause for a while seems weird thought the idea behind a service was that it runs on a different thread Currently I have a service..
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible I am experimenting with using a WebView to display Flash.. etc I have noticed that both the stock Android browser and Dolphin Browser seem to avoid this problem and properly pause the Flash content when the browsing activity is put into the background. Ideally I would like a solution that kills the.. the background. Ideally I would like a solution that kills the WebView completely if the activity is finishing but pauses it otherwise basically copying the default behavior of the browser Here is a simple test I put together that loads a game..
How can I show a MediaController while playing audio in Android? again return false MediaPlayerControl methods public void start mediaPlayer.start public void pause mediaPlayer.pause public int getDuration return mediaPlayer.getDuration public int getCurrentPosition return mediaPlayer.getCurrentPosition.. return false MediaPlayerControl methods public void start mediaPlayer.start public void pause mediaPlayer.pause public int getDuration return mediaPlayer.getDuration public int getCurrentPosition return mediaPlayer.getCurrentPosition..
Android Sleep/Standby Mode work on the Droid X when the phone has been put into sleep mode. What I have discovered is that the timer seems to pause when the phone is in sleep. It doesn't seem to do this on the Droid 1 or the emulator. I'm sure the workaround isn't too..
How can I keep my Android service running when the screen is turned off? I keep my Android service running when the screen is turned off When the screen turns off my application service is paused. I start my service with the following code if mSharedPrefs.getBoolean prefAutoUpdatesMain false Intent svc new Intent.. prefAutoUpdatesMain false Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class startService svc How can I can avoid the service pause What I have to do in MyService is to download some data from Internet. If I have understand the process I have to follow..
Problem to load flv video in webview htmlPost text html UTF 8 null @Override protected void onPause super.onPause callHiddenWebViewMethod onPause webView.pauseTimers if isFinishing webView.loadUrl about blank setContentView new FrameLayout this @Override protected void onResume super.onResume.. private void callHiddenWebViewMethod String name credits http questions 3431351 how do i pause flash content in an android webview when my activity isnt visible if webView null try Method method WebView.class.getMethod.. oown FLV file from asset folder @Override protected void onPause super.onPause callHiddenWebViewMethod onPause webView.pauseTimers if isFinishing webView.loadUrl about blank setContentView new FrameLayout this @Override protected void onResume super.onResume..
phonegap - splash screen for Android app line should show up under super.onCreate but before super.loadUrl . Then you'll need to modify your loadUrl method to pause for 5 seconds before loading up the main page. It would look like this super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 5000..
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one private String TAG getClass .getSimpleName private MediaPlayer mp null private Button play private Button pause private Button stop @Override public void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle setContentView R.layout.main play.. void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle setContentView R.layout.main play Button findViewById pause Button findViewById stop Button findViewById play.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public.. super.onCreate icicle setContentView R.layout.main play Button findViewById pause Button findViewById stop Button findViewById play.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View view play ..
Starting Activity from Fragment causes NullPointerException main exiting due to uncaught exception 01 05 19 39 01.034 E AndroidRuntime 10557 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to pause activity java.lang.NullPointerException 01 05 19 39 01.034 E AndroidRuntime..
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted processor when process is paused. Is it possible to fix this private boolean mIsCanceled false private boolean mIsPaused true TODO more efficient for processor way of pausing is required private final Thread mTimerThread new Thread new Runnable.. void run while mIsCanceled try Thread.sleep UPDATE_PERIOD catch InterruptedException e e.printStackTrace if mIsPaused doStep public MyClass mTimerThread.start private void pause mIsPaused true private void resume mIsPaused false private.. e e.printStackTrace if mIsPaused doStep public MyClass mTimerThread.start private void pause mIsPaused true private void resume mIsPaused false private void doStep Some code Please just provide alternative implementation of..
About android launchmode “singleTask” you just run the project AndroidTest and click the home button in the logs you can see that the 2nd Activity is put on Pause and when you launch it again from the Recent App's list the 2nd Activity is Destroyed. In a senario where the Activity's..
Pausing/stopping and starting/resuming Java TimerTask continuously? class Task1 extends TimerTask public void run System.out.println Checking a a SomeClass.getSomeStaticValue if a Pause stop timer1 start resume timer2 for 5 seconds timer2.schedule new Task2 5000 class Task2 extends TimerTask public void.. class Task2 extends TimerTask public void run System.out.println Checking a a SomeClass.getSomeStaticValue if a Pause stop timer2 back to timer1 timer1.scheduleAtFixedRate new Task1 0 1000 Do something... public static void main String..
Is Android 2.2 HTTP progressive streaming = HTTP Live Streaming? android id @ id play android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content Button Button android text Pause android id @ id pause android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content Button Button android text Stop..
Passing data through Intent and receiving it state case 0 startTime System.currentTimeMillis counter.start control.setText R.string.pause state 1 break case 1 Pause currentTime System.currentTimeMillis timeElapsed currentTime startTime if prevTimeRemaining 0 timeRemaining length timeElapsed..
Android logs 'GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC' 'GC_FOR_MALLOC' debugging memory leaks Roughly speaking the format is Reason Amount Freed Heap Statistics External Memory Statistics Pause Time Reason Viktor Robert already explained GC_CONCURRENT GC_FOR_MALLOC GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC . There is also GC_HPROF_DUMP_HEAP.. allocates a few dozen bytes on your local heap . Other examples of external allocations are for java.nio.ByteBuffers. Pause Time If it's a concurrent GC event there will be two times listed. One is for a pause before the GC one is for a pause when..
Set Alpha/Opacity of Layout a Layout and all it's child views I'm not talking about the background. Say a collection of Video Controls like Play Pause and Progressbar in a Relative Layout. I can use animation to fade in and out but wanted to know if there was a direct method..
Stopping & Starting music on incoming calls that sets a a variable when the call is coming. The activity reads this variable and then pauses the music in its onPause method and resets is when the call is done and the activity resumes the music in its onResume method This works fine as.. void onCallStateChanged int state String incomingNumber if state TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING Incoming call Pause music else if state TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE Not in call Play music else if state TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK..
Pause CountDownTimer in Android when activity is not in front CountDownTimer in Android when activity is not in front I have an activity that uses a CountDownTimer that counts down.. something to the onTick handler to save the progress of the timer in your class number of milliseconds left . In the onPause method for the activity call cancel on the timer. In the onResume method for the activity create a new timer with the saved..
Sending pause to dialer pause to dialer In a similar vein to Sending Pause and DTMF input in android I'm trying to send the pause character to the dialer. This works on HTC Sense phones and even..
Difference between onCreate() and onStart()? [duplicate] between onCreate and onStart duplicate Possible Duplicate Android Activity Life Cycle difference between onPause and OnStop I was wondering what is the difference between onCreate and onStart methods I think that onStart is a redundant.. @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy Log.i TAG On Destroy ..... non Javadoc @see @Override protected void onPause super.onPause Log.i TAG On Pause ..... non Javadoc @see super.onDestroy Log.i TAG On Destroy ..... non Javadoc @see @Override protected void onPause super.onPause Log.i TAG On Pause ..... non Javadoc @see @Override protected void onRestart..
Android lock screen text on lock screen Like the information about unread SMS messages or like that Music Player on lock screen with Play Pause buttons. Thanks android text locking screen lockscreen share improve this question Yes and no. Their is no public API..
android soundpool heapsize overflow containers.add container context id file catch Exception e Log.w TAG Play sound error e public void onPause for SoundPoolContainer container containers container.onPause public void onResume for SoundPoolContainer container containers.. Exception e Log.w TAG Play sound error e public void onPause for SoundPoolContainer container containers container.onPause public void onResume for SoundPoolContainer container containers container.onResume private static class SoundPoolContainer.. String id return soundMap.containsKey id public boolean isFull return this.size.get MAX_STREAMS_PER_POOL public void onPause try soundPool.autoPause catch Exception e Log.w TAG Pause SoundPool error e public void onResume try soundPool.autoResume..
Event for VideoView playback state or MediaController play/pause for playback state. I am mostly interested in the play pause state. I am using MediaController which has a Play Pause button but I have a secondary button that also controls Play Pause . Using my custom button I can play pause but if I play.. state. I am using MediaController which has a Play Pause button but I have a secondary button that also controls Play Pause . Using my custom button I can play pause but if I play pause using the MediaController play pause button I currently have.. would then look something like this in its most basic form public class CustomVideoView extends VideoView private PlayPauseListener mListener public CustomVideoView Context context super context public CustomVideoView Context context AttributeSet..
How to handle Handler messages when activity/fragment is paused of messages that can result in dialogs being dismissed or shown. When the app is put into the background I get an onPause but then still get my messages coming through as one would expect. However because I'm using fragments I can't just dismiss.. a fragment state e.g. commit dismiss is only called from a message in the handler. Derive your handler from the PauseHandler class. Whenever your activity receives an onPause call PauseHandler.pause and for onResume call PauseHandler.resume.. from a message in the handler. Derive your handler from the PauseHandler class. Whenever your activity receives an onPause call PauseHandler.pause and for onResume call PauseHandler.resume . Replace your implementation of the Handler handleMessage..
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one android id @ id play android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content Button Button android text Pause android id @ id pause android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content Button Button android text Stop..