android Programming Glossary: paypal.getinstance
Android and Paypal API integration this.startActivity menuIntent android integration paypal api share improve this question in onclick pp PayPal.getInstance Should do like this to start paypal activity PayPalPayment newPayment new PayPalPayment newPayment.setCurrencyType USD ..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? code payment.setRecipient Rec_Email payment.setPaymentType PayPal.PAYMENT_TYPE_GOODS Intent checkoutIntent PayPal.getInstance .checkout payment this startActivityForResult checkoutIntent request catch Exception e e.printStackTrace public void onActivityResults.. public void run initLibrary The library is initialized so let's create our CheckoutButton and update the UI. if PayPal.getInstance .isLibraryInitialized hRefresh.sendEmptyMessage INITIALIZE_SUCCESS else hRefresh.sendEmptyMessage INITIALIZE_FAILURE.. appVersion appVersion.setVisibility View.GONE setContentView content public void setupButtons PayPal pp PayPal.getInstance Get the CheckoutButton. There are five different sizes. The text on the button can either be of type TEXT_PAY or TEXT_DONATE...