android Programming Glossary: passwords
SQLIteDatabase.query method people have it in their names or use it in texts filenames passwords etc. So always use the args version. It is okay to build int..
How to securely store credentials (password) in Android application? all of you credentials than trying to remember multiple passwords. Additionally on ICS there is no separate password the credential..
how to use free cloud database with android app? [closed] which i want to use database in cloud for saving usernames passwords GPS Locations etc. Can any option to achieve this with free..
Is there a way to securely store user data on an Android device? for Android is an application to securely store and manage passwords and secrets on your Android phone. It uses techniques like strong..
How can I get the google username on Android? the authtoken I just need access to the username no passwords or any auth tokens. I'm using android 2.1 sdk. android username..
Password hint font in Android password true android singleLine true android fonts passwords edittext share improve this question Changing the typeface..
Detect the beginning of a sound or voice in Android voice's ratios are different which is why voice based passwords work . So if you were able to take a sample break it up into..
android encryption encryption I want to encrypt decrypt some passwords in the SQLite database of my application. To do that I have..
How to include version string in the filename when building Android apk with ant? have your release app signed automatically buy setting the passwords in properties and using those in the signing task. The actual.. properties and using those in the signing task. The actual passwords where stored in a separate properties file that only lived on..
Make Android WebView not store cookies or passwords Android WebView not store cookies or passwords I use an Android WebView for Twitter OAuth Twitter asks the.. filled. How can I force WebView to not ask to remember passwords and to not persist session cookies If that is not possible can.. state except maybe the image cache android cookies oauth passwords webview share improve this question You can use this to..
Understanding keystore, certificates and alias alias entry pair from that keystore. After providing the passwords for both the keystore and the chosen alias the app is signed..
Does IntelliJ IDEA publish an Android app with one click? if you are OK with a batch file containing your keystore passwords in open text . I use such script to generate the signed APK..
Android: user login and stays in session until logout (which needs approval) v Close the application finish android security login passwords logout share improve this question The link you included..
HTML: Why does Android browser show “Go” instead of “Next” in keyboard? would make sense in case my browser was set to remember passwords and the password manager would be able to fill in the password...
How can I specify location of debug keystore for Android ant debug builds? create the debug keystore key with predetermined names passwords Keystore name debug.keystore Keystore password android Key alias.. keystore key must use the same keystore key names and passwords as the default debug key as described above . To do so in Eclipse..
Password protecting my android app (the simple way) com.berry.intro mpbuttonclick.start java android passwords password protection share improve this question This part..
SQLIteDatabase.query method not intended to do bad things it is still quite common that people have it in their names or use it in texts filenames passwords etc. So always use the args version. It is okay to build int and other primitives directly into whereClause though share..
How to securely store credentials (password) in Android application? 3 It is a lot better to remember a single password protecting all of you credentials than trying to remember multiple passwords. Additionally on ICS there is no separate password the credential storage is protected by the device unlock password. ..
how to use free cloud database with android app? [closed] i m developing an Google maps android application in which i want to use database in cloud for saving usernames passwords GPS Locations etc. Can any option to achieve this with free of coast If there are any examples posts or tutorials android..
Is there a way to securely store user data on an Android device? Secrets for Android application for some examples. Secrets for Android is an application to securely store and manage passwords and secrets on your Android phone. It uses techniques like strong encryption and auto logout to help ensure that your secrets..
How can I get the google username on Android? id username via android but it seems like it's for grabbing the authtoken I just need access to the username no passwords or any auth tokens. I'm using android 2.1 sdk. android username share improve this question As mentioned in the comments..
Password hint font in Android fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android password true android singleLine true android fonts passwords edittext share improve this question Changing the typeface in xml didn't work on the hint text for me either. I found..
Detect the beginning of a sound or voice in Android voice's ratios remains pretty constant while each individual voice's ratios are different which is why voice based passwords work . So if you were able to take a sample break it up into frequencies of about 10hz each and watch for the amplitude..
android encryption encryption I want to encrypt decrypt some passwords in the SQLite database of my application. To do that I have searched on the internet and I have found the AES algorithm...
How to include version string in the filename when building Android apk with ant? server. With some additional tweaks it is also possible to have your release app signed automatically buy setting the passwords in properties and using those in the signing task. The actual passwords where stored in a separate properties file that.. app signed automatically buy setting the passwords in properties and using those in the signing task. The actual passwords where stored in a separate properties file that only lived on the build server. While a minor security risk in some cases..
Make Android WebView not store cookies or passwords Android WebView not store cookies or passwords I use an Android WebView for Twitter OAuth Twitter asks the user to log in and authorize the application I retrieve the.. still logged in and even if not it has the password box already filled. How can I force WebView to not ask to remember passwords and to not persist session cookies If that is not possible can I delete all its stored state except maybe the image cache.. cookies If that is not possible can I delete all its stored state except maybe the image cache android cookies oauth passwords webview share improve this question You can use this to prevent cookies from being stored CookieSyncManager.createInstance..
Understanding keystore, certificates and alias to select a keystore first and then asked to select a single alias entry pair from that keystore. After providing the passwords for both the keystore and the chosen alias the app is signed and the public key the certificate for that alias is embedded..
Does IntelliJ IDEA publish an Android app with one click? you can generate it in one click or via keyboard shortcut if you are OK with a batch file containing your keystore passwords in open text . I use such script to generate the signed APK upload it to a phone and start the main Activity to perform..
Android: user login and stays in session until logout (which needs approval) new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v Close the application finish android security login passwords logout share improve this question The link you included shows the way to store the user's ID you can use SharedPreferences..
HTML: Why does Android browser show “Go” instead of “Next” in keyboard? password which obviously is not going to work. This behavior would make sense in case my browser was set to remember passwords and the password manager would be able to fill in the password. However this is not the case here as you can test yourself..
How can I specify location of debug keystore for Android ant debug builds? not need to sign the package with your own key. The SDK tools create the debug keystore key with predetermined names passwords Keystore name debug.keystore Keystore password android Key alias androiddebugkey Key password android CN CN Android Debug.. a custom debug keystore key to use . However any custom debug keystore key must use the same keystore key names and passwords as the default debug key as described above . To do so in Eclipse ADT go to Windows Preferences Android Build. share improve..
Password protecting my android app (the simple way) .toString MyPasswordHere startActivity new Intent com.berry.intro mpbuttonclick.start java android passwords password protection share improve this question This part if passwordEditText.getText .toString MyPasswordHere is incorrect...