

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:18

android Programming Glossary: passwordauthentication

how to send email with attached file in android?


_multipart.addBodyPart messageBodyPart @Override public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication.. messageBodyPart @Override public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication _user _pass private Properties.. getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication _user _pass private Properties _setProperties Properties props..

Parse JSON to cofigure android application


Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication.. new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication username password .toCharArray.. getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication username password .toCharArray Making HTTP request try defaultHttpClient..

How to do HTTP authentication in android?


so Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication.. new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication myuser mypass .toCharArray.. getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication myuser mypass .toCharArray HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection..

Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app


import javax.mail.Message import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication import javax.mail.Session import javax.mail.Transport import.. session Session.getDefaultInstance props this protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication.. props this protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication user password public synchronized..

How to send a simple email programatically? (exists a simple way to do it??)


import javax.mail.Multipart import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication import javax.mail.Session import javax.mail.internet.AddressException.. Authenticator auth new Authenticator @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication.. @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication mobile@mydomain.com mypassword..

HTTP requests with basic authentication


new Authenticator @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication.. @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication user password .toCharArray.. getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication user password .toCharArray This sets the default Authenticator..

how to getAuth token and send email in background?


props this AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.4 protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication.. Reached to Step1.4 protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication user password public synchronized.. getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication user password public synchronized void sendMail String subject..

how to send email with attached file in android?


new DataHandler source messageBodyPart.setFileName filename _multipart.addBodyPart messageBodyPart @Override public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication _user _pass private Properties _setProperties Properties props.. messageBodyPart.setFileName filename _multipart.addBodyPart messageBodyPart @Override public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication _user _pass private Properties _setProperties Properties props new Properties props.put.. _multipart.addBodyPart messageBodyPart @Override public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication _user _pass private Properties _setProperties Properties props new Properties props.put mail.smtp.host _host if _debuggable..

Parse JSON to cofigure android application


String url Global authentication for link username and password. Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication username password .toCharArray Making HTTP request try defaultHttpClient.. for link username and password. Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication username password .toCharArray Making HTTP request try defaultHttpClient DefaultHttpClient.. Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication username password .toCharArray Making HTTP request try defaultHttpClient DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient..

How to do HTTP authentication in android?


I've been able to do on Android using the java.net APIs like so Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication myuser mypass .toCharArray HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection.. Android using the java.net APIs like so Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication myuser mypass .toCharArray HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection new URL url .openConnection.. so Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication myuser mypass .toCharArray HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection new URL url .openConnection c.setUseCaches false c.connect..

Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app


import javax.activation.DataHandler import javax.activation.DataSource import javax.mail.Message import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication import javax.mail.Session import javax.mail.Transport import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage.. false props.setProperty mail.smtp.quitwait false session Session.getDefaultInstance props this protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication user password public synchronized void sendMail String subject.. mail.smtp.quitwait false session Session.getDefaultInstance props this protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication user password public synchronized void sendMail String subject String body String sender..

How to send a simple email programatically? (exists a simple way to do it??)


import javax.mail.Message import javax.mail.MessagingException import javax.mail.Multipart import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication import javax.mail.Session import javax.mail.internet.AddressException import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress import.. for gmail props.put mail.smtp.port 587 gmail smtp port Authenticator auth new Authenticator @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication mobile@mydomain.com mypassword Session session if authenticationRequired.. mail.smtp.port 587 gmail smtp port Authenticator auth new Authenticator @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication mobile@mydomain.com mypassword Session session if authenticationRequired Authenticator..

HTTP requests with basic authentication


question You can use an Authenticator . For example Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication user password .toCharArray This sets the default Authenticator.. Authenticator . For example Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication user password .toCharArray This sets the default Authenticator and will be used in all.. new Authenticator @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication user password .toCharArray This sets the default Authenticator and will be used in all requests. Obviously the setup is..

how to getAuth token and send email in background?


Reached to Step1.3 session Session.getDefaultInstance props this AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.4 protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication user password public synchronized void sendMail String subject.. Session.getDefaultInstance props this AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.4 protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication user password public synchronized void sendMail String subject String body String sender.. props this AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.4 protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication user password public synchronized void sendMail String subject String body String sender String recipients throws Exception..