android Programming Glossary: path.exists
image from camera intent issue in android context.getPackageName if path.exists path.mkdir return new File path image.png and the OnActivity..
Android - Configurable directory? String directory File path new File directory if path.exists FilenameFilter filter new FilenameFilter public boolean accept..
How to store large blobs in an android content provider? w imode ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_WRITE_ONLY if path.exists try path.createNewFile catch IOException e TODO decide what..
Delete a folder on SD card above public static boolean deleteDirectory File path if path.exists File files path.listFiles if files null return true for int..
Save internal file in my own internal folder in Android myfolder File mypath new File path myfile.txt if mypath.exists out new OutputStreamWriter openFileOutput mypath.getAbsolutePath.. this File path cw.getDir myfolder Context.MODE_PRIVATE if path.exists path.createNewFile path.mkdir File mypath new File path myfile.txt.. path.mkdir File mypath new File path myfile.txt if mypath.exists out new OutputStreamWriter openFileOutput mypath.getAbsolutePath..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken If this does not exist we can create it here. if path.exists path.mkdir return new File path String.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis..
“Rotating wheel” progress dialog while deleting folder from SD card f dialog.dismiss private void deleteDirectory File path if path.exists File files path.listFiles for int i 0 i files.length i if.. f private void deleteDirectory File path if path.exists File files path.listFiles for int i 0 i files.length i if files..
image from camera intent issue in android return sdcard image.tmp final File path new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory context.getPackageName if path.exists path.mkdir return new File path image.png and the OnActivity Result protected void onActivityResult int requestCode int..
Android - Configurable directory? fileList private String filenameList ... private File loadFileList String directory File path new File directory if path.exists FilenameFilter filter new FilenameFilter public boolean accept File dir String filename add some filters here for now..
How to store large blobs in an android content provider? com.example.myapp cache some data.xml int imode 0 if mode.contains w imode ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_WRITE_ONLY if path.exists try path.createNewFile catch IOException e TODO decide what to do about it whom to notify... e.printStackTrace if..
Delete a folder on SD card I copied the code here but it is still from the link above public static boolean deleteDirectory File path if path.exists File files path.listFiles if files null return true for int i 0 i files.length i if files i .isDirectory deleteDirectory..
Save internal file in my own internal folder in Android First Way OutputStreamWriter out try File path new File getFilesDir myfolder File mypath new File path myfile.txt if mypath.exists out new OutputStreamWriter openFileOutput mypath.getAbsolutePath MODE_PRIVATE out.write test out.close Second way OutputStreamWriter.. out try ContextWrapper cw new ContextWrapper this File path cw.getDir myfolder Context.MODE_PRIVATE if path.exists path.createNewFile path.mkdir File mypath new File path myfile.txt if mypath.exists out new OutputStreamWriter openFileOutput.. myfolder Context.MODE_PRIVATE if path.exists path.createNewFile path.mkdir File mypath new File path myfile.txt if mypath.exists out new OutputStreamWriter openFileOutput mypath.getAbsolutePath MODE_PRIVATE out.write test out.close Third way File path..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken getString getApplicationInfo .labelRes If this does not exist we can create it here. if path.exists path.mkdir return new File path String.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis .jpg .getPath I have three variables in my Activity..
“Rotating wheel” progress dialog while deleting folder from SD card .getAbsoluteFile Constants.DATA_DIR deleteDirectory f dialog.dismiss private void deleteDirectory File path if path.exists File files path.listFiles for int i 0 i files.length i if files i .isDirectory deleteDirectory files i else files.. .getAbsoluteFile Constants.DATA_DIR deleteDirectory f private void deleteDirectory File path if path.exists File files path.listFiles for int i 0 i files.length i if files i .isDirectory deleteDirectory files i else files i..