android Programming Glossary: pay
Designing an android tablet-only app the guide you can read Caution The Android system does not pay attention to this attribute so it does not affect how your application..
Android, QR code library NOT ZXING [closed] course a free one will be great. but I'm also willing to pay to get a library that's easy in customization and to save time...
What mobile platform should I start learning? [closed] iPhone Applications using Java through iPhone Market pay some fees 99 year The Incredible App Store Hype You need Mac..
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? it is called what do I need to do to actually go to the pay screen on android store Thanks android share improve this..
Implications of Android multiple user support (new in 4.2) for server side data model (e.g. android_id) Google account in each profile e.g. so they don't have to pay for stuff twice . android multiuser android 4.2 share improve..
Service being re-Created by AlarmManager process approach you'll have to do this anyway. It pays to be consistent in how you declare and address your classes... It's a bit messy but because it sometimes seems to pay to use full names rather..
Android Camera without Preview in the corner of the widget visual element . please pay attention resize preview surface not camera frame size. of course..
Embedding ads on Android app? is more lucrative. My only complaint is the wait time on payouts. As an Android developer when I sell an application I receive.. within a few days but with both of these services they payouts are monthly and are processed the month after. So all of.. my monthly revenue from application sales is enough to pay rent on a decent place for me and my wife and daughter. If you..
Defining Z order of views of RelativeLayout in Android share improve this question The easiest way is simply to pay attention to the order in which the Views are added to your..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? Google with those thousands of millions of dollars don't pay a student or someone else to document this API. You have to..
How to check WiFi is pass through web page login? since the user could be anywhere and may need to pay to use the internet hotel airplane coffee shop. Instead the..
Bluetooth and WIFI Printing for Android to be programmaticly available . It would be ok for me to pay the one time fee 5 for it per phone. It has a lot of supported..
android live wallpaper rescaling to scale everything based on this data. That's why they pay us the big bucks. You will want to make sure your resources..
Optimising Android application before release [closed] own applications. Stuff that users may never recognise or pay attention to. However the fixes will either increase the battery..
How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android? SSLVerification_Android.aspx display Mobile You want to pay particular attention to where it makes the KeyStore file. 2..
Custom calendar dayview in android and stuff what is the nicest site or sth I dont want to pay for my own site although its a cool idea @author Sherif Copyright..
How to Get Pixel Colour in Android? blue are 0 than set the textView text to it is red . Just pay attention that saying that something is red is not simply that..
Android Eclipse NoClassDefFoundError for external .jar files of the plugin can't recall the specifics as I did not pay too much attention to it and after that whenever I try to use..
How to add pagelines to a EditText in android? down for code Most of the relevant code is in this file . Pay attention to the LinedEditText inner class. It is defined within..
JSON Android ListView should implement the HttpRequest in the commented line. Pay atention to that the JSON array is hard coded. the Adapter public..
Android - drag and drop - list rearrange list drag and drop share improve this question Pay special attention to this one
How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter the Activity and passed a simple list of strings for now. Pay attention to how it is created on lines 39 40. Our special layout..
Style EditText content 'on the fly'? again to stop using the style. So if I wanted to type ' Pay attention to this ' in bold I would click the 'B' button then..
Android: Raw image callback supported devices nicely by decoding on the fly prior to image processing. Pay good attention and optimize this JPEG fallback. If you are worried..
android simulate low network connectivity for this. Take a look at this page Android Emulator . Pay attention to next two arguments netdelay delay Set network latency..
Designing an android tablet-only app the minimum smallestWidth required. Fine but later on the guide you can read Caution The Android system does not pay attention to this attribute so it does not affect how your application behaves at runtime. Instead it is used to enable..
Android, QR code library NOT ZXING [closed] be used to create a QR code reader EVEN IF IT'S NOT FREE. of course a free one will be great. but I'm also willing to pay to get a library that's easy in customization and to save time. thank you. android qr code share improve this question..
What mobile platform should I start learning? [closed] or like normal applications iPhone Objective C or Java Developing iPhone Applications using Java through iPhone Market pay some fees 99 year The Incredible App Store Hype You need Mac Mac OS for development thanks to ctacke Windows Mobile my favorite..
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? public void onClick View v But what do I do here And when it is called what do I need to do to actually go to the pay screen on android store Thanks android share improve this question 1 download http guide google..
Implications of Android multiple user support (new in 4.2) for server side data model (e.g. android_id) Google accounts but in some case they could have the same Google account in each profile e.g. so they don't have to pay for stuff twice . android multiuser android 4.2 share improve this question No one answered my question but I've now..
Service being re-Created by AlarmManager intent only communication seemed key. If you go for the separate process approach you'll have to do this anyway. It pays to be consistent in how you declare and address your classes. It's a bit messy but because it sometimes seems to pay to.. pays to be consistent in how you declare and address your classes. It's a bit messy but because it sometimes seems to pay to use full names rather than short CleverService or .CleverService . So it's probably..
Android Camera without Preview simply resize preview surface to 1x1 pixels and put it somewhere in the corner of the widget visual element . please pay attention resize preview surface not camera frame size. of course such trick does not eliminate unwanted data streaming..
Embedding ads on Android app? but I am sticking with Adsense because in my experience it is more lucrative. My only complaint is the wait time on payouts. As an Android developer when I sell an application I receive the money for that sale in my bank account within a few.. I receive the money for that sale in my bank account within a few days but with both of these services they payouts are monthly and are processed the month after. So all of my ad revenue earned in March will be processed and paid to.. won't get specific on that number but have said in another post my monthly revenue from application sales is enough to pay rent on a decent place for me and my wife and daughter. If you have an application that you want to release for free I would..
Defining Z order of views of RelativeLayout in Android in the layout xml. xml android z order relativelayout share improve this question The easiest way is simply to pay attention to the order in which the Views are added to your XML file. Lower down in the file means higher up in the Z axis...
How to Read MMS Data in Android? cAdd.close return name Final thoughts Can't understand why Google with those thousands of millions of dollars don't pay a student or someone else to document this API. You have to check the source code to know how it works and which is worse..
How to check WiFi is pass through web page login? unlikely to be able to simply log in for the user programmatically since the user could be anywhere and may need to pay to use the internet hotel airplane coffee shop. Instead the best course of action is to inform the user with a dialog that..
Bluetooth and WIFI Printing for Android wifi or bluetooth Does it work Printershare also claims to be programmaticly available . It would be ok for me to pay the one time fee 5 for it per phone. It has a lot of supported formats. Have you tried it with any handheld device I asked..
android live wallpaper rescaling via onSurfaceChanged and yes it is your job to figure out how to scale everything based on this data. That's why they pay us the big bucks. You will want to make sure your resources are large enough to fit the biggest display you intend to support..
Optimising Android application before release [closed] special fixes which they have used to optimise their own applications. Stuff that users may never recognise or pay attention to. However the fixes will either increase the battery life or help improve maintenance of the application. So..
How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android? then please see this link http KB android SSLVerification_Android.aspx display Mobile You want to pay particular attention to where it makes the KeyStore file. 2 The reason you're getting that error is because it doesn't trust..
Custom calendar dayview in android can someone tell me whereI could post my own tutorials and stuff what is the nicest site or sth I dont want to pay for my own site although its a cool idea @author Sherif Copyright 2011 Sample Day Viewer that will show entries of each..
How to Get Pixel Colour in Android? So all you have to do is check if Red is 255 and green and blue are 0 than set the textView text to it is red . Just pay attention that saying that something is red is not simply that the red channel is the greater than zero. 'Cos 255 Green..
Android Eclipse NoClassDefFoundError for external .jar files for ads The project ran fine until I updated some aspects of the plugin can't recall the specifics as I did not pay too much attention to it and after that whenever I try to use any class from the above .jar files or any of its subclasses..
How to add pagelines to a EditText in android? resources samples NotePad index.html Looks like this scroll down for code Most of the relevant code is in this file . Pay attention to the LinedEditText inner class. It is defined within the activity. It draws the lines required. Inside the activity..
JSON Android ListView Ok. Try this bellow code. It is full functional to me. You should implement the HttpRequest in the commented line. Pay atention to that the JSON array is hard coded. the Adapter public class ListViewAdapter extends BaseAdapter private Context..
Android - drag and drop - list rearrange
How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter from ArrayAdapter. This is instantiated in the onCreate of the Activity and passed a simple list of strings for now. Pay attention to how it is created on lines 39 40. Our special layout for the row is passed in with the list of items. The key..
Style EditText content 'on the fly'? style the text for as long as you'd like then click the toggle again to stop using the style. So if I wanted to type ' Pay attention to this ' in bold I would click the 'B' button then start typing the text and everything I type would be bold..
Android: Raw image callback supported devices So my opinion is that you need to be able to handle JPEG data nicely by decoding on the fly prior to image processing. Pay good attention and optimize this JPEG fallback. If you are worried about quality give a try to Camera.Parameters.setJpegQuality..
android simulate low network connectivity share improve this question You can use emulator for this. Take a look at this page Android Emulator . Pay attention to next two arguments netdelay delay Set network latency emulation to . Default value is none. See the table in..