android Programming Glossary: patch
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget for text field in SearchView is declared through nine patches so we'll do it the same way. You can find original png images.. seems that there's no real difference in selected state 9 patches between Light and Dark themes. However there's a difference.. Light and Dark themes. However there's a difference in 9 patches for default state see Light vs Dark . So probably there's..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? Now if someone can tell me how I can propose a patch bug report to Android I'd be glad to. Meanwhile I suggested..
Steps to create APK expansion file you have to follow while creating Expansion files main patch . expansion version . package name .obb note main are those.. files without this your application will not going to run patch are those files which are additional without this your application.. file and will store it in sdcard Android obb main patch . expansion version . package name .obb ignore obb just unzip..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader my suggestion would be to make a contribution submitting a patch request about this problem missing feature to Android core developer..
Horizontal “tab”ish scroll between views github https olibye AndroViews Then applied the patches from above JonO's patch Tom de Waard's patch Split into a.. AndroViews Then applied the patches from above JonO's patch Tom de Waard's patch Split into a library and an example allowing.. applied the patches from above JonO's patch Tom de Waard's patch Split into a library and an example allowing simple inclusion..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows you decided to implement it don't forget to contribute a patch . FYI the ListView source code is here . share improve this..
How to create android spinner without down triangle on the right side of the widget like this. Thanks android android layout spinner nine patch share improve this question One thing you can do is take..
Android XML rounded clipped corners a repeating bitmap you'll want to look at defining a nine patch drawable. Round your corners then define the portion of the..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime images from the server side. Some of these images are nine patch images. I can't find a way to create and display these nine.. I can't find a way to create and display these nine patch images that have been retrieved over the network . The nine.. that have been retrieved over the network . The nine patch images are retrieved and kept in the application as Bitmaps...
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? to have the latest Facebook SDK but we need to apply this patch to fix the error type OAuthException message #352 Video file..
Starting Activity from Fragment causes NullPointerException 39 01.034 E AndroidRuntime 10557 at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage 99 01 05 19 39 01.034 E AndroidRuntime 10557.. f.mUserVisibleHint I submitted a patch for this a week or two ago https android
How to style the divider between Ice Cream Sandwich tabs? I'm using the following style together with a set of nine patch images to create a red line at the bottom of some Ice Cream.. divider is a solid black line created with the following 9patch drawable With this drawable the divider is drawn but there is.. for the tabbar. As background I directly set the nine patch drawable that is drawn if a tab is not selected. The result..
Android 9 Patch tool: What is the new layout bounds feature? 9 Patch tool What is the new layout bounds feature I've updated r20.. I've updated r20 of the Android SDK and started the 9 Patch tool. There seems to be a new feature Holding Control and clicking..
Problem with EditText background (android) Android's default background which is probably a Nine Patch but definetely not just a simple color. As result you will get..
Android Bug? : String.substring(5).replace(?œâ€? ?œâ€? // empty string to take care of devices that didnt make that fixed update Patch for the String.replace CharSequence target CharSequence replacement.. original is buggy when CharSequence target is empty i.e. . Patched by Google Android https android 58393.. 58393 public static String replacePatched final String string final CharSequence target final CharSequence..
Drawing Nine Patch onto Canvas (Android) Nine Patch onto Canvas Android I'm trying to draw a nine patch onto a.. patch using the draw9patch tool the constructor for NinePatch requires an additional byte array called the chunk to construct.. You can easily do it this way Load the image as a NinePatch drawable NinePatchDrawable npd NinePatchDrawable Resources.getDrawable..
Guide for custom UI controls Java sources For each type of UI element create Nine Patch PNG drawables for each of the UI states default disabled pressed..
Android ListView Footer View not being placed on the bottom of the screen of the screen and scroll in an odd manner due to the 9 Patch stretchable regions Adding the cone_footer as a separate view..
How can I work around Android issue 9161, where bottomRightRadius and bottomLeftRadius are swapped? corners android radius 5dp shape item Patch left middle part of button which was left empty due to rounded.. android color @color button_normal_green_bottom shape item Patch right middle and make right side corners square item android..
Setting image source for ToggleButton actually called btn_toggle_ on off .9.png since they are 9 Patch images so they stretch to match the button size. share improve..
Button Image size in android it can be a Stretchable image then Create a bitmap using 9 Patch Tool. Otherwise read about Alternate Drawables section on Android..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget id is not present the code won't work. In SDK the background for text field in SearchView is declared through nine patches so we'll do it the same way. You can find original png images in drawable mdpi directory of Android git repository . We're.. theme as base but you can do the same with Holo Dark . It seems that there's no real difference in selected state 9 patches between Light and Dark themes. However there's a difference in 9 patches for default state see Light vs Dark . So probably.. no real difference in selected state 9 patches between Light and Dark themes. However there's a difference in 9 patches for default state see Light vs Dark . So probably there's no need to make local copies of 9 patches for selected state..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? call if mCallBack null mDatePicker.clearFocus super.onStop Now if someone can tell me how I can propose a patch bug report to Android I'd be glad to. Meanwhile I suggested a possible fix simple as an attached version of
Steps to create APK expansion file have to attach when uploading apk. There are naming convention you have to follow while creating Expansion files main patch . expansion version . package name .obb note main are those files without this your application will not going to run patch.. . expansion version . package name .obb note main are those files without this your application will not going to run patch are those files which are additional without this your application can run expansion version version that you are giving.. be same as zip size Now This activity will download the Expansion file and will store it in sdcard Android obb main patch . expansion version . package name .obb ignore obb just unzip this file anywhere you want sdcard Android data recommended..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader 2 Dropdown MultiAutoCompleteTextView tokenizer Otherwise my suggestion would be to make a contribution submitting a patch request about this problem missing feature to Android core developer community. Here you find the instructions on how to..
Horizontal “tab”ish scroll between views I cloned Eric Taix's http p andro views on github https olibye AndroViews Then applied the patches from above JonO's patch Tom de Waard's patch Split into a library and an example allowing simple inclusion in other projects.. p andro views on github https olibye AndroViews Then applied the patches from above JonO's patch Tom de Waard's patch Split into a library and an example allowing simple inclusion in other projects I would have made this.. views on github https olibye AndroViews Then applied the patches from above JonO's patch Tom de Waard's patch Split into a library and an example allowing simple inclusion in other projects I would have made this comment above however..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows
How to create android spinner without down triangle on the right side of the widget can change to accomplish this I have not been able to see code like this. Thanks android android layout spinner nine patch share improve this question One thing you can do is take Spinner 's source code from android code base together with..
Android XML rounded clipped corners You'll have to round the corners of your bitmap. If you have a repeating bitmap you'll want to look at defining a nine patch drawable. Round your corners then define the portion of the graphic that can expand. http guide topics..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime should be customizable by retrieving new colors and images from the server side. Some of these images are nine patch images. I can't find a way to create and display these nine patch images that have been retrieved over the network . The.. from the server side. Some of these images are nine patch images. I can't find a way to create and display these nine patch images that have been retrieved over the network . The nine patch images are retrieved and kept in the application as Bitmaps... I can't find a way to create and display these nine patch images that have been retrieved over the network . The nine patch images are retrieved and kept in the application as Bitmaps. In order to create a NinePatchDrawable you either need the..
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? I got this function from this answer . Of course you need to have the latest Facebook SDK but we need to apply this patch to fix the error type OAuthException message #352 Video file format is not supported string response error. And that's it..
Starting Activity from Fragment causes NullPointerException H.handleMessage 1870 01 05 19 39 01.034 E AndroidRuntime 10557 at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage 99 01 05 19 39 01.034 E AndroidRuntime 10557 at android.os.Looper.loop 123 01 05 19 39 01.034..
How to style the divider between Ice Cream Sandwich tabs? to style the divider between Ice Cream Sandwich tabs I'm using the following style together with a set of nine patch images to create a red line at the bottom of some Ice Cream Sandwich tabs instead of the standard blue line style name customTabStyle.. customTabBar. The style selects a drawable as a divider. The divider is a solid black line created with the following 9patch drawable With this drawable the divider is drawn but there is also a blank line next to it android android tabs share.. style defines my custom divider and also defines the background for the tabbar. As background I directly set the nine patch drawable that is drawn if a tab is not selected. The result of all this is a tabbar with a red underline without any gaps...
Android 9 Patch tool: What is the new layout bounds feature? 9 Patch tool What is the new layout bounds feature I've updated r20 of the Android SDK and started the 9 Patch tool. There seems.. 9 Patch tool What is the new layout bounds feature I've updated r20 of the Android SDK and started the 9 Patch tool. There seems to be a new feature Holding Control and clicking adds layout bounds which are referred to as red pixels...
Problem with EditText background (android) EditText background to a color you will effectively suppress Android's default background which is probably a Nine Patch but definetely not just a simple color. As result you will get a simplest form of EditText a square box. Here's slightly..
Android Bug? : String.substring(5).replace(?œâ€? ?œâ€? // empty string 1 we still have to wait for the correct release 2 we need to take care of devices that didnt make that fixed update Patch for the String.replace CharSequence target CharSequence replacement because the original is buggy when CharSequence target.. CharSequence target CharSequence replacement because the original is buggy when CharSequence target is empty i.e. . Patched by Google Android https android 58393 public static String replacePatched final String string.. is empty i.e. . Patched by Google Android https android 58393 public static String replacePatched final String string final CharSequence target final CharSequence replacement if target null throw new NullPointerException..
Drawing Nine Patch onto Canvas (Android) Nine Patch onto Canvas Android I'm trying to draw a nine patch onto a Canvas object on the Android. What seems strange is that although.. What seems strange is that although I generated my nine patch using the draw9patch tool the constructor for NinePatch requires an additional byte array called the chunk to construct the nine patch. Why isn't this simpler What is the chunk.. java android graphics nine patch share improve this question You can easily do it this way Load the image as a NinePatch drawable NinePatchDrawable npd NinePatchDrawable Resources.getDrawable R.drawable.my_nine_patch Set its bound where you..
Guide for custom UI controls in is in the frameworks base.git project quick links resources Java sources For each type of UI element create Nine Patch PNG drawables for each of the UI states default disabled pressed focused etc. and for each relevant density e.g. medium..
Android ListView Footer View not being placed on the bottom of the screen ListView This caused the ListView to not span the entire width of the screen and scroll in an odd manner due to the 9 Patch stretchable regions Adding the cone_footer as a separate view in the Layout Thanks in advance android listview footer ..
How can I work around Android issue 9161, where bottomRightRadius and bottomLeftRadius are swapped? android shape rectangle solid android color @color button_normal_green_bottom corners android radius 5dp shape item Patch left middle part of button which was left empty due to rounded corners on top and bottom halves of button item android top.. 5dp android right 5dp shape android shape rectangle solid android color @color button_normal_green_bottom shape item Patch right middle and make right side corners square item android bottom 20dp android left 15dp shape android shape rectangle..
Setting image source for ToggleButton
Button Image size in android If your buttom image is Plain colored background and if it can be a Stretchable image then Create a bitmap using 9 Patch Tool. Otherwise read about Alternate Drawables section on Android developer site To create alternative bitmap drawables..