android Programming Glossary: password.getbytes
AES gets different results in iOS and Java keyBytes byte 0x0 if password is shorter then key length it will be zero padded to key length byte passwordBytes password.getBytes UTF 8 int length passwordBytes.length keyBytes.length passwordBytes.length keyBytes.length System.arraycopy passwordBytes..
Securing media files in the mobile encryptToBinaryFile String password byte bytes File file throws EncrypterException try final byte rawKey getRawKey password.getBytes final FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file false ostream.write encrypt rawKey bytes ostream.flush ostream.close.. static byte decryptFromBinaryFile String password File file throws EncrypterException try final byte rawKey getRawKey password.getBytes final FileInputStream istream new FileInputStream file final byte buffer new byte int file.length buffer return..
How can I calculate the SHA-256 hash of a string in Android? e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace digest.reset try Log.i Eamorr digest.digest password.getBytes UTF 8 .toString catch UnsupportedEncodingException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace But this prints out.. NoSuchAlgorithmException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace digest.reset return digest.digest password.getBytes static String bin2hex byte data return String.format 0 data.length 2 X new BigInteger 1 data java php android digest sha..
Encryption of video files? encryptToBinaryFile String password byte bytes File file throws EncrypterException try final byte rawKey getRawKey password.getBytes final FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file false ostream.write encrypt rawKey bytes ostream.flush ostream.close..