android Programming Glossary: pasting
Extending ArrayAdapter in android to create MyAdapter rather than just copying and pasting the code from the ArrayAdapter How can i override the inner..
Importing google-play-services lib into Intellij IDEA 12 in my layout xml I get an error. There's no point in pasting the whole XML Layout because it doesn't have anything strange..
Android - Failed to find provider info for in MapView Example storepass android keypass android Get API key by pasting the generated MD5 to this page http android..
Search item in edittext from listview showing wrong result that i am clicking is so much weird to me.I am not pasting complete code here only attaching the required code. Here is..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? but connection is dropped immediately after that. I'm pasting two test apps below one that actually tries to read from input..
How to bring up list of available notification sounds on Android notifications share improve this question Just copy pasting some code from one of my apps that does what you are looking..
Masked Input Using EditText Widget in Android individual key presses and it will also handle things like pasting into a field which would be painful to handle with an OnKeyListener..
Inserting contacts in Android 2.2 I am using the code example from developer site just pasting it here ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE..
Android: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: start Intent manifest file to access MessageList of k9Mail. I am pasting below the permissions included in k9mail application's manifest..
Unable to run imported project and Export . What's wrong I've also tried copying and pasting the .java files and main.xml files from the imported project..
Android video as a live wallpaper so it can be possible may be i am missing something . I am pasting the code any help on this will be appreciated. Code Snippet..
Best practice for defining button events in android button event handlers in scenarios like this. Edit pasting my complete class public class CameraAppActivity extends Activity..
Get Canvas coordinates after scaling up/down or dragging in android in android I'm developing an application in which I'm pasting images doing drawing and painting on canvas. This app can also..
How to use Android Spinner like a drop-down list an implementation suggestion that does not involve copy pasting code from the source which by the way looks exactly the same..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter that how can I go to last page from first page. Here I am pasting my code related to pagerAdapter onPageChangeListener awesomeAdapter..
Optional permissions so an app can show on all devices and enable optional features on some? as opposed to writing down the number or copying and pasting it into the phone app. It's not essential however. If that feature..
Extending ArrayAdapter in android codes to. So i feel the best way is to extend the class ArrayAdapter to create MyAdapter rather than just copying and pasting the code from the ArrayAdapter How can i override the inner private class of a parent class.. Edit The exception i get....
Importing google-play-services lib into Intellij IDEA 12 and I get the right imports when I try to add a SignInButton in my layout xml I get an error. There's no point in pasting the whole XML Layout because it doesn't have anything strange it's just a RelativeLayout with a few textviews. I added the..
Android - Failed to find provider info for in MapView Example alias androiddebugkey keystore userprofile .android debug.keystore storepass android keypass android Get API key by pasting the generated MD5 to this page http android maps api signup.html Paste the generated API key to your_project_root..
Search item in edittext from listview showing wrong result activities that are associated with other listitems but not that i am clicking is so much weird to me.I am not pasting complete code here only attaching the required code. Here is my code where i enabled the search functionality to edittext..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? test application below does connect to the device LED flashes but connection is dropped immediately after that. I'm pasting two test apps below one that actually tries to read from input stream and second one that just sits there waiting for the..
How to bring up list of available notification sounds on Android to display the same list in my application java android audio notifications share improve this question Just copy pasting some code from one of my apps that does what you are looking for. This is in an onClick handler of a button labeled set..
Masked Input Using EditText Widget in Android . This means you don't have worry about tracking individual key presses and it will also handle things like pasting into a field which would be painful to handle with an OnKeyListener . You could have a look at the source of the InputFilter..
Inserting contacts in Android 2.2 successful. Am I doing anything wrong or am I missing something I am using the code example from developer site just pasting it here ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE accountType values.put RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME..
Android: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: start Intent what permissions to include in my Notifier application's manifest file to access MessageList of k9Mail. I am pasting below the permissions included in k9mail application's manifest file uses permission android name android.permission.READ_CONTACTS..
Unable to run imported project to get system library for the project under Libraries and Order and Export . What's wrong I've also tried copying and pasting the .java files and main.xml files from the imported project to the new project and it runs correctly...but somehow the..
Android video as a live wallpaper VideoLiveWallpaper which set video as a live wallpaper so it can be possible may be i am missing something . I am pasting the code any help on this will be appreciated. Code Snippet public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder TODO Auto generated..
Best practice for defining button events in android I would like to know what is the best practice in terms of defining button event handlers in scenarios like this. Edit pasting my complete class public class CameraAppActivity extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. @Override public..
Get Canvas coordinates after scaling up/down or dragging in android Canvas coordinates after scaling up down or dragging in android I'm developing an application in which I'm pasting images doing drawing and painting on canvas. This app can also Scale up down the canvas or drag it to different location...
How to use Android Spinner like a drop-down list improve this question 1 to David's answer. However here's an implementation suggestion that does not involve copy pasting code from the source which by the way looks exactly the same as David posted in 2.3 as well @Override void setSelectionInt..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter working for last page to first page but the problem is that how can I go to last page from first page. Here I am pasting my code related to pagerAdapter onPageChangeListener awesomeAdapter new AwesomePagerAdapter awesomePager awesomePager.setAdapter..
Optional permissions so an app can show on all devices and enable optional features on some? a button to call the company. That's a nice convenient feature as opposed to writing down the number or copying and pasting it into the phone app. It's not essential however. If that feature is used and the telephony permission is added to the..