android Programming Glossary: paypal
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements will ban your app if they discover a 3rd party Phonegap PayPal plugin. Native apps Pro A native mobile app can produce the..
Android: how distribute paid application when paid Market is not available in my country (OBSOLETE) Market includes much more countries and such services as PayPal Mobile Payments Library are available. Hi I'd like to sell my.. way to sell application in such situation I can accept PayPal money transfers but I don't know how to distribute APK package.. Market includes much more countries and such services as PayPal Mobile Payments Library are available. android apk market ..
PayPal Donations on Android Apps Donations on Android Apps I am currently developing an application..
PayPal integration for android [closed] integration for android closed how can i integrate paypal in.. integration share improve this question Start with the PayPal Mobile XSpacec at https community ppx xspaces mobile.. at https community ppx xspaces mobile Also check PayPal's tutorials https docs DOC 2532 share improve this..
Donate via in-app billing for your users. What you might want to look into is the PayPal in app payments library. https community ppx xspaces..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? This is my code. private void invokeSimplePayment try PayPalPayment payment new PayPalPayment payment.setSubtotal new BigDecimal.. void invokeSimplePayment try PayPalPayment payment new PayPalPayment payment.setSubtotal new BigDecimal Amt payment.setCurrencyType.. code payment.setRecipient Rec_Email payment.setPaymentType PayPal.PAYMENT_TYPE_GOODS Intent checkoutIntent PayPal.getInstance..
Android : How do i pass the Payment details? Express Checkout LIbrary . I just redirect my app to PayPal But i got like this What can i do for this now I didn't pass.. can i do for this now I didn't pass any payment details to PayPal How do pass it and how do i finished it. Anyone help me to do.. from paypal and a token from your webservice Wich PayPal URL are u using to redirect to the PayPal page Because i had..
Android and Paypal API integration this.startActivity menuIntent android integration paypal api share improve this question in onclick pp PayPal.getInstance.. pp PayPal.getInstance Should do like this to start paypal activity PayPalPayment newPayment new PayPalPayment newPayment.setCurrencyType.. new PayPalPayment newPayment.setCurrencyType USD Intent paypalIntent pp.checkout newPayment test.this startActivityForResult..
PayPal Donations on Android Apps I have tried looking at google but it mainly shows about paypal donation buttons for websites android share improve this..
PayPal integration for android [closed] integration for android closed how can i integrate paypal in my android application this is for when a user select a item.. step method and sample of code Thanks in advance android paypal integration share improve this question Start with the PayPal..
In App BIlling trouble with Pending Intents and switching activities herring. Also I hope this is allowed on here I will offer paypal reward for a solution. If this is against the Terms of SO then..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? Paypal in android Application I try to integrate paypal with Android app using sandbox. I'm getting successfully longing.. app using sandbox. I'm getting successfully longing with paypal but when I am doing payment then Screen will get invisible directly.. is my code and it works fine. There are two classes. For paypal from sandbox to lliev envoirment you have to do 2 things put..
Android : How do i pass the Payment details? how do i finished it. Anyone help me to do this android paypal share improve this question So u get a devicetoken from.. share improve this question So u get a devicetoken from paypal and a token from your webservice Wich PayPal URL are u using.. but the live url worked for me String url https cgi bin webscr cmd _express checkout mobile useraction commit..
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements not get permission for Apple app store. Even Google Play Store will ban your app if they discover a 3rd party Phonegap PayPal plugin. Native apps Pro A native mobile app can produce the best user experience fast and fluid can give you the best access..
Android: how distribute paid application when paid Market is not available in my country (OBSOLETE) OBSOLETE WARNING this question is now obsolete as Android Market includes much more countries and such services as PayPal Mobile Payments Library are available. Hi I'd like to sell my Android application but I live in Poland and in my country.. apps we cannot sell and we cannot buy too . What is the best way to sell application in such situation I can accept PayPal money transfers but I don't know how to distribute APK package without exposing it to getting pirated. Did someone tried.. worldwide. WARNING this question is now obsolete as Android Market includes much more countries and such services as PayPal Mobile Payments Library are available. android apk market share improve this question There are a few options available..
PayPal Donations on Android Apps Donations on Android Apps I am currently developing an application where I want to be able to have an option to allow the..
PayPal integration for android [closed] integration for android closed how can i integrate paypal in my android application this is for when a user select a item.. method and sample of code Thanks in advance android paypal integration share improve this question Start with the PayPal Mobile XSpacec at https community ppx xspaces mobile Also check PayPal's tutorials https docs DOC 2532..
Donate via in-app billing could buy over and over again but it'd be really in convenient for your users. What you might want to look into is the PayPal in app payments library. https community ppx xspaces mobile mep view overview If you're not selling virtual goods..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? without Response . So How I can get response from Paypal. This is my code. private void invokeSimplePayment try PayPalPayment payment new PayPalPayment payment.setSubtotal new BigDecimal Amt payment.setCurrencyType Currency_code code payment.setRecipient.. How I can get response from Paypal. This is my code. private void invokeSimplePayment try PayPalPayment payment new PayPalPayment payment.setSubtotal new BigDecimal Amt payment.setCurrencyType Currency_code code payment.setRecipient Rec_Email.. new BigDecimal Amt payment.setCurrencyType Currency_code code payment.setRecipient Rec_Email payment.setPaymentType PayPal.PAYMENT_TYPE_GOODS Intent checkoutIntent PayPal.getInstance .checkout payment this startActivityForResult checkoutIntent..
Android : How do i pass the Payment details? How do i pass the Payment details Am working on Mobile Express Checkout LIbrary . I just redirect my app to PayPal But i got like this What can i do for this now I didn't pass any payment details to PayPal How do pass it and how do i finished.. . I just redirect my app to PayPal But i got like this What can i do for this now I didn't pass any payment details to PayPal How do pass it and how do i finished it. Anyone help me to do this android paypal share improve this question So u.. paypal share improve this question So u get a devicetoken from paypal and a token from your webservice Wich PayPal URL are u using to redirect to the PayPal page Because i had the same problem in SANDBOX mode.. Didn't solve the problem..
Android and Paypal API integration Intent menuIntent new Intent Donate.this MTGTools.class this.startActivity menuIntent android integration paypal api share improve this question in onclick pp PayPal.getInstance Should do like this to start paypal activity PayPalPayment.. integration paypal api share improve this question in onclick pp PayPal.getInstance Should do like this to start paypal activity PayPalPayment newPayment new PayPalPayment newPayment.setCurrencyType USD Intent paypalIntent pp.checkout newPayment..
PayPal Donations on Android Apps app. Is there a particular way about doing this for android. I have tried looking at google but it mainly shows about paypal donation buttons for websites android share improve this question I think it should be possible. There's a similar..
PayPal integration for android [closed] integration for android closed how can i integrate paypal in my android application this is for when a user select a item and after selecting he need to make a payment of it how.. a payment of it how can i do this please provide step by step method and sample of code Thanks in advance android paypal integration share improve this question Start with the PayPal Mobile XSpacec at https community ppx xspaces..
In App BIlling trouble with Pending Intents and switching activities is expected by the Andengine library so that is a red herring. Also I hope this is allowed on here I will offer paypal reward for a solution. If this is against the Terms of SO then just delete this line please don't close this question. ..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? integrate Paypal in android Application I try to integrate paypal with Android app using sandbox. I'm getting successfully longing with paypal but when I am doing payment then Screen will.. android Application I try to integrate paypal with Android app using sandbox. I'm getting successfully longing with paypal but when I am doing payment then Screen will get invisible directly without Response . So How I can get response from Paypal... resultInfo android share improve this question This is my code and it works fine. There are two classes. For paypal from sandbox to lliev envoirment you have to do 2 things put the actual account holder in set reciepient and get a live..
Android : How do i pass the Payment details? didn't pass any payment details to PayPal How do pass it and how do i finished it. Anyone help me to do this android paypal share improve this question So u get a devicetoken from paypal and a token from your webservice Wich PayPal URL are.. i finished it. Anyone help me to do this android paypal share improve this question So u get a devicetoken from paypal and a token from your webservice Wich PayPal URL are u using to redirect to the PayPal page Because i had the same problem.. i had the same problem in SANDBOX mode.. Didn't solve the problem but the live url worked for me String url https cgi bin webscr cmd _express checkout mobile useraction commit token token drt deviceToken token param transaction token..