android Programming Glossary: partly
Display a “help” overlay over an Android layout the best way to achieve this. Should I display a huge partly transparent image over the game activity which contains the..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) The reason why using the sleep operation apparently partly cures the problem is because it's a crude way of giving your..
Show ImageView partly behind transparent ActionBar ImageView partly behind transparent ActionBar The Google Maps application has..
how i can break things with Fragments with setRetainInstance(true) and adding them to backstack? and setRetainInstance true are called setRetainInstance partly alters the Fragment lifecycle method calls and parameter values..
Designing android apps for tablets as well. Therefore I think that the review process is partly manual. So my conclusion a quantitative approach may help a..
Is it possible to record phone calls via an Android App? stack is fairly restrictive to application developers partly for security reasons. You might be to write your own Phone app..
Resume http file download in java 30MB. It seems that it continue writing to file but cant partly download from server. Wget c works great with this file. How..
Android, uploading a photo to host on imgur programatically examples#uploading_java But the following methods partly works.. im trying to retrieve errors if any errors occured...
Android app restarts automatically after a crash app restarts automatically after a crash My app is partly written in native app using C C . The problem is that whenever..
Android ViewPager with previous and next pages visible? way to implement a page indicator over it. But now how to partly show left and right pages android gallery pager android viewpager.. improve this question I used a negative page margin to partly show the next and the previous pages. The fading edge property..
Display a “help” overlay over an Android layout box say what they are used for. I'm looking for advice on what's the best way to achieve this. Should I display a huge partly transparent image over the game activity which contains the arrow I will need an image for each arrow for each component..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) the buffer is in a valid state with valid data when read returns. The reason why using the sleep operation apparently partly cures the problem is because it's a crude way of giving your Handler time to look at the array before the subsequent read..
Show ImageView partly behind transparent ActionBar ImageView partly behind transparent ActionBar The Google Maps application has a transparent ActionBar through which the map is visible...
how i can break things with Fragments with setRetainInstance(true) and adding them to backstack? API docs so I wrote up this answer . If both addToBackStack and setRetainInstance true are called setRetainInstance partly alters the Fragment lifecycle method calls and parameter values on configuration changes compared to calling only addToBackStack..
Designing android apps for tablets if they had I think my other APKs would be showing that error as well. Therefore I think that the review process is partly manual. So my conclusion a quantitative approach may help a few more xmls in sw600dp and sw720dp but don't neglect the qualitative..
Is it possible to record phone calls via an Android App? improve this question The short answer is no. The telephony stack is fairly restrictive to application developers partly for security reasons. You might be to write your own Phone app perhaps based off the default one and include the necessary..
Resume http file download in java stop download on 10mb then contunue I get file with filesize 30MB. It seems that it continue writing to file but cant partly download from server. Wget c works great with this file. How can I resume file download java android http download file..
Android, uploading a photo to host on imgur programatically successfull despite looking at the imgur api. http examples#uploading_java But the following methods partly works.. im trying to retrieve errors if any errors occured. link to image the link to the image hosted delete link the link..
Android app restarts automatically after a crash app restarts automatically after a crash My app is partly written in native app using C C . The problem is that whenever C C part crashes for some reason the app dies and then restarts..
Android ViewPager with previous and next pages visible? a ViewPager from Android Compatibility library. I found a way to implement a page indicator over it. But now how to partly show left and right pages android gallery pager android viewpager android compat lib share improve this question I.. gallery pager android viewpager android compat lib share improve this question I used a negative page margin to partly show the next and the previous pages. The fading edge property can be used to make previous next page fade ViewPager examplePager..