android Programming Glossary: myinput.close
Copy Database from assets folder in unrooted device
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database..
How can I display Latin words in Android? buffer 0 length myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close catch IOException e Log.v data e.toString .concat sql public..
copy database from assets to databases folder [duplicate] buffer 0 length myOutput.close myOutput.flush myInput.close Log.i Database New database has been copied to device catch..
How to use my own sqlite database? length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public static SQLiteDatabase getStaticDb return SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase..
What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed] length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database..
missing table in SQLite with specific version of HTC DESIRE HD 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close I think that the copydatabase function has a problem but I don't..
Sqlite issues with HTC Desire HD Guarantee Write myOutput.getFD .sync myOutput.close myInput.close Not grab the newly written file File fileObj context.getFileStreamPath..
How can I embed an SQLite database into an application? buffer 0 length myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException String dbPath DATABASE_PATH..
Database not copying from assets 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close Opening the Database public void openDataBase throws SQLException..
onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database..
Access the phone internal storage to push in SQLite database file 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close catch Exception e Log.e error e.toString share improve this..
How to initialize sqlite database once from a helper class in Android length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close Log.i TAG DB databaseName copied Method to check if database..
Why is onUpgrade() not being invoked on Android sqlite database? 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close myDataBase.setVersion DB_VERSION public void openDataBaseForRead..
Android Database Transaction 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close Open the database @throws SQLException public void openDataBase..
Copy Database from assets folder in unrooted device
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase..
How can I display Latin words in Android? 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close catch IOException e Log.v data e.toString .concat sql public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String..
copy database from assets to databases folder [duplicate] DB_PATH DB_NAME while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length myOutput.close myOutput.flush myInput.close Log.i Database New database has been copied to device catch IOException e e.printStackTrace share improve this answer..
How to use my own sqlite database? while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public static SQLiteDatabase getStaticDb return SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase DB_PATH DB_NAME null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY..
What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed] while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DATABASE_NAME mDb SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase..
missing table in SQLite with specific version of HTC DESIRE HD buffer 1 if length 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close I think that the copydatabase function has a problem but I don't see. This code works fine with all devices except the HTC..
Sqlite issues with HTC Desire HD 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush Guarantee Write myOutput.getFD .sync myOutput.close myInput.close Not grab the newly written file File fileObj context.getFileStreamPath dbName and open the database return db SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase..
How can I embed an SQLite database into an application? byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException String dbPath DATABASE_PATH DATABASE_NAME dataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase..
Database not copying from assets while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close Opening the Database public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase..
onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase..
Access the phone internal storage to push in SQLite database file
How to initialize sqlite database once from a helper class in Android while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close Log.i TAG DB databaseName copied Method to check if database exists in application's data directory @param databaseName..
Why is onUpgrade() not being invoked on Android sqlite database? while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close myDataBase.setVersion DB_VERSION public void openDataBaseForRead throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH..
Android Database Transaction while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close Open the database @throws SQLException public void openDataBase throws SQLException String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase..