android Programming Glossary: myfile
Client-Server: File transfer from Android to PC connected via socket 1149 System.out.println Connecting... sendfile File myFile new File selectedImagePath byte mybytearray new byte int myFile.length.. new File selectedImagePath byte mybytearray new byte int myFile.length FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream myFile BufferedInputStream.. int myFile.length FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream myFile BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream fis
Nexus 4 not showing files via MTP Serializer serializer new Persister File myFile new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory customerQueryRequest.xml.. customerQueryRequest.xml try boolean created myFile.createNewFile serializer.write customerQueryRequest myFile catch.. myFile.createNewFile serializer.write customerQueryRequest myFile catch Exception e e.printStackTrace i can see the file on the..
Download a file programatically on Android check folder.mkdirs Log.d HttpDownload check check File myFile new File sdcard folder name myFile.createNewFile OutputStream.. check check File myFile new File sdcard folder name myFile.createNewFile OutputStream filoutputStream new FileOutputStream.. OutputStream filoutputStream new FileOutputStream myFile filoutputStream.write b filoutputStream.flush filoutputStream.close..
Android: Bitmap recycle() how does it work? object like Bitmap myBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile myFile Now what will happen if i load another bitmap like myBitmap.. load another bitmap like myBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile myFile2 What happens to the first myBitmap does it get Garbage Collected..
Problem Attaching internal file to GMail in my android app the app. Internal files were created with openFileOutput myFile 32769 Thanks John D android share improve this question ..
Android: Viewing SharedPreferences file? Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File myFile new File myPath MySharedPreferences try FileWriter fw new FileWriter.. MySharedPreferences try FileWriter fw new FileWriter myFile PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter fw Map String prefsMap prefs.getAll..
How to delete entry and video file in a listview file browser? lv finally in deleteFile you need to state File myFile new File item.absolutePath lv.notifyDataSetChanged and that..
Write a file in external storage in Android v write on SD card file data from the text box try File myFile new File sdcard mysdfile.txt myFile.createNewFile FileOutputStream.. the text box try File myFile new File sdcard mysdfile.txt myFile.createNewFile FileOutputStream fOut new FileOutputStream myFile.. FileOutputStream fOut new FileOutputStream myFile OutputStreamWriter myOutWriter new OutputStreamWriter fOut myOutWriter.append..
Bluetooth file transfer Android TAG ON RESUME Output stream creation failed. e File myFile new File file_name Log.d TAG file source.pdf created success.. source.pdf created success byte mybytearray new byte int myFile.length Log.d TAG file length int myFile.length FileInputStream.. new byte int myFile.length Log.d TAG file length int myFile.length FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream myFile Log.d..
Can a videoview play a video stored on internal storage? command in adb shell ls al data data com.mypackage myfile You will probably see rw which means that only the owner your.. the following command chmod o r data data com.mypackage myfile If you need to modify these permissions programmatically requires.. Runtime.getRuntime .exec chmod o r data data com.mypackage myfile Which is basically a linux command. See https
Where are Android logcat files stored? memory buffers on the device. If you run adb logcat myfile on your host system you can retrieve the content into a file...
Android playing resource files from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException command in adb shell ls al data data com.mypackage myfile You will probably see rw which means that only the owner your.. the following command chmod o r data data com.mypackage myfile If you need to modify these permissions programmatically requires.. Runtime.getRuntime .exec chmod o r data data com.mypackage myfile or Runtime.getRuntime .exec chmod 777 data data com.mypackage..
Creating directory in application package on internal storage an internal dir File fileWithinMyDir new File mydir myfile Getting a file within the dir. FileOutputStream out new FileOutputStream..
Android create folders in Internal Memory an internal dir File fileWithinMyDir new File mydir myfile Getting a file within the dir. FileOutputStream out new FileOutputStream..
Creating folder in internal Memory to save files and retrieve them later an internal dir File fileWithinMyDir new File mydir myfile Getting a file within the dir. FileOutputStream out new FileOutputStream..
Client-Server: File transfer from Android to PC connected via socket onClick View arg0 Socket sock try sock new Socket MY_PCs_IP 1149 System.out.println Connecting... sendfile File myFile new File selectedImagePath byte mybytearray new byte int myFile.length FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream myFile.. System.out.println Connecting... sendfile File myFile new File selectedImagePath byte mybytearray new byte int myFile.length FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream myFile BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream fis mybytearray.. new File selectedImagePath byte mybytearray new byte int myFile.length FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream myFile BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream fis mybytearray 0 mybytearray.length OutputStream os sock.getOutputStream..
Nexus 4 not showing files via MTP CustomerQueryRqType customerQueryRequest new CustomerQueryRqType Serializer serializer new Persister File myFile new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory customerQueryRequest.xml try boolean created myFile.createNewFile serializer.write.. Persister File myFile new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory customerQueryRequest.xml try boolean created myFile.createNewFile serializer.write customerQueryRequest myFile catch Exception e e.printStackTrace i can see the file on the.. customerQueryRequest.xml try boolean created myFile.createNewFile serializer.write customerQueryRequest myFile catch Exception e e.printStackTrace i can see the file on the phone itself with Astro File Manager but Windows doesn't..
Download a file programatically on Android b in.close File folder new File sdcard folder boolean check folder.mkdirs Log.d HttpDownload check check File myFile new File sdcard folder name myFile.createNewFile OutputStream filoutputStream new FileOutputStream myFile filoutputStream.write.. File sdcard folder boolean check folder.mkdirs Log.d HttpDownload check check File myFile new File sdcard folder name myFile.createNewFile OutputStream filoutputStream new FileOutputStream myFile filoutputStream.write b filoutputStream.flush filoutputStream.close.. check File myFile new File sdcard folder name myFile.createNewFile OutputStream filoutputStream new FileOutputStream myFile filoutputStream.write b filoutputStream.flush filoutputStream.close android share improve this question This is some..
Android: Bitmap recycle() how does it work? how does it work Lets say i have loaded an image in a bitmap object like Bitmap myBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile myFile Now what will happen if i load another bitmap like myBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile myFile2 What happens to the first myBitmap.. BitmapFactory.decodeFile myFile Now what will happen if i load another bitmap like myBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile myFile2 What happens to the first myBitmap does it get Garbage Collected or do i have to manually garbage collect it before loading..
Problem Attaching internal file to GMail in my android app somehow My attachments are all text files written by the app. Internal files were created with openFileOutput myFile 32769 Thanks John D android share improve this question the only way I found around this was to make my own content..
Android: Viewing SharedPreferences file? Unicorns prefEdit.commit BEGIN EXAMPLE File myPath new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File myFile new File myPath MySharedPreferences try FileWriter fw new FileWriter myFile PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter fw Map String.. .toString File myFile new File myPath MySharedPreferences try FileWriter fw new FileWriter myFile PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter fw Map String prefsMap prefs.getAll for Map.Entry String entry prefsMap.entrySet pw.println..
How to delete entry and video file in a listview file browser?
Write a file in external storage in Android private Throwable e @Override public void onClick View v write on SD card file data from the text box try File myFile new File sdcard mysdfile.txt myFile.createNewFile FileOutputStream fOut new FileOutputStream myFile OutputStreamWriter myOutWriter.. public void onClick View v write on SD card file data from the text box try File myFile new File sdcard mysdfile.txt myFile.createNewFile FileOutputStream fOut new FileOutputStream myFile OutputStreamWriter myOutWriter new OutputStreamWriter fOut.. text box try File myFile new File sdcard mysdfile.txt myFile.createNewFile FileOutputStream fOut new FileOutputStream myFile OutputStreamWriter myOutWriter new OutputStreamWriter fOut myOutWriter.append txtData.getText myOutWriter.close fOut.close..
Bluetooth file transfer Android Log.d TAG outStream created success catch IOException e Log.d TAG ON RESUME Output stream creation failed. e File myFile new File file_name Log.d TAG file source.pdf created success byte mybytearray new byte int myFile.length Log.d TAG file.. failed. e File myFile new File file_name Log.d TAG file source.pdf created success byte mybytearray new byte int myFile.length Log.d TAG file length int myFile.length FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream myFile Log.d TAG fis created BufferedInputStream.. Log.d TAG file source.pdf created success byte mybytearray new byte int myFile.length Log.d TAG file length int myFile.length FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream myFile Log.d TAG fis created BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream..
Can a videoview play a video stored on internal storage? You can view the permissions of the file with the following command in adb shell ls al data data com.mypackage myfile You will probably see rw which means that only the owner your app not MediaPlayer has read write permissions. Note Your.. is rooted you can add world read permissions in adb shell with the following command chmod o r data data com.mypackage myfile If you need to modify these permissions programmatically requires rooted phone you can use the following command in your.. phone you can use the following command in your app code Runtime.getRuntime .exec chmod o r data data com.mypackage myfile Which is basically a linux command. See https community FilePermissions for more on chmod. EDIT Found another..
Where are Android logcat files stored?
Android playing resource files from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException You can view the permissions of the file with the following command in adb shell ls al data data com.mypackage myfile You will probably see rw which means that only the owner your app not MediaPlayer has read write permissions. Note Your.. is rooted you can add world read permissions in adb shell with the following command chmod o r data data com.mypackage myfile If you need to modify these permissions programmatically requires rooted phone you can use the following command in your.. phone you can use the following command in your app code Runtime.getRuntime .exec chmod o r data data com.mypackage myfile or Runtime.getRuntime .exec chmod 777 data data com.mypackage myfile Which is basically a linux command. See https
Creating directory in application package on internal storage File mydir context.getDir mydir Context.MODE_PRIVATE Creating an internal dir File fileWithinMyDir new File mydir myfile Getting a file within the dir. FileOutputStream out new FileOutputStream fileWithinMyDir Use the stream as usual to write..
Android create folders in Internal Memory File mydir context.getDir mydir Context.MODE_PRIVATE Creating an internal dir File fileWithinMyDir new File mydir myfile Getting a file within the dir. FileOutputStream out new FileOutputStream fileWithinMyDir Use the stream as usual to write..
Creating folder in internal Memory to save files and retrieve them later File mydir context.getDir mydir Context.MODE_PRIVATE Creating an internal dir File fileWithinMyDir new File mydir myfile Getting a file within the dir. FileOutputStream out new FileOutputStream fileWithinMyDir Use the stream as usual to write..