android Programming Glossary: myglsurfaceview
Modifying camera output using SurfaceTexture and OpenGL that somebody else can see what my problem is. Create new MyGLSurfaceView. This internally creates the new MyGL20Renderer object as well... creates the new MyGL20Renderer object as well. This MyGLSurfaceView is set as the content view. Once the MyGLSurfaceView is done.. This MyGLSurfaceView is set as the content view. Once the MyGLSurfaceView is done inflating initializing this completion event triggers..
Modifying camera output using SurfaceTexture and OpenGL in my head and I've copied my code below that. I am hoping that somebody else can see what my problem is. Create new MyGLSurfaceView. This internally creates the new MyGL20Renderer object as well. This MyGLSurfaceView is set as the content view. Once the.. what my problem is. Create new MyGLSurfaceView. This internally creates the new MyGL20Renderer object as well. This MyGLSurfaceView is set as the content view. Once the MyGLSurfaceView is done inflating initializing this completion event triggers the renderer.. internally creates the new MyGL20Renderer object as well. This MyGLSurfaceView is set as the content view. Once the MyGLSurfaceView is done inflating initializing this completion event triggers the renderer to create a DirectVideo draw object which compiles..