android Programming Glossary: myfragment
How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager Android Support Library pre r11. I override public class MyFragment extends Fragment @Override public void setMenuVisibility final..
Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android @Override public Fragment getItem int position return MyFragment.newInstance mProvider.getTextForPosition position @Override.. String getTextForPosition int position public int getCount public class MyFragment extends Fragment private String.. position public int getCount public class MyFragment extends Fragment private String mText public static MyFragment..
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically @Override public Fragment getItem int position return new MyFragment context paramters Worked well but as said I can't change the.. extends FragmentActivity private ViewPager pager private MyFragmentAdapter adapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. data page1 page2 page3 page4 page5 page6 adapter new MyFragmentAdapter getSupportFragmentManager 6 this data pager.setAdapter..
WebView and Cookies on Android
Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment a new Fragment in an application Fragment newFragment new MyFragment and Fragment newFragment MyFragment.newInstance The second option.. newFragment new MyFragment and Fragment newFragment MyFragment.newInstance The second option makes use of a static method newInstance.. the following method. public static Fragment newInstance MyFragment myFragment new MyFragment return myFrgment At first I though..
How can I test fragments with Robolectric? they aren't listed on the docs but I can't make it work. myFragment new MyFragment myFragment.onCreateView LayoutInflater.from activity.. docs but I can't make it work. myFragment new MyFragment myFragment.onCreateView LayoutInflater.from activity ViewGroup activity.findViewById.. ViewGroup activity.findViewById null myFragment.onAttach activity myFragment.onActivityCreated null I'm working..
AppCompat Action Bar library not displaying added fragments fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction myFragment new WallFragment fragmentTransaction.add WallFragment fragmentTransaction.add myFragment myFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit I am using.. fragmentTransaction.add myFragment myFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit I am using Gradle to..
Fragment without a view crashes on configuration change does not exist already add new MyFragment myFragment . If you get null you are in portrait mode and should not create..
How to control media volume?
Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment method. public static Fragment newInstance MyFragment myFragment new MyFragment return myFrgment At first I though the main benefit.. someString someString Put any other arguments myFragment.setArguments args Its a good way to tell other classes what..
get currently displayed fragment fragTrans fragMgr.beginTransaction MyFragment myFragment new MyFragment my custom fragment fragTrans.replace my custom fragment fragTrans.replace myFragment fragTrans.addToBackStack null fragTrans.setTransition FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_FADE.. should use a tag... fragTrans.replace myFragment MY_FRAGMENT ...and later if you want to check if the fragment..
Fragment: which callback invoked when press back button & customize it View onCreateView ... ... ... I instantiate it MyFragment myFragment new MyFragment I use the above fragment to replace the current.. fragmentTransaction.replace myFragment myTag NOTE I did not add to back stack Now myFragment is showing.. myFragment myTag NOTE I did not add to back stack Now myFragment is showing on the screen. NOTE I did not add myFragment to back..
How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager invisible if you are using FragmentStatePagerAdapter in Android Support Library pre r11. I override public class MyFragment extends Fragment @Override public void setMenuVisibility final boolean visible super.setMenuVisibility visible if visible..
Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android fm TextProvider provider super fm this.mProvider provider @Override public Fragment getItem int position return MyFragment.newInstance mProvider.getTextForPosition position @Override public int getCount return mProvider.getCount public interface TextProvider public String getTextForPosition int position public int getCount public class MyFragment extends Fragment private String mText public static MyFragment newInstance String text MyFragment.. interface TextProvider public String getTextForPosition int position public int getCount public class MyFragment extends Fragment private String mText public static MyFragment newInstance String text MyFragment f new MyFragment text..
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically using only getItem to instantiate and return my fragments @Override public Fragment getItem int position return new MyFragment context paramters Worked well but as said I can't change the content . So I found this ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating.. The code is this ViewPagerTest public class ViewPagerTest extends FragmentActivity private ViewPager pager private MyFragmentAdapter adapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. R.layout.pager1 pager ViewPager findViewById String data page1 page2 page3 page4 page5 page6 adapter new MyFragmentAdapter getSupportFragmentManager 6 this data pager.setAdapter adapter Button findViewById .setOnClickListener..
WebView and Cookies on Android
Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment one. So I have seen two general practices to instantiate a new Fragment in an application Fragment newFragment new MyFragment and Fragment newFragment MyFragment.newInstance The second option makes use of a static method newInstance and generally.. practices to instantiate a new Fragment in an application Fragment newFragment new MyFragment and Fragment newFragment MyFragment.newInstance The second option makes use of a static method newInstance and generally contains the following method. public.. use of a static method newInstance and generally contains the following method. public static Fragment newInstance MyFragment myFragment new MyFragment return myFrgment At first I though the main benefit was the fact that I could overload the newInstance..
How can I test fragments with Robolectric? Fragment method and a ShadowFragment class thought they aren't listed on the docs but I can't make it work. myFragment new MyFragment myFragment.onCreateView LayoutInflater.from activity ViewGroup activity.findViewById null.. and a ShadowFragment class thought they aren't listed on the docs but I can't make it work. myFragment new MyFragment myFragment.onCreateView LayoutInflater.from activity ViewGroup activity.findViewById null myFragment.onAttach activity.. MyFragment myFragment.onCreateView LayoutInflater.from activity ViewGroup activity.findViewById null myFragment.onAttach activity myFragment.onActivityCreated null I'm working with API level 13 Honeycomb . Thanks. android robolectric..
AppCompat Action Bar library not displaying added fragments item style Activity onCreate FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction myFragment new WallFragment fragmentTransaction.add myFragment myFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit.. fragmentManager.beginTransaction myFragment new WallFragment fragmentTransaction.add myFragment myFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit I am using Gradle to include the AppCompat ActionBar library in my app... fragmentManager.beginTransaction myFragment new WallFragment fragmentTransaction.add myFragment myFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit I am using Gradle to include the AppCompat ActionBar library in my app. compile..
Fragment without a view crashes on configuration change are in landscape mode and should add your fragment if it does not exist already add new MyFragment myFragment . If you get null you are in portrait mode and should not create the fragment. Be very careful that you never replace a..
How to control media volume?
Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment a static method newInstance and generally contains the following method. public static Fragment newInstance MyFragment myFragment new MyFragment return myFrgment At first I though the main benefit was the fact that I could overload the newInstance method.. Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt someInt someInt args.putString someString someString Put any other arguments myFragment.setArguments args Its a good way to tell other classes what arguments it expects to work faithfully though you should be..
get currently displayed fragment FragmentManager fragMgr getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragTrans fragMgr.beginTransaction MyFragment myFragment new MyFragment my custom fragment fragTrans.replace myFragment fragTrans.addToBackStack null fragTrans.setTransition.. MyFragment myFragment new MyFragment my custom fragment fragTrans.replace myFragment fragTrans.addToBackStack null fragTrans.setTransition FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_FADE fragTrans.commit My question.. When you add the fragment in your transaction you should use a tag... fragTrans.replace myFragment MY_FRAGMENT ...and later if you want to check if the fragment is visible MyFragment myFragment MyFragment getFragmentManager..
Fragment: which callback invoked when press back button & customize it class MyFragment extends Fragment ... @Override public View onCreateView ... ... ... I instantiate it MyFragment myFragment new MyFragment I use the above fragment to replace the current fragment FragmentManager fragmentManager activity.getSupportFragmentManager.. fragmentManager.beginTransaction replace fragment fragmentTransaction.replace myFragment myTag NOTE I did not add to back stack Now myFragment is showing on the screen. NOTE I did not add myFragment to back stack.. fragment fragmentTransaction.replace myFragment myTag NOTE I did not add to back stack Now myFragment is showing on the screen. NOTE I did not add myFragment to back stack . My two questions 1. If now I press mobile phone..