android Programming Glossary: mydialogfragment
Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment Then at some point I could do DialogFragment dialogFrag MyDialogFragment.newInstance this getFragmentManager null Where.. this getFragmentManager null Where MyDialogFragment looks like protected OnClickListener listener public static.. switch type case DIALOG_FRAGMENT DialogFragment dialogFrag MyDialogFragment.newInstance 123 dialogFrag.setTargetFragment this DIALOG_FRAGMENT..
Full Screen DialogFragment in Android .beginTransaction DialogFragment newFragment MyDialogFragment.newInstance ft dialog public static class MyDialogFragment.. ft dialog public static class MyDialogFragment extends DialogFragment static MyDialogFragment newInstance MyDialogFragment.. class MyDialogFragment extends DialogFragment static MyDialogFragment newInstance MyDialogFragment f new MyDialogFragment return f..
Prevent dialog dismissal on screen rotation in Android an example with the activity like listener public class MyDialogFragment extends DialogFragment public interface YesNoListener void onYes.. .onNo .create And in the Activity you call new MyDialogFragment .show getSupportFragmentManager tag or getFragmentManager in..
Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment class MyFragment extends Fragment implements OnClickListener Then at some point I could do DialogFragment dialogFrag MyDialogFragment.newInstance this getFragmentManager null Where MyDialogFragment looks like protected OnClickListener listener.. I could do DialogFragment dialogFrag MyDialogFragment.newInstance this getFragmentManager null Where MyDialogFragment looks like protected OnClickListener listener public static DialogFragment newInstance OnClickListener listener DialogFragment.. dialog if prev null ft.remove prev ft.addToBackStack null switch type case DIALOG_FRAGMENT DialogFragment dialogFrag MyDialogFragment.newInstance 123 dialogFrag.setTargetFragment this DIALOG_FRAGMENT getFragmentManager .beginTransaction dialog..
Full Screen DialogFragment in Android outState void showDialog FragmentTransaction ft getFragmentManager .beginTransaction DialogFragment newFragment MyDialogFragment.newInstance ft dialog public static class MyDialogFragment extends DialogFragment static MyDialogFragment.. DialogFragment newFragment MyDialogFragment.newInstance ft dialog public static class MyDialogFragment extends DialogFragment static MyDialogFragment newInstance MyDialogFragment f new MyDialogFragment return f @Override public.. ft dialog public static class MyDialogFragment extends DialogFragment static MyDialogFragment newInstance MyDialogFragment f new MyDialogFragment return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater..
Prevent dialog dismissal on screen rotation in Android show it with fragmentManager tag . Here an example with the activity like listener public class MyDialogFragment extends DialogFragment public interface YesNoListener void onYes void onNo @Override public void onAttach Activity activity.. onClick DialogInterface dialog int which YesNoListener getActivity .onNo .create And in the Activity you call new MyDialogFragment .show getSupportFragmentManager tag or getFragmentManager in API 11 This answer mix this three questions and they answers..