android Programming Glossary: myjavasingleton
When/why does my Java singleton instance get destroyed? MyJavaActivity. I also have a Java singleton class call it MyJavaSingleton which I would like to stay in memory throughout my application's.. can later be retrieved by MyJavaActivity. The problem is MyJavaSingleton instance seems to be in memory until NativeActive exits but.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState MyJavaSingleton.Instance .DoStuff @Override public boolean onTouch View arg0..
When/why does my Java singleton instance get destroyed? When the NativeActivity finishes it returns back to MyJavaActivity. I also have a Java singleton class call it MyJavaSingleton which I would like to stay in memory throughout my application's lifecycle. I set some of the singleton class's member variables.. member variables from my NativeActivity using JNI which can later be retrieved by MyJavaActivity. The problem is MyJavaSingleton instance seems to be in memory until NativeActive exits but somehow seems to be set to null again when MyJavaActivity starts.. View.OnTouchListener @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState MyJavaSingleton.Instance .DoStuff @Override public boolean onTouch View arg0 MotionEvent arg1 Intent intent new Intent MyJavaActivity.this..