android Programming Glossary: mycount
Android Countdown Timer to Date 86400 3600 60 Log.v jjj miliday serverUptimeText MyCount counter new MyCount milliseconds 1000 counter.start countdowntimer.. Log.v jjj miliday serverUptimeText MyCount counter new MyCount milliseconds 1000 counter.start countdowntimer is an abstract.. class so extend it and fill in methods public class MyCount extends CountDownTimer public MyCount long millisInFuture long..
Passing data through Intent and receiving it getIntent .getIntExtra beefType 200 TextView timeDisplay MyCount counter int state 0 int length 20000 long startTime 0 long currentTime.. control Button findViewById counter new MyCount length 100 public String formatTime long millis String output.. prevTimeRemaining timeRemaining Resume counter new MyCount timeRemaining 100 state 0 break case 2 prevTimeRemaining 0 counter..
Using gps get the distance a person has walked double n 0 Long s1 r1 double plat plon clat clon dis MyCount counter Thread t1 EditText e1 boolean bool true Button b1 b2.. case t1 new Thread t1.start counter new MyCount 30000 1000 counter.start break case counter.cancel.. bool false break case counter new MyCount s1 1000 counter.start bool true break case double..
Android Countdown Timer to Date 86400 3600 serverUptimeSeconds 86400 3600 60 serverUptimeSeconds 86400 3600 60 Log.v jjj miliday serverUptimeText MyCount counter new MyCount milliseconds 1000 counter.start countdowntimer is an abstract class so extend it and fill in methods.. 86400 3600 60 serverUptimeSeconds 86400 3600 60 Log.v jjj miliday serverUptimeText MyCount counter new MyCount milliseconds 1000 counter.start countdowntimer is an abstract class so extend it and fill in methods public class MyCount.. milliseconds 1000 counter.start countdowntimer is an abstract class so extend it and fill in methods public class MyCount extends CountDownTimer public MyCount long millisInFuture long countDownInterval super millisInFuture countDownInterval..
Passing data through Intent and receiving it public class TimerActivity extends Activity int beefType getIntent .getIntExtra beefType 200 TextView timeDisplay MyCount counter int state 0 int length 20000 long startTime 0 long currentTime 0 long timeElapsed 0 long timeRemaining 0 long prevTimeRemaining.. R.layout.timer timeDisplay TextView findViewById control Button findViewById counter new MyCount length 100 public String formatTime long millis String output 00 00 00 long seconds millis 1000 long minutes seconds 60.. formatTime timeRemaining control.setText R.string.resume prevTimeRemaining timeRemaining Resume counter new MyCount timeRemaining 100 state 0 break case 2 prevTimeRemaining 0 counter new MyCount length 100 control.setText R.string.start..
Using gps get the distance a person has walked 30000 protected LocationManager locationManager static double n 0 Long s1 r1 double plat plon clat clon dis MyCount counter Thread t1 EditText e1 boolean bool true Button b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 Called when the activity is first created. @Override.. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show public void start View v switch v.getId case t1 new Thread t1.start counter new MyCount 30000 1000 counter.start break case counter.cancel bool false break case counter new MyCount s1.. MyCount 30000 1000 counter.start break case counter.cancel bool false break case counter new MyCount s1 1000 counter.start bool true break case double time n 30 r1 Toast.makeText TestActivity.this distance in..