android Programming Glossary: mydatabase
Android: Accessing assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension the extension may be .sqlite or .db public SQLiteDatabase myDataBase private String DB_PATH data data mycontext.getApplicationContext.. Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE.. public synchronized void close if myDataBase null myDataBase.close super.close share improve this answer..
Is it possible to move the internal DB to the SDCard? DB_FULL_PATH DB_DIRECTORY DB_NAME private SQLiteDatabase myDataBase Constructor Takes and keeps a reference of the passed context.. public void openDataBase int mode throws SQLException try myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase DB_FULL_PATH null mode catch IllegalStateException.. it again. Log.d MyApp.APP Database non closed. Reopening. myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase DB_FULL_PATH null mode public void..
adding your own SQLite database to an android application the extension may be .sqlite or .db public SQLiteDatabase myDataBase private String DB_PATH data data mycontext.getApplicationContext.. Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE.. public synchronized void close if myDataBase null myDataBase.close super.close share improve this answer..
Database not copying from assets private static String DB_NAME BLib private SQLiteDatabase myDataBase private final Context myContext Constructor Takes and keeps.. Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY.. as required @Override public synchronized void close if myDataBase null myDataBase.close super.close @Override public void onCreate..
Android Database Transaction nullColumnHack ContentValues initialValues long n 1 try myDataBase.beginTransaction n myDataBase.insert tableName nullColumnHack.. initialValues long n 1 try myDataBase.beginTransaction n myDataBase.insert tableName nullColumnHack initialValues myDataBase.endTransaction.. n myDataBase.insert tableName nullColumnHack initialValues myDataBase.endTransaction myDataBase.setTransactionSuccessful catch Exception..
Android: Accessing assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension databases private static String DB_NAME datbasename .sqlite the extension may be .sqlite or .db public SQLiteDatabase myDataBase private String DB_PATH data data mycontext.getApplicationContext .getPackageName databases public DataBaseHelper Context.. myinput.close public void opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void close if myDataBase null..
Is it possible to move the internal DB to the SDCard? MyApp.DATA_REPOSITORY_URI myapp db DB_NAME mydatabase.db DB_FULL_PATH DB_DIRECTORY DB_NAME private SQLiteDatabase myDataBase Constructor Takes and keeps a reference of the passed context in order to access to the application assets and resources... checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null true false public void openDataBase int mode throws SQLException try myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase DB_FULL_PATH null mode catch IllegalStateException e Sometimes esp. after application upgrade.. below. Try to avoid by simply opening it again. Log.d MyApp.APP Database non closed. Reopening. myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase DB_FULL_PATH null mode public void openDataBase throws SQLException openDataBase SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE..
adding your own SQLite database to an android application databases private static String DB_NAME datbasename .sqlite the extension may be .sqlite or .db public SQLiteDatabase myDataBase private String DB_PATH data data mycontext.getApplicationContext .getPackageName databases public DataBaseHelper Context.. myinput.close public void opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void close if myDataBase null..
Database not copying from assets data gr.peos databases Name of the Database to be created. private static String DB_NAME BLib private SQLiteDatabase myDataBase private final Context myContext Constructor Takes and keeps a reference of the passed context in order to access to the.. Opening the Database public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY Finally overriding a few methods as required @Override.. SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY Finally overriding a few methods as required @Override public synchronized void close if myDataBase null myDataBase.close super.close @Override public void onCreate SQLiteDatabase db @Override public void onUpgrade SQLiteDatabase..
Android Database Transaction code is public long insertRecordsInDB String tableName String nullColumnHack ContentValues initialValues long n 1 try myDataBase.beginTransaction n myDataBase.insert tableName nullColumnHack initialValues myDataBase.endTransaction myDataBase.setTransactionSuccessful.. String tableName String nullColumnHack ContentValues initialValues long n 1 try myDataBase.beginTransaction n myDataBase.insert tableName nullColumnHack initialValues myDataBase.endTransaction myDataBase.setTransactionSuccessful catch Exception.. initialValues long n 1 try myDataBase.beginTransaction n myDataBase.insert tableName nullColumnHack initialValues myDataBase.endTransaction myDataBase.setTransactionSuccessful catch Exception e how to do the rollback e.printStackTrace return n This..