android Programming Glossary: myimage
How to align TextView around an ImageView? Drawable d getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.myImage d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight Very.. Very important otherwise your image won't appear ImageSpan myImage new ImageSpan d builder.setSpan myImage 0 lengthOfPart1 Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE.. appear ImageSpan myImage new ImageSpan d builder.setSpan myImage 0 lengthOfPart1 Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE myTextView.setText..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” Comments.setText theItems.getComments ImageView myImage ImageView convertView.findViewById myImage.setImageBitmap.. myImage ImageView convertView.findViewById myImage.setImageBitmap getImageFromBLOB theItems.getImage return convertView.. inflater.inflate R.layout.showadapterlist null ImageView myImage ImageView convertView.findViewById final Bitmap..
ListView is blank while using getFilter function holder else holder ImageHolder row.getTag SetRows myImage data.get position holder.txtTitle.setText holder.txtID.setText.. SetRows myImage data.get position holder.txtTitle.setText holder.txtID.setText int outImage myImage.image.. holder.txtTitle.setText holder.txtID.setText int outImage myImage.image holder.imgIcon.setImageResource..
Show Image View from file path in android? BitmapFactory.decodeFile imgFile.getAbsolutePath ImageView myImage ImageView findViewById myImage.setImageBitmap..
Picture distorted with Camera and getOptimalPreviewSize new BitmapFactory.Options options.inSampleSize 5 Bitmap myImage BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray imageData 0 imageData.length options.. fl BufferedOutputStream bos new BufferedOutputStream fOut myImage.compress CompressFormat.JPEG 100 bos bos.flush bos.close .....
onActivityResult not being called in Fragment Thoughts on why this isn't being triggered ImageView myImage ImageView inflatedView.findViewById myImage.setOnClickListener.. myImage ImageView inflatedView.findViewById myImage.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void..
Android: Saving Picture to a File and Retrieving it Bitmap loadPicture String filename Bitmap b Drawable myImage null try FileInputStream fis openFileInput filename ObjectInputStream.. catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace myImage Drawable.createFromStream ois filename b BitmapFactory.decodeStream.. catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace return myImage return b java android android layout image share improve..
How do you make a resizable rectangle for cropping images in android?
Android - How to change a layer-list drawable? center item layer list And main.xml ImageView android id @ myImageView android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width.. I have my new drawable that I want to swap in in variable myImage correct Now how do I get that into the layer list I assume I..
upload image from android to webservice sendMyObject myClass private void sendMyObject MyImage myImage throws Exception create json string from your object Gson gson.. your object Gson gson new Gson String strJson gson.toJson myImage send your json string here ... In your webservice convert your..
Android Reduce Size Of Camera Picture BitmapFactory.decodeFile imgFile.getAbsolutePath ImageView myImage ImageView findViewById myImage.setImageBitmap.. ImageView myImage ImageView findViewById myImage.setImageBitmap myBitmap Something like this maybe Bitmap scaled..
How to align TextView around an ImageView? builder.append builder.append this.getText R.string.lorem__ipsum Drawable d getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.myImage d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight Very important otherwise your image won't appear ImageSpan myImage.. d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight Very important otherwise your image won't appear ImageSpan myImage new ImageSpan d builder.setSpan myImage 0 lengthOfPart1 Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE myTextView.setText builder But.. Very important otherwise your image won't appear ImageSpan myImage new ImageSpan d builder.setSpan myImage 0 lengthOfPart1 Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE myTextView.setText builder But couldn't get the exact result. What shall..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” Comments TextView convertView.findViewById Comments.setText theItems.getComments ImageView myImage ImageView convertView.findViewById myImage.setImageBitmap getImageFromBLOB theItems.getImage return convertView.. Comments.setText theItems.getComments ImageView myImage ImageView convertView.findViewById myImage.setImageBitmap getImageFromBLOB theItems.getImage return convertView public static Bitmap getImageFromBLOB byte mBlob.. Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.showadapterlist null ImageView myImage ImageView convertView.findViewById final Bitmap image if theItems.getImagemyItems null byte temp theItems.getImagemyItems..
ListView is blank while using getFilter function holder.txtID TextView row.findViewById row.setTag holder else holder ImageHolder row.getTag SetRows myImage data.get position holder.txtTitle.setText holder.txtID.setText int outImage myImage.image holder.imgIcon.setImageResource.. row.setTag holder else holder ImageHolder row.getTag SetRows myImage data.get position holder.txtTitle.setText holder.txtID.setText int outImage myImage.image holder.imgIcon.setImageResource outImage return row static.. ImageHolder row.getTag SetRows myImage data.get position holder.txtTitle.setText holder.txtID.setText int outImage myImage.image holder.imgIcon.setImageResource outImage return row static class ImageHolder ImageView imgIcon..
Show Image View from file path in android?
Picture distorted with Camera and getOptimalPreviewSize imageData Camera camera .... BitmapFactory.Options options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inSampleSize 5 Bitmap myImage BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray imageData 0 imageData.length options FileOutputStream fOut new FileOutputStream path fl .. options FileOutputStream fOut new FileOutputStream path fl BufferedOutputStream bos new BufferedOutputStream fOut myImage.compress CompressFormat.JPEG 100 bos bos.flush bos.close ... Thanks android android camera share improve this question..
onActivityResult not being called in Fragment have onActivityResult I'd think so since its a provided function. Thoughts on why this isn't being triggered ImageView myImage ImageView inflatedView.findViewById myImage.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick.. function. Thoughts on why this isn't being triggered ImageView myImage ImageView inflatedView.findViewById myImage.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View view Intent cameraIntent new Intent android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE..
Android: Saving Picture to a File and Retrieving it out.close catch Exception e e.printStackTrace private Bitmap loadPicture String filename Bitmap b Drawable myImage null try FileInputStream fis openFileInput filename ObjectInputStream ois null try ois new ObjectInputStream fis catch StreamCorruptedException.. ObjectInputStream fis catch StreamCorruptedException e1 e1.printStackTrace catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace myImage Drawable.createFromStream ois filename b BitmapFactory.decodeStream ois try ois.close fis.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace.. ois.close fis.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace return myImage return b java android android layout image share improve this question It sounds like your code works but you are losing..
How do you make a resizable rectangle for cropping images in android?
Android - How to change a layer-list drawable? bitmap android src @drawable android_blue android gravity center item layer list And main.xml ImageView android id @ myImageView android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content android src @drawable layers Question How do I.. so I can change it to a different drawable Thanks. So now I have my new drawable that I want to swap in in variable myImage correct Now how do I get that into the layer list I assume I use findDrawableByLayerId and setDrawableByLayerId but how..
upload image from android to webservice a.jpg myClass.content fileToBase64 .. .. image.jpg sendMyObject myClass private void sendMyObject MyImage myImage throws Exception create json string from your object Gson gson new Gson String strJson gson.toJson myImage send your json.. MyImage myImage throws Exception create json string from your object Gson gson new Gson String strJson gson.toJson myImage send your json string here ... In your webservice convert your json string to a real object which is a replica of MyClass...
Android Reduce Size Of Camera Picture Log.e BeatEmUp myRef if imgFile.exists Bitmap myBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile imgFile.getAbsolutePath ImageView myImage ImageView findViewById myImage.setImageBitmap myBitmap Something like this maybe Bitmap scaled Bitmap.createScaledBitmap.. myBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile imgFile.getAbsolutePath ImageView myImage ImageView findViewById myImage.setImageBitmap myBitmap Something like this maybe Bitmap scaled Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bit 200 200 true Or Maybe this..