

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:52

android Programming Glossary: myitemizedoverlay

Problem with crash with ItemizedOverlay


is populated. I added it to the constructor private class MyItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay OverlayItem private Context context..

Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client


view tutorial android developers or use this private class MyItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay private ArrayList OverlayItem mOverlays.. OverlayItem mOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker.. drawable this.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.XXXX MyItemizedOverlay myItemizedOverlay new MyItemizedOverlay drawable GeoPoint point..

GoogleMaps: custom ItemizedOverlay and OverlayItem, the correct way to show different marker


to what I understand this is what I wrote public class MyItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay MyOverlayItem ArrayList MyOverlayItem.. MyOverlayItem ArrayList MyOverlayItem items ... public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable drawable ... super boundCenterBottom drawable ... populate.. different drawables. catch Exception e ... return null MyItemizedOverlay is created and populated of MyOverlayItem in the main MapActivity...

adding multiple marker on google map in android


GeoPoint geoPoint null private MapView mapview private MyItemizedOverlay userPicOverlay private MyItemizedOverlay nearPicOverlay private.. mapview private MyItemizedOverlay userPicOverlay private MyItemizedOverlay nearPicOverlay private Drawable userPic atmPic private OverlayItem.. .getDrawable R.drawable.your pic userPicOverlay new MyItemizedOverlay userPic OverlayItem overlayItem new OverlayItem geoPoint I'm..

Problem with crash with ItemizedOverlay


should call populate in your ItemizedOverlay before any data is populated. I added it to the constructor private class MyItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay OverlayItem private Context context private ArrayList OverlayItem mOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem..

Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client


guide to create an implementation with minimal changes Map view tutorial android developers or use this private class MyItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay private ArrayList OverlayItem mOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable.. MyItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay private ArrayList OverlayItem mOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay.. return List Overlay mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays Drawable drawable this.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.XXXX MyItemizedOverlay myItemizedOverlay new MyItemizedOverlay drawable GeoPoint point new GeoPoint int location.getLatitude 1E6 int location.getLongitude..

GoogleMaps: custom ItemizedOverlay and OverlayItem, the correct way to show different marker


one when the marker is unselected or unfocused. According to what I understand this is what I wrote public class MyItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay MyOverlayItem ArrayList MyOverlayItem items ... public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable drawable ... super.. I wrote public class MyItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay MyOverlayItem ArrayList MyOverlayItem items ... public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable drawable ... super boundCenterBottom drawable ... populate public void addOverlay MyOverlayItem overlay return.. return drawable else same thing as above just with different drawables. catch Exception e ... return null MyItemizedOverlay is created and populated of MyOverlayItem in the main MapActivity. Now the only markers correctly placed are the default..

adding multiple marker on google map in android


extends MapActivity private MapController mapControll private GeoPoint geoPoint null private MapView mapview private MyItemizedOverlay userPicOverlay private MyItemizedOverlay nearPicOverlay private Drawable userPic atmPic private OverlayItem nearatms new.. mapControll private GeoPoint geoPoint null private MapView mapview private MyItemizedOverlay userPicOverlay private MyItemizedOverlay nearPicOverlay private Drawable userPic atmPic private OverlayItem nearatms new OverlayItem 50 public static Context context.. 16 mapControll.animateTo geoPoint userPic this.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.your pic userPicOverlay new MyItemizedOverlay userPic OverlayItem overlayItem new OverlayItem geoPoint I'm Here null userPicOverlay.addOverlay overlayItem mapview.getOverlays..