android Programming Glossary: mycustomadapter
Checking a checkbox in listview makes other random checkboxes checked too PackageManager.GET_META_DATA final CopyOfMyCustomAdapter a new CopyOfMyCustomAdapter this packages getListView .setAdapter.. final CopyOfMyCustomAdapter a new CopyOfMyCustomAdapter this packages getListView .setAdapter a And finally the custom.. after the suggestion in an answer below public class MyCustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter ApplicationInfo private List ApplicationInfo..
Android gridview keep item selected StackOverFlowActivity extends Activity GridView gridView MyCustomAdapter myAdapter ArrayList GridObject myObjects static final String.. GridView findViewById myAdapter new MyCustomAdapter this gridView.setAdapter myAdapter gridView.setOnItemClickListener.. static class ViewHolder TextView text private class MyCustomAdapter extends BaseAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater public..
Onclicklistner not working in fragment listview class BasicFragment extends ListFragment ListView lv MyCustomAdapter adapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle si super.onCreate.. AryObjaz DT.getData getdata AryObjaz adapter new MyCustomAdapter getActivity R.layout.listview_layout Dataset lv.setAdapter adapter.. Message Toast.LENGTH_SHORT return view public class MyCustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Recipes..
java.lang.NullPointerException : displaying records from database in an expandable listview viewbutton.getTag int i Integer.parseInt viewid.toString MyCustomAdapter c new MyCustomAdapter long id c.getChildId 0 i DisplayCursor.. i Integer.parseInt viewid.toString MyCustomAdapter c new MyCustomAdapter long id c.getChildId 0 i DisplayCursor d d.filldata
Android ListView with RadioButton/CheckBox in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout singleChoice android id @ id myList LinearLayout Bonus MyCustomAdapter getView This one relies on a Cursor. You will of course implement..
Using viewpager in my application new ArrayList HashMap String Object public class MyCustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter HashMap String Object Bitmap bm public.. ArrayAdapter HashMap String Object Bitmap bm public MyCustomAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId ArrayList HashMap String.. Void result TODO Auto generated method stub adapter new MyCustomAdapter getActivity .getApplicationContext R.layout.list imageliste..
Checking a checkbox in listview makes other random checkboxes checked too getPackageManager List ApplicationInfo packages pm.getInstalledApplications PackageManager.GET_META_DATA final CopyOfMyCustomAdapter a new CopyOfMyCustomAdapter this packages getListView .setAdapter a And finally the custom layout file testlayout.xml LinearLayout.. packages pm.getInstalledApplications PackageManager.GET_META_DATA final CopyOfMyCustomAdapter a new CopyOfMyCustomAdapter this packages getListView .setAdapter a And finally the custom layout file testlayout.xml LinearLayout xmlns android http.. ic_launcher android focusable false UPDATE My CustomAdapter after the suggestion in an answer below public class MyCustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter ApplicationInfo private List ApplicationInfo appInfoList private LayoutInflater mInflater private PackageManager..
Android gridview keep item selected adapter. I have set up a little example Activity public class StackOverFlowActivity extends Activity GridView gridView MyCustomAdapter myAdapter ArrayList GridObject myObjects static final String numbers new String A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S.. for String s numbers myObjects.add new GridObject s 0 gridView GridView findViewById myAdapter new MyCustomAdapter this gridView.setAdapter myAdapter gridView.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener @Override public void onItemClick.. position .setState 1 myAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged static class ViewHolder TextView text private class MyCustomAdapter extends BaseAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater public MyCustomAdapter Context context mInflater LayoutInflater.from..
Onclicklistner not working in fragment listview does not work. please anybody help me. Hear my code public class BasicFragment extends ListFragment ListView lv MyCustomAdapter adapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle si super.onCreate si @Override public void onActivityCreated Bundle b super.onActivityCreated.. FetchedData DT FetchedData.StaticDataTransfer RecepiesProperties AryObjaz DT.getData getdata AryObjaz adapter new MyCustomAdapter getActivity R.layout.listview_layout Dataset lv.setAdapter adapter lv.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener @Override.. TODO Auto generated method stub Toast t Toast.makeText getActivity Message Toast.LENGTH_SHORT return view public class MyCustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Recipes Context context int layoutResourceId Recipes data null Typeface..
java.lang.NullPointerException : displaying records from database in an expandable listview viewbutton Button v.findViewById Object viewid viewbutton.getTag int i Integer.parseInt viewid.toString MyCustomAdapter c new MyCustomAdapter long id c.getChildId 0 i DisplayCursor d d.filldata View view Cursor cursor db.getRecord.. Object viewid viewbutton.getTag int i Integer.parseInt viewid.toString MyCustomAdapter c new MyCustomAdapter long id c.getChildId 0 i DisplayCursor d d.filldata View view Cursor cursor db.getRecord id startManagingCursor..
Android ListView with RadioButton/CheckBox in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout android layout_height wrap_content android choiceMode singleChoice android id @ id myList LinearLayout Bonus MyCustomAdapter getView This one relies on a Cursor. You will of course implement it as you see fit for your needs. private final class..
Using viewpager in my application TestFragment Content ArrayList HashMap String Object imageliste new ArrayList HashMap String Object public class MyCustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter HashMap String Object Bitmap bm public MyCustomAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId ArrayList.. HashMap String Object public class MyCustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter HashMap String Object Bitmap bm public MyCustomAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId ArrayList HashMap String Object imageliste super context textViewResourceId imageliste.. getActivity @Override protected void onPostExecute Void result TODO Auto generated method stub adapter new MyCustomAdapter getActivity .getApplicationContext R.layout.list imageliste adapter.notifyDataSetChanged dialog.dismiss @Override protected..