android Programming Glossary: myjavascriptinterface
stringByEvaluatingJavascriptFromString (iOS method, what is Android equivalent?) Define JavaScript callback interface in your code class MyJavaScriptInterface public void someCallback String jsResult your code... Attach.. your code... Attach this callback to your WebView MyJavaScriptInterface javaInterface new MyJavaScriptInterface yourWebView.addJavascriptInterface.. to your WebView MyJavaScriptInterface javaInterface new MyJavaScriptInterface yourWebView.addJavascriptInterface javaInterface HTMLOUT Run..
How do I get the web page contents from a WebView? class will be registered as a JavaScript interface class MyJavaScriptInterface @SuppressWarnings unused public void processHTML String html.. called HTMLOUT browser.addJavascriptInterface new MyJavaScriptInterface HTMLOUT WebViewClient must be set BEFORE calling loadUrl browser.setWebViewClient..
Is it possible to get the HTML code from WebView or similar methods EDIT I tried this class MyJavaScriptInterface @SuppressWarnings unused public void showHTML String html Context.. webview.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true MyJavaScriptInterface interfaceA new MyJavaScriptInterface webview.addJavascriptInterface.. true MyJavaScriptInterface interfaceA new MyJavaScriptInterface webview.addJavascriptInterface interfaceA HTMLOUT WebViewClient..
Android Proguard Javascript Interface Fail the project fails the method showHTML String html of MyJavaScriptInterface is not reached. My proguard configuration regarding that keep.. regarding that keep public class com.mypackage.MyClass.MyJavaScriptInterface keep public class implements com.mypackage.MyClass.MyJavaScriptInterface.. keep public class implements com.mypackage.MyClass.MyJavaScriptInterface keepclassmembers class implements com.mypackage.MyClass.MyJavaScriptInterface..
how to get html content from a webview? true wvbrowser.addJavascriptInterface new MyJavaScriptInterface HTMLOUT wvbrowser.loadUrl http wvbrowser.loadUrl.. 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' head ' class MyJavaScriptInterface @SuppressWarnings unused public void showHTML String html txtcode.setText.. true webview.addJavascriptInterface new MyJavaScriptInterface this HtmlViewer webview.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient ..
android - get Text out of webview class will be registered as a JavaScript interface class MyJavaScriptInterface private TextView contentView public MyJavaScriptInterface TextView.. MyJavaScriptInterface private TextView contentView public MyJavaScriptInterface TextView aContentView contentView aContentView @SuppressWarnings.. true webView.addJavascriptInterface new MyJavaScriptInterface contentView INTERFACE webView.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient..
stringByEvaluatingJavascriptFromString (iOS method, what is Android equivalent?) To execute JavaScript and get response you can do as follows Define JavaScript callback interface in your code class MyJavaScriptInterface public void someCallback String jsResult your code... Attach this callback to your WebView MyJavaScriptInterface javaInterface.. MyJavaScriptInterface public void someCallback String jsResult your code... Attach this callback to your WebView MyJavaScriptInterface javaInterface new MyJavaScriptInterface yourWebView.addJavascriptInterface javaInterface HTMLOUT Run your JavaScript calling.. String jsResult your code... Attach this callback to your WebView MyJavaScriptInterface javaInterface new MyJavaScriptInterface yourWebView.addJavascriptInterface javaInterface HTMLOUT Run your JavaScript calling window.HTMLOUT.someCallback from the..
How do I get the web page contents from a WebView? to do the trick. final Context myApp this An instance of this class will be registered as a JavaScript interface class MyJavaScriptInterface @SuppressWarnings unused public void processHTML String html process the html as needed by the app final WebView browser.. .setJavaScriptEnabled true Register a new JavaScript interface called HTMLOUT browser.addJavascriptInterface new MyJavaScriptInterface HTMLOUT WebViewClient must be set BEFORE calling loadUrl browser.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient @Override public void..
Is it possible to get the HTML code from WebView everything. Is there any way to do that in the WebViewClient.onLoadResource or similar methods EDIT I tried this class MyJavaScriptInterface @SuppressWarnings unused public void showHTML String html Context context new AlertDialog.Builder context .setTitle HTML.. final SearchResult mRom mRom.setFileSize getFileSize mRom.getURLSuffix webview.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true MyJavaScriptInterface interfaceA new MyJavaScriptInterface webview.addJavascriptInterface interfaceA HTMLOUT WebViewClient anchorWebViewClient.. getFileSize mRom.getURLSuffix webview.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true MyJavaScriptInterface interfaceA new MyJavaScriptInterface webview.addJavascriptInterface interfaceA HTMLOUT WebViewClient anchorWebViewClient new WebViewClient @Override public..
Android Proguard Javascript Interface Fail it correctly works. If I try to use the obfuscation with proguard the project fails the method showHTML String html of MyJavaScriptInterface is not reached. My proguard configuration regarding that keep public class com.mypackage.MyClass.MyJavaScriptInterface keep.. MyJavaScriptInterface is not reached. My proguard configuration regarding that keep public class com.mypackage.MyClass.MyJavaScriptInterface keep public class implements com.mypackage.MyClass.MyJavaScriptInterface keepclassmembers class implements com.mypackage.MyClass.MyJavaScriptInterface.. that keep public class com.mypackage.MyClass.MyJavaScriptInterface keep public class implements com.mypackage.MyClass.MyJavaScriptInterface keepclassmembers class implements com.mypackage.MyClass.MyJavaScriptInterface methods according to this this answer Android..
how to get html content from a webview? true wvbrowser.getSettings .setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically true wvbrowser.addJavascriptInterface new MyJavaScriptInterface HTMLOUT wvbrowser.loadUrl http wvbrowser.loadUrl javascript window.HTMLOUT.showHTML ' html ' document.getElementsByTagName.. javascript window.HTMLOUT.processHTML ' head ' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' head ' class MyJavaScriptInterface @SuppressWarnings unused public void showHTML String html txtcode.setText html public void afterTextChanged Editable s.. WebView findViewById webview.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true webview.addJavascriptInterface new MyJavaScriptInterface this HtmlViewer webview.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient @Override public void onPageFinished WebView view String url..
android - get Text out of webview TextView findViewById An instance of this class will be registered as a JavaScript interface class MyJavaScriptInterface private TextView contentView public MyJavaScriptInterface TextView aContentView contentView aContentView @SuppressWarnings.. class will be registered as a JavaScript interface class MyJavaScriptInterface private TextView contentView public MyJavaScriptInterface TextView aContentView contentView aContentView @SuppressWarnings unused public void processContent String aContent .. contentView.setText content webView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true webView.addJavascriptInterface new MyJavaScriptInterface contentView INTERFACE webView.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient @Override public void onPageFinished WebView view String..