android Programming Glossary: mykey
Android getDefaultSharedPreferences My code is final String eulaKey mykey final SharedPreferences prefs PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences.. Here is code writing boolean final String eulaKey mykey final SharedPreferences prefs PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences.. this question Try it this way final String eulaKey mykey Context mContext getApplicationContext mPrefs mContext.getSharedPreferences..
GCM sending with curl (php) array Content Type application json Authorization key . mykey data array 'data' messageText 'registration_ids' array deviceRegistrationId.. Content Type . application json Authorization . key . mykey And it works. The mykey is Key for browser apps. share improve..
Understanding keystore, certificates and alias original entry is identified by alias which defaults to mykey if not provided . The new destination entry is identified by..
Non Deprecated findPreference() Method? - Android layout XML file Preference android title About android key myKey Preference And the following in my java code Preference myPref.. my java code Preference myPref Preference findPreference myKey myPref.setOnPreferenceClickListener new OnPreferenceClickListener..
Java SimpleCrypto Class for encryption / decryption producing different results in Coldfusion 9 and Java (Android) class into ColdFusion and called it like this cfset myKey apple cfscript sc createObject java SimpleCrypto .init encrypted.. createObject java SimpleCrypto .init encrypted sc.encrypt myKey john cfscript cfdump var #encrypted# When encrypting the string..
Google Places API request denied for Android autocomplete, even with the right api key maps api place autocomplete json sensor false key myKey components country ro input whatTheUserTypes Please don't reply..
What is the importance of bundle in a Android Program getApplicationContext SecondActivity.class intent.putExtra myKey AnyValue startActivity intent Now you can get the passed values.. Bundle extras intent.getExtras String tmp extras.getString myKey you can also find more info on android using bundle for sharing..
Android getDefaultSharedPreferences getDefaultSharedPreferences My code is final String eulaKey mykey final SharedPreferences prefs PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences getApplicationContext boolean hasBeenShown prefs.getBoolean.. 7.1 result is always false. I suppose default value for getBoolean. Here is code writing boolean final String eulaKey mykey final SharedPreferences prefs PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences getApplicationContext SharedPreferences.Editor.. I had to change code. android sharedpreferences share improve this question Try it this way final String eulaKey mykey Context mContext getApplicationContext mPrefs mContext.getSharedPreferences myAppPrefs Context.MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor..
GCM sending with curl (php) tryed them all 3 all with the same result. My code headers array Content Type application json Authorization key . mykey data array 'data' messageText 'registration_ids' array deviceRegistrationId ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER..
Understanding keystore, certificates and alias private key and certificate chain as the original entry. The original entry is identified by alias which defaults to mykey if not provided . The new destination entry is identified by dest_alias. If no destination alias is supplied at the command..
Non Deprecated findPreference() Method? - Android to manage that selection. I would have done like this in my layout XML file Preference android title About android key myKey Preference And the following in my java code Preference myPref Preference findPreference myKey myPref.setOnPreferenceClickListener.. title About android key myKey Preference And the following in my java code Preference myPref Preference findPreference myKey myPref.setOnPreferenceClickListener new OnPreferenceClickListener public boolean onPreferenceClick Preference preference..
Java SimpleCrypto Class for encryption / decryption producing different results in Coldfusion 9 and Java (Android) 9 and vice versa . I have imported the exact same SimpleCrypto class into ColdFusion and called it like this cfset myKey apple cfscript sc createObject java SimpleCrypto .init encrypted sc.encrypt myKey john cfscript cfdump var #encrypted# When.. and called it like this cfset myKey apple cfscript sc createObject java SimpleCrypto .init encrypted sc.encrypt myKey john cfscript cfdump var #encrypted# When encrypting the string john with a key of apple it outputs this in CF 9E90A36325AE4F4F7352D6469A7068A2..
Google Places API request denied for Android autocomplete, even with the right api key are the things you should know The URL is https maps api place autocomplete json sensor false key myKey components country ro input whatTheUserTypes Please don't reply by saying you replaced the API key with your own and it..
What is the importance of bundle in a Android Program You can use it like ..... Intent intent new Intent getApplicationContext SecondActivity.class intent.putExtra myKey AnyValue startActivity intent Now you can get the passed values by... Bundle extras intent.getExtras String tmp extras.getString.. intent Now you can get the passed values by... Bundle extras intent.getExtras String tmp extras.getString myKey you can also find more info on android using bundle for sharing variables and Passing Bundles Around Activities share improve..