android Programming Glossary: mydata
How to display content from sqlite using ViewFlipper in android object For example Your POJO class will store the data public class MyData public long id 1 public String name.. POJO class will store the data public class MyData public long id 1 public String name public String description.. as per your requirement. In your activity private List MyData myList new ArrayList MyData oncreate fetchData you need to implement..
How to get XML using AsyncTask and Timer? public class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask String Integer MyData protected MyData doInBackground String... string MyData myData.. extends AsyncTask String Integer MyData protected MyData doInBackground String... string MyData myData new MyData try.. MyData protected MyData doInBackground String... string MyData myData new MyData try URL url new URL http
What's the correct way to implement key-value pair in Spinner in android Spinner s Spinner findViewById final MyData items new MyData 3 items 0 new MyData key1 value1 items 1 new.. s Spinner findViewById final MyData items new MyData 3 items 0 new MyData key1 value1 items 1 new MyData key2 value2.. final MyData items new MyData 3 items 0 new MyData key1 value1 items 1 new MyData key2 value2 items 2 new MyData..
How to pass data from activity to fragment
How to display content from sqlite using ViewFlipper in android private void fetchData while cursor.moveToNext MyData myData new MyData cursor.getLong 0 myData.desc cursor.getString.. fetchData while cursor.moveToNext MyData myData new MyData cursor.getLong 0 myData.desc cursor.getString 1 MyData myData new MyData cursor.getLong 0 myData.desc cursor.getString 1 cursor.getString 5 list.add..
How to get XML using AsyncTask and Timer? protected MyData doInBackground String... string MyData myData new MyData try URL url new URL http my.xml.. 80 xr.parse new InputSource url.openStream myData myHandler.getParsedData return myData catch Exception e Log.e.. url.openStream myData myHandler.getParsedData return myData catch Exception e Log.e Error getting myData e.getMessage..
Android C2DM getting (401) Unauthorized 0 colKey write the post string as a byte array byte myData ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes myPost.ToString myRequest.ContentLength.. myPost.ToString myRequest.ContentLength myData.Length Stream myStream myRequest.GetRequestStream myStream.Write.. Stream myStream myRequest.GetRequestStream myStream.Write myData 0 myData.Length myStream.Close Do the actual request and read..
Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter Log.d Constants.TAG PUBLISHING RESULTS for constraint myData List MyDataType results.values MyCustomAdapter.this.notifyDataSetChanged..
Android: Multiple simultaneous count-down timers in a ListView if counter null counter.setText myData.getCountAsString add the TextView for the counter to the HashMap... Runnable mRunnable new Runnable public void run MyData myData TextView textView if counters are active if mCountersActive.. null mDataList null for int i 0 i mDataList.size i myData mDataList.get i textView mCounterList.get i if textView null..
How to display content from sqlite using ViewFlipper in android just need to use this position to fetch the records from list object For example Your POJO class will store the data public class MyData public long id 1 public String name public String description public String imagePath I don't know.. to fetch the records from list object For example Your POJO class will store the data public class MyData public long id 1 public String name public String description public String imagePath I don't know you want exactly you.. I don't know you want exactly you need to implement image as per your requirement. In your activity private List MyData myList new ArrayList MyData oncreate fetchData you need to implement this in AsyncTask so UI was not block just implement..
How to get XML using AsyncTask and Timer? timer timer new Timer timer.schedule new MyTimerTask 0 1000 public class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask String Integer MyData protected MyData doInBackground String... string MyData myData new MyData try URL url new URL http my.xml.. Timer timer.schedule new MyTimerTask 0 1000 public class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask String Integer MyData protected MyData doInBackground String... string MyData myData new MyData try URL url new URL http my.xml SAXParserFactory.. public class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask String Integer MyData protected MyData doInBackground String... string MyData myData new MyData try URL url new URL http my.xml SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance ..
What's the correct way to implement key-value pair in Spinner in android R.layout.main valueTextView TextView findViewById Spinner s Spinner findViewById final MyData items new MyData 3 items 0 new MyData key1 value1 items 1 new MyData key2 value2 items 2 new MyData key3 value3 ArrayAdapter.. valueTextView TextView findViewById Spinner s Spinner findViewById final MyData items new MyData 3 items 0 new MyData key1 value1 items 1 new MyData key2 value2 items 2 new MyData key3 value3 ArrayAdapter MyData adapter.. findViewById Spinner s Spinner findViewById final MyData items new MyData 3 items 0 new MyData key1 value1 items 1 new MyData key2 value2 items 2 new MyData key3 value3 ArrayAdapter MyData adapter new ArrayAdapter..
How to pass data from activity to fragment
How to display content from sqlite using ViewFlipper in android by fetch the list object using current view flipper position. private void fetchData while cursor.moveToNext MyData myData new MyData cursor.getLong 0 myData.desc cursor.getString 1 cursor.getString 5 list.add myData myData.. object using current view flipper position. private void fetchData while cursor.moveToNext MyData myData new MyData cursor.getLong 0 myData.desc cursor.getString 1 cursor.getString 5 list.add myData myData null share improve..
How to get XML using AsyncTask and Timer? class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask String Integer MyData protected MyData doInBackground String... string MyData myData new MyData try URL url new URL http my.xml SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance SAXParser.. http.proxyHost www System.setProperty http.proxyPort 80 xr.parse new InputSource url.openStream myData myHandler.getParsedData return myData catch Exception e Log.e Error getting myData e.getMessage e return myData protected.. System.setProperty http.proxyPort 80 xr.parse new InputSource url.openStream myData myHandler.getParsedData return myData catch Exception e Log.e Error getting myData e.getMessage e return myData protected void onProgressUpdate Integer.....
Android C2DM getting (401) Unauthorized data.payload 0 msg myPost.AppendFormat collapse_key 0 colKey write the post string as a byte array byte myData ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes myPost.ToString myRequest.ContentLength myData.Length Stream myStream myRequest.GetRequestStream.. write the post string as a byte array byte myData ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes myPost.ToString myRequest.ContentLength myData.Length Stream myStream myRequest.GetRequestStream myStream.Write myData 0 myData.Length myStream.Close Do the actual request.. myPost.ToString myRequest.ContentLength myData.Length Stream myStream myRequest.GetRequestStream myStream.Write myData 0 myData.Length myStream.Close Do the actual request and read the response stream WebResponse myResponse myRequest.GetResponse..
Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter publishResults CharSequence constraint FilterResults results Log.d Constants.TAG PUBLISHING RESULTS for constraint myData List MyDataType results.values MyCustomAdapter.this.notifyDataSetChanged @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering..
Android: Multiple simultaneous count-down timers in a ListView as the key. In getView TextView counter TextView v.findViewById if counter null counter.setText myData.getCountAsString add the TextView for the counter to the HashMap. mCounterList.put position counter Then you can update.. by using a Handler and where you post a runnable. private final Runnable mRunnable new Runnable public void run MyData myData TextView textView if counters are active if mCountersActive if mCounterList null mDataList null for int i 0 i mDataList.size.. if counters are active if mCountersActive if mCounterList null mDataList null for int i 0 i mDataList.size i myData mDataList.get i textView mCounterList.get i if textView null if myData.getCount 0 textView.setText myData.getCountAsString..