android Programming Glossary: mdatesetlistener
Customizing date picker dialog android in the dialog private DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener mDateSetListener new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener public void onDateSet..
can we get cancel click listerner of datepicker dialog? did it DatePickerDialog dialog new DatePickerDialog this mDateSetListener year month day dialog.setButton DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE..
Date picker in Android DatePickDialog private DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener mDateSetListener new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener public void onDateSet.. id case DATE_DIALOG_ID return new DatePickerDialog this mDateSetListener mYear mMonth mDay return null Hope it helps used it and it..
Multiple DatePickers in same activity date function private DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener mDateSetListener new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener public void onDateSet.. START_DATE_DIALOG_ID return new DatePickerDialog this mDateSetListener mYear mMonth mDay return null the callback received when the..
How to create datePicker and timePicker dialogs in fragment class? just return return new DatePickerDialog getActivity mDateSetListener mYear mMonth mDay This seems to work... though I cannot figure..
how to not allow user select past date in datepicker? id case DATE_DIALOG_ID return new DatePickerDialog this mDateSetListener mYear mMonth mDay return null @Override protected void onPrepareDialog.. mYear .append private DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener mDateSetListener new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener @Override public void..
Customizing date picker dialog android .append the callback received when the user sets the date in the dialog private DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener mDateSetListener new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener public void onDateSet DatePicker view int year int monthOfYear int dayOfMonth..
can we get cancel click listerner of datepicker dialog? datepicker share improve this question Here's how I did it DatePickerDialog dialog new DatePickerDialog this mDateSetListener year month day dialog.setButton DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE getString R.string.cancel new DialogInterface.OnClickListener..
Date picker in Android .append .append mYear .append The callback listener for the DatePickDialog private DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener mDateSetListener new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener public void onDateSet DatePicker view int year int monthOfYear int dayOfMonth .. @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog int id switch id case DATE_DIALOG_ID return new DatePickerDialog this mDateSetListener mYear mMonth mDay return null Hope it helps used it and it works fine. Example from http guide tutorials..
Multiple DatePickers in same activity when the user sets the date in the dialog for the start date function private DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener mDateSetListener new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener public void onDateSet DatePicker view int year int monthOfYear int dayOfMonth.. @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog int id switch id case START_DATE_DIALOG_ID return new DatePickerDialog this mDateSetListener mYear mMonth mDay return null the callback received when the user sets the date in the dialog for the end date function..
How to create datePicker and timePicker dialogs in fragment class? Though inside the example code I don't use a builder and instead just return return new DatePickerDialog getActivity mDateSetListener mYear mMonth mDay This seems to work... though I cannot figure out yet how to update the text on the fragment that calls..
how to not allow user select past date in datepicker? @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog int id switch id case DATE_DIALOG_ID return new DatePickerDialog this mDateSetListener mYear mMonth mDay return null @Override protected void onPrepareDialog int id Dialog dialog switch id case DATE_DIALOG_ID.. 1 .append mDay .append .append mMonth 1 .append .append mYear .append private DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener mDateSetListener new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener @Override public void onDateSet DatePicker view int year int monthOfYear int dayOfMonth..