android Programming Glossary: md
How do I make a body ignore gravity (AndEngine)? PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef .5f .5f .5f MassData md new MassData md.mass 0 body.setMassData md mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector.. .5f .5f .5f MassData md new MassData md.mass 0 body.setMassData md mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector.. .5f MassData md new MassData md.mass 0 body.setMassData md mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector new PhysicsConnector..
App is misconfigured for facebook login - not returning the logcat , after setting ENABLE_LOG to true in for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray.. MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray Log.d KeyHash Base64.encodeToString.. signature.toByteArray Log.d KeyHash Base64.encodeToString md.digest Base64.DEFAULT catch NameNotFoundException e catch NoSuchAlgorithmException..
Android: How to draw route directions google maps API V2 from current location to destination this class for your needs for example to draw directions md new GMapV2Direction mMap SupportMapFragment getSupportFragmentManager.. .findFragmentById .getMap Document doc md.getDocument sourcePosition destPosition GMapV2Direction.MODE_DRIVING.. ArrayList LatLng directionPoint md.getDirection doc PolylineOptions rectLine new PolylineOptions..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray.. MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray Log.e MY KEY HASH Base64.encodeToString.. Log.e MY KEY HASH Base64.encodeToString md.digest Base64.DEFAULT catch NameNotFoundException e catch NoSuchAlgorithmException..
remote_app_id does not match stored id - exception for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray.. MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray Log.d YOURHASH KEY Base64.encodeToString.. Log.d YOURHASH KEY Base64.encodeToString md.digest Base64.DEFAULT catch NameNotFoundException e catch NoSuchAlgorithmException..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment paramMap.get DESTINATION_LONG GMapV2Direction md new GMapV2Direction Document doc md.getDocument fromPosition.. GMapV2Direction md new GMapV2Direction Document doc md.getDocument fromPosition toPosition paramMap.get DIRECTIONS_MODE.. DIRECTIONS_MODE ArrayList LatLng directionPoints md.getDirection doc return directionPoints catch Exception e exception..
Facebook Integration in Android Application for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray.. for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray.. MessageDigest md md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray String something new String Base64.encode..
Android media player and seekbar sync issue new MediaPlayer int songindex 0 int duration 0 MusicDroid md @Override public IBinder onBind Intent arg0 TODO Auto generated.. null public void onCreate super.onCreate updateSongList md new MusicDroid public void updateSongList File home new File..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM sessionKey v version applicationSecret try sig md5 sig sig sig.toUpperCase catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e.. 0 fields.length 1 fields 1 null return map private String md5 String text throws NoSuchAlgorithmException UnsupportedEncodingException.. UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8..
How to SHA1 hash a string in Android? UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA 1 md.update text.getBytes iso.. MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA 1 md.update text.getBytes iso 8859 1 0 text.length byte sha1hash.. text.getBytes iso 8859 1 0 text.length byte sha1hash md.digest return convertToHex sha1hash Also share what your expected..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android is the problem. Fast version MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA1 FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream.. dis new DigestInputStream byteArrayInputStream md BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream fis ByteArrayOutputStream.. new DigestOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream md digestOutputStream.write newInput System.out.println out digest..
Problems with connecting to Facebook XMMP MD5-DIGEST sessionKey v version applicationSecret try sig md5 sig catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e throw new IllegalStateException.. 1 fields 1 null return map private String md5 String text throws NoSuchAlgorithmException UnsupportedEncodingException.. UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? try String input password salt MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance HASH_ALGORITHM PROVIDER byte out.. HASH_ALGORITHM PROVIDER byte out md.digest input.getBytes UTF 8 return HexEncoder.toHex out catch..
How do I make a body ignore gravity (AndEngine)? mPhysicsWorld this BodyType.DynamicBody PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef .5f .5f .5f MassData md new MassData md.mass 0 body.setMassData md mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector new PhysicsConnector this body true true.. mPhysicsWorld this BodyType.DynamicBody PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef .5f .5f .5f MassData md new MassData md.mass 0 body.setMassData md mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector new PhysicsConnector this body true true with different.. BodyType.DynamicBody PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef .5f .5f .5f MassData md new MassData md.mass 0 body.setMassData md mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector new PhysicsConnector this body true true with different values for my FixtureDef..
App is misconfigured for facebook login - not returning the logcat , after setting ENABLE_LOG to true in name e.g. com.yourcompany.yourapp PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray Log.d KeyHash Base64.encodeToString md.digest Base64.DEFAULT.. PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray Log.d KeyHash Base64.encodeToString md.digest Base64.DEFAULT catch NameNotFoundException.. MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray Log.d KeyHash Base64.encodeToString md.digest Base64.DEFAULT catch NameNotFoundException e catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e Example In HelloFacebookSampleActivity..
Android: How to draw route directions google maps API V2 from current location to destination lat 1E5 double lng 1E5 poly.add position return poly then use this class for your needs for example to draw directions md new GMapV2Direction mMap SupportMapFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById .getMap Document doc md.getDocument.. new GMapV2Direction mMap SupportMapFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById .getMap Document doc md.getDocument sourcePosition destPosition GMapV2Direction.MODE_DRIVING ArrayList LatLng directionPoint md.getDirection doc.. Document doc md.getDocument sourcePosition destPosition GMapV2Direction.MODE_DRIVING ArrayList LatLng directionPoint md.getDirection doc PolylineOptions rectLine new PolylineOptions .width 3 .color Color.RED for int i 0 i directionPoint.size..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error ENTER.YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray Log.e MY KEY HASH Base64.encodeToString md.digest Base64.DEFAULT.. PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray Log.e MY KEY HASH Base64.encodeToString md.digest Base64.DEFAULT catch NameNotFoundException.. md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray Log.e MY KEY HASH Base64.encodeToString md.digest Base64.DEFAULT catch NameNotFoundException e catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e EDIT Almost forgot. Don't forget to..
remote_app_id does not match stored id - exception .getPackageInfo your.package PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray Log.d YOURHASH KEY Base64.encodeToString md.digest Base64.DEFAULT.. PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray Log.d YOURHASH KEY Base64.encodeToString md.digest Base64.DEFAULT catch NameNotFoundException.. md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray Log.d YOURHASH KEY Base64.encodeToString md.digest Base64.DEFAULT catch NameNotFoundException e catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e paste it in onCreate share improve..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment new LatLng Double.valueOf paramMap.get DESTINATION_LAT Double.valueOf paramMap.get DESTINATION_LONG GMapV2Direction md new GMapV2Direction Document doc md.getDocument fromPosition toPosition paramMap.get DIRECTIONS_MODE ArrayList LatLng directionPoints.. DESTINATION_LAT Double.valueOf paramMap.get DESTINATION_LONG GMapV2Direction md new GMapV2Direction Document doc md.getDocument fromPosition toPosition paramMap.get DIRECTIONS_MODE ArrayList LatLng directionPoints md.getDirection doc return.. Document doc md.getDocument fromPosition toPosition paramMap.get DIRECTIONS_MODE ArrayList LatLng directionPoints md.getDirection doc return directionPoints catch Exception e exception e return null private void processException Toast.makeText..
Facebook Integration in Android Application com.example.yourpackagename PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray String something new String Base64.encode md.digest 0.. com.example.yourpackagename PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray String something new String Base64.encode md.digest 0 String.. for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA md.update signature.toByteArray String something new String Base64.encode md.digest 0 String something new String Base64.encodeBytes..
Android media player and seekbar sync issue sdcard List String songs new ArrayList String MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer int songindex 0 int duration 0 MusicDroid md @Override public IBinder onBind Intent arg0 TODO Auto generated method stub return null public void onCreate super.onCreate.. onBind Intent arg0 TODO Auto generated method stub return null public void onCreate super.onCreate updateSongList md new MusicDroid public void updateSongList File home new File MEDIA_PATH if home.listFiles new Mp3Filter .length 0 for File..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM apiKey call_id callId method method nonce nonce session_key sessionKey v version applicationSecret try sig md5 sig sig sig.toUpperCase catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e throw new IllegalStateException e String composedResponse.. param params String fields param.split 2 map.put fields 0 fields.length 1 fields 1 null return map private String md5 String text throws NoSuchAlgorithmException UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance MD5.. return map private String md5 String text throws NoSuchAlgorithmException UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8 0 text.length return convertToHex md.digest private String..
How to SHA1 hash a string in Android? public static String SHA1 String text throws NoSuchAlgorithmException UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA 1 md.update text.getBytes iso 8859 1 0 text.length byte sha1hash md.digest return convertToHex.. text throws NoSuchAlgorithmException UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA 1 md.update text.getBytes iso 8859 1 0 text.length byte sha1hash md.digest return convertToHex sha1hash Also share what your.. MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA 1 md.update text.getBytes iso 8859 1 0 text.length byte sha1hash md.digest return convertToHex sha1hash Also share what your expected sha1 should be. Maybe ObjectC is doing it wrong. share..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android but correct. I think the FileInputStream conversion to ByteArrayInputStream is the problem. Fast version MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA1 FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream path to file.exe ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream.. new ByteArrayInputStream fis.toString .getBytes DigestInputStream dis new DigestInputStream byteArrayInputStream md BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream fis ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream new ByteArrayOutputStream.. new ByteArrayOutputStream DigestOutputStream digestOutputStream new DigestOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream md digestOutputStream.write newInput System.out.println out digest byteArray2Hex digestOutputStream.getMessageDigest .digest..
Problems with connecting to Facebook XMMP MD5-DIGEST apiKey call_id callId method method nonce nonce session_key sessionKey v version applicationSecret try sig md5 sig catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e throw new IllegalStateException e String composedResponse api_key URLEncoder.encode.. params String fields param.split 2 map.put fields 0 fields.length 1 fields 1 null return map private String md5 String text throws NoSuchAlgorithmException UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance MD5.. map private String md5 String text throws NoSuchAlgorithmException UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8 0 text.length return convertToHex md.digest private String..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? String getHash String password String salt throws CryptoException try String input password salt MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance HASH_ALGORITHM PROVIDER byte out md.digest input.getBytes UTF 8 return HexEncoder.toHex out.. try String input password salt MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance HASH_ALGORITHM PROVIDER byte out md.digest input.getBytes UTF 8 return HexEncoder.toHex out catch Exception e throw new CryptoException Unable to get hash..