android Programming Glossary: mcursor.movetofirst
Android SQLite Example [closed] cols null null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor iterate to get each value. Now you can use MyDB..
How can I create a list Array with the cursor data in android mArrayList new ArrayList WhateverTypeYouWant for mCursor.moveToFirst mCursor.isAfterLast mCursor.moveToNext The Cursor is now set..
Setting a value in one class and retrieving from another class in Java (Android app) null HARDCODED. Please make it dynamic if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor I am retrieving it in the getRecord method in..
Easy database access methods in Android KEY_ROWID rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor updates a contact public boolean updateContact..
Getting stored data from database into ListView. rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor public Cursor getEntry long rowId2 throws SQLException.. rowId2 null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor updates a title public boolean updateLogin long..
column _id does not exist rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor public Cursor getSpinnerData throws SQLException.. KEY_ARRIVAL null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor updates a title public boolean updateUser long..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? rowId null NON NLS 1 null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor public boolean updateUser long rowId String.. ROW_ID rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor Update the car. @param rowId @param name @param..
How can i clear a SQLite database each time i start my app email email null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor public List Friend retrieveAllUsers List Friend..
How to create a Table with a column of type BLOB in a DBAdapter ROW_ID rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor public boolean updateSmiley long rowId String..
how to display SQLite DataBase table? KEY_ROWID rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor updates a contact public boolean updateContact..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database KEY_ROWID rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor updates a contact public boolean updateContact..
Cursor : get the field value (Android) KEY_ROWID rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor But I don't know how to obtain the value of..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts new String 1 Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst contact_read new Contact mCursor.getCount Add Contacts to the..
Android SQLite Example [closed] EMP_ID EMP_NAME Cursor mCursor database.query true EMP_TABLE cols null null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor iterate to get each value. Now you can use MyDB class in you activity to have all the database operations...
How can I create a list Array with the cursor data in android add them one by one to the ArrayList . ArrayList WhateverTypeYouWant mArrayList new ArrayList WhateverTypeYouWant for mCursor.moveToFirst mCursor.isAfterLast mCursor.moveToNext The Cursor is now set to the right position mArrayList.add mCursor.getWhateverTypeYouWant..
Setting a value in one class and retrieving from another class in Java (Android app) COLUMN_TIME COLUMN_ID 47688507 null null null null null HARDCODED. Please make it dynamic if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor I am retrieving it in the getRecord method in the above class right at the bottom instead of COLUMN_ID 47688507..
Easy database access methods in Android true DATABASE_TABLE new String KEY_ROWID KEY_NAME KEY_EMAIL KEY_ROWID rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor updates a contact public boolean updateContact long rowId String name String email ContentValues args new..
Getting stored data from database into ListView. String KEY_ROWID KEY_USER KEY_PASSWORD KEY_NUMBER KEY_ROWID rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor public Cursor getEntry long rowId2 throws SQLException Cursor mCursor db.query true DATABASE_TABLE_2 new.. KEY_TITLE KEY_ENTRY KEY_MOOD KEY_DATE KEY_TIME KEY_ROWID2 rowId2 null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor updates a title public boolean updateLogin long rowId String user String pass String no ContentValues args..
column _id does not exist KEY_USERNAME KEY_PASSWORD KEY_LNAME KEY_FNAME KEY_ROWID rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor public Cursor getSpinnerData throws SQLException Cursor mCursor db.query DATABASE_TABLE_2 new String .. Cursor mCursor db.query DATABASE_TABLE_2 new String KEY_ARRIVAL null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor updates a title public boolean updateUser long rowId String Username String Password String LastName String..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? true DATABASE_TABLE new String ROW_ID NAME ROW_ID rowId null NON NLS 1 null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor public boolean updateUser long rowId String name ContentValues args new ContentValues args.put NAME name.. true DATABASE_TABLE new String ROW_ID NAME MODEL YEAR ROW_ID rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor Update the car. @param rowId @param name @param model @param year @return true if the note was successfully..
How can i clear a SQLite database each time i start my app email password fullName mobilePhone mobileOperatingSystem email email null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor public List Friend retrieveAllUsers List Friend friends new ArrayList Friend Cursor result fetchAllUsers..
How to create a Table with a column of type BLOB in a DBAdapter true DATABASE_TABLE new String ROW_ID SOURCE INFO ROW_ID rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor public boolean updateSmiley long rowId String source String info String cache ContentValues args new ContentValues..
how to display SQLite DataBase table? new String KEY_ROWID KEY_NAME KEY_MOVES KEY_TIME KEY_ROWID rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor updates a contact public boolean updateContact long rowId String name int moves String time ContentValues..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database true DATABASE_TABLE new String KEY_ROWID KEY_NAME KEY_EMAIL KEY_ROWID rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor updates a contact public boolean updateContact long rowId String name String email ContentValues args new..
Cursor : get the field value (Android) DATABASE_TABLE new String KEY_ROWID KEY_TITLE KEY_BODY KEY_ROWID rowId null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor But I don't know how to obtain the value of the field in the Cursor. If I do that String a mOptionDb.fetchOption..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts Contacts.CONTENT_URI projection Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER new String 1 Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst contact_read new Contact mCursor.getCount Add Contacts to the Array int j 0 do contact_read j new Contact mCursor.getString..