android Programming Glossary: mcontext.getresources
Android set margin programmatically in dp on Button to convert your dp measure to pixel try this Resources r mContext.getResources int px int TypedValue.applyDimension TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP..
Change Actionbar height on Android JellyBean R.styleable.ActionBar_height 0 Resources r mContext.getResources if hasEmbeddedTabs Stacked tabs limit the height height Math.min..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask c from to flags mContext context mDefaultPicDrawable mContext.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.ic_contact_picture mContactPicLayoutParams.. c from to flags mContext context mDefaultPicDrawable mContext.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.ic_contact_picture mContactPicLayoutParams..
parsing local xml file using Sax in android load the XML from your resources XmlResourceParser myxml mContext.getResources .getXml R.xml.MyXml MyXml.xml is name of our xml in newly created..
ListView item LongClick state for selector Context mContext getApplicationContext Resources res mContext.getResources TransitionDrawable transition TransitionDrawable res.getDrawable..
Load contact photo in a listview performance null return framePhoto BitmapFactory.decodeResource mContext.getResources R.drawable.ic_contact_list_picture Bitmap photo framePhoto..
Recycle ImageView's Bitmap
Android: Accessing resources without an Activity or Context refeerence mContext public static Resources getResources return mContext.getResources public void onCreate super.onCreate mContext getApplicationContext..
How can I use a custom bitmap for the “you are here” point in a MyLocationOverlay? the marker Bitmap arrowBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeResource mContext.getResources R.drawable.arrow_green Matrix matrix new Matrix matrix.postRotate..
Android gridview adjusting to screen size position holder.text1.setText gridTitles position int h mContext.getResources .getDisplayMetrics .densityDpi holder.image.setLayoutParams..
Android set margin programmatically in dp on Button left top right bottom yourbutton.setLayoutParams params And to convert your dp measure to pixel try this Resources r mContext.getResources int px int TypedValue.applyDimension TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP yourdpmeasure r.getDisplayMetrics share improve this..
Change Actionbar height on Android JellyBean 0 int height a.getLayoutDimension R.styleable.ActionBar_height 0 Resources r mContext.getResources if hasEmbeddedTabs Stacked tabs limit the height height Math.min height r.getDimensionPixelSize R.dimen.action_bar_stacked_max_height..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask layout Cursor c String from int to int flags super context layout c from to flags mContext context mDefaultPicDrawable mContext.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.ic_contact_picture mContactPicLayoutParams new LinearLayout.LayoutParams mDefaultPicDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth.. layout Cursor c String from int to int flags super context layout c from to flags mContext context mDefaultPicDrawable mContext.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.ic_contact_picture mContactPicLayoutParams new LinearLayout.LayoutParams mDefaultPicDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth..
parsing local xml file using Sax in android lower case . Store your xml in this newly created folder. To load the XML from your resources XmlResourceParser myxml mContext.getResources .getXml R.xml.MyXml MyXml.xml is name of our xml in newly created xml folder mContext is the current context Alternatively..
ListView item LongClick state for selector are going to start the animation now. Log.i myTag Action Down Context mContext getApplicationContext Resources res mContext.getResources TransitionDrawable transition TransitionDrawable res.getDrawable R.drawable.listtransition v.setBackgroundDrawable transition..
Load contact photo in a listview performance mContext.getContentResolver conUri if photoInputStream null return framePhoto BitmapFactory.decodeResource mContext.getResources R.drawable.ic_contact_list_picture Bitmap photo framePhoto getPhoto mContext.getContentResolver conUri return photo ..
Recycle ImageView's Bitmap
Android: Accessing resources without an Activity or Context refeerence public class App extends Application private static Context mContext public static Resources getResources return mContext.getResources public void onCreate super.onCreate mContext getApplicationContext Your manifest application android icon @drawable icon..
How can I use a custom bitmap for the “you are here” point in a MyLocationOverlay? .toPixels myLocation null create a rotated copy of the marker Bitmap arrowBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeResource mContext.getResources R.drawable.arrow_green Matrix matrix new Matrix matrix.postRotate mOrientation Bitmap rotatedBmp Bitmap.createBitmap arrowBitmap..
Android gridview adjusting to screen size some attributes holder.image.setImageResource gridItemIds position holder.text1.setText gridTitles position int h mContext.getResources .getDisplayMetrics .densityDpi holder.image.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams h 50 h 50 convertView.setLayoutParams new GridView.LayoutParams..