

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:59

android Programming Glossary: mcontext.getassets

DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated?


if file.mkdir Log.w TAG Unable to create database directory return InputStream is null OutputStream os null try is mContext.getAssets .open DATABASE_NAME os new FileOutputStream path byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length is.read buffer 0 os.write..

Android - Images from Assets folder in a GridView


am currently having is public View getView final int position View convertView ViewGroup parent try AssetManager am mContext.getAssets String list am.list int count_files imagelist.length for int i 0 i count_files i BufferedInputStream buf new BufferedInputStream..

How to get the path to the Android assets folder in the application package


in the application package I have a whole folder structure that I want to copy from my assets folder. However the mContext.getAssets .open seems to only want a filename so that it can return an InputStream which is only suitable for copying a single file... Baroque.m4a INTRO_TO_FLASHUM_DIR intro fling.3gp I then iterated through this copying each file individually using the mContext.getAssets .open to get the InputStream. I don't think it is currently possible to iterate through a folder in the assets using normal..

Issue when using a custom font - “native typeface cannot be made”


TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.Start_Name holder.tv_SuraName.setTypeface Typeface.createFromAsset mContext.getAssets suralist_font.ttf Can anyone tell me why can I use the custom rom You can get it HERE .. the file is .ttf java android..

How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate]


return dbFile.exists Copy the database from assets private void copyDataBase throws IOException InputStream mInput mContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME String outFileName DB_PATH DB_NAME OutputStream mOutput new FileOutputStream outFileName byte mBuffer new..