android Programming Glossary: mcontentresolver
ContentProvider insert() always runs on UI thread? COLUMN_1 entry.attr1 values.put COLUMN_2 entry.attr2 etc. mContentResolver.insert MyContentProvider.CONTENT_URI values where mContentResolver.. MyContentProvider.CONTENT_URI values where mContentResolver has been previously set to the result of the getContentResolver.. entry.attr1 values.put COLUMN_2 entry.attr2 etc. mContentResolver.insert MyContentProvider.CONTENT_URI values .run And just..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader RecipientsCursorAdapter mAdapter private ContentResolver mContentResolver private final char delimiter ' ' private CustomMultiAutoCompleteTextView.. void init Context context mContext Messenger2 context mContentResolver mContext.getContentResolver mView this mAdapter new RecipientsCursorAdapter.. COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC Cursor c mContentResolver.query baseUri CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION selection null sortOrder..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask Drawable mDefaultPicDrawable protected ContentResolver mContentResolver protected LinearLayout.LayoutParams mContactPicLayoutParams.. 0 0 Log.d DEBUG_TAG recipient is recipient Cursor c mContentResolver.query Uri.parse content mms sms canonical addresses null _id.. Drawable mDefaultPicDrawable protected ContentResolver mContentResolver protected LinearLayout.LayoutParams mContactPicLayoutParams..
Enable or disable the PatternLock screen from code boolean enabled android.provider.Settings.System.putInt mContentResolver systemSettingKey enabled 1 0 You might be able to do something..
Force scan files after taking photo MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.queryMiniThumbnails mContentResolver MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND.. projection mCursorImages MediaStore.Images.Media.query mContentResolver MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI projection When..
How to crop image in android can anyone please help me... Edited super.onCreate icicle mContentResolver getContentResolver requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE.. path Uri uri getImageUri path InputStream in null try in mContentResolver.openInputStream uri return BitmapFactory.decodeStream in catch.. null OutputStream outputStream null try outputStream mContentResolver.openOutputStream mSaveUri if outputStream null croppedImage.compress..
ContentProvider insert() always runs on UI thread? contents ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put COLUMN_1 entry.attr1 values.put COLUMN_2 entry.attr2 etc. mContentResolver.insert MyContentProvider.CONTENT_URI values where mContentResolver has been previously set to the result of the getContentResolver.. entry.attr1 values.put COLUMN_2 entry.attr2 etc. mContentResolver.insert MyContentProvider.CONTENT_URI values where mContentResolver has been previously set to the result of the getContentResolver method. I've tried putting insertContentsIntoDB in its own.. run ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put COLUMN_1 entry.attr1 values.put COLUMN_2 entry.attr2 etc. mContentResolver.insert MyContentProvider.CONTENT_URI values .run And just for good measure I've also tried both of those solutions with..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader .getSimpleName .toString private Messenger2 mContext private RecipientsCursorAdapter mAdapter private ContentResolver mContentResolver private final char delimiter ' ' private CustomMultiAutoCompleteTextView mView If non null this is the current filter the.. Context c AttributeSet attrs super c attrs init c private void init Context context mContext Messenger2 context mContentResolver mContext.getContentResolver mView this mAdapter new RecipientsCursorAdapter mContext 0 null new String 0 new int 0 mContext.. String sortOrder ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC Cursor c mContentResolver.query baseUri CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION selection null sortOrder return c And for some reason the runQuery method gets..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask .getSimpleName .toString private Context mContext protected Drawable mDefaultPicDrawable protected ContentResolver mContentResolver protected LinearLayout.LayoutParams mContactPicLayoutParams endregion region Constructors public ConversationThreadsCursorAdapter.. doInBackground String ...recipients String recipient recipients 0 0 Log.d DEBUG_TAG recipient is recipient Cursor c mContentResolver.query Uri.parse content mms sms canonical addresses null _id recipient null null String _id String address while c.moveToNext.. .getSimpleName .toString private Context mContext protected Drawable mDefaultPicDrawable protected ContentResolver mContentResolver protected LinearLayout.LayoutParams mContactPicLayoutParams endregion region Constructors public ConversationThreadsCursorAdapter..
Enable or disable the PatternLock screen from code
Force scan files after taking photo LATER I've got sth like this in other activity mCursorThumbnails MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.queryMiniThumbnails mContentResolver MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND projection mCursorImages MediaStore.Images.Media.query.. MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND projection mCursorImages MediaStore.Images.Media.query mContentResolver MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI projection When I check count of first value I've got 13 elements and on the..
How to crop image in android overwrite image in a sdcard. I am confused with that code.. can anyone please help me... Edited super.onCreate icicle mContentResolver getContentResolver requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE setContentView R.layout.cropimage mImageView CropImageView.. Uri.fromFile new File path private Bitmap getBitmap String path Uri uri getImageUri path InputStream in null try in mContentResolver.openInputStream uri return BitmapFactory.decodeStream in catch FileNotFoundException e Log.e TAG file path not found return.. mHandler private void saveOutput Bitmap croppedImage if mSaveUri null OutputStream outputStream null try outputStream mContentResolver.openOutputStream mSaveUri if outputStream null croppedImage.compress mOutputFormat 75 outputStream catch IOException ex..