

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:00

android Programming Glossary: mdatedisplay

Customizing date picker dialog android


when the activity is first created. private TextView mDateDisplay private Button mPickDate private int mYear private int mMonth.. setContentView R.layout.main capture our View elements mDateDisplay TextView findViewById R.id.dateDisplay mPickDate Button findViewById.. the date in the TextView private void updateDisplay mDateDisplay.setText getString R.string.strSelectedDate new StringBuilder..

Date picker in Android


mYear private int mMonth private int mDay private TextView mDateDisplay private Button mPickDate static final int DATE_DIALOG_ID 0 Here.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main mDateDisplay TextView findViewById R.id.showMyDate mPickDate Button findViewById.. UpdateDisplay method private void updateDisplay this.mDateDisplay.setText new StringBuilder Month is 0 based so add 1 .append..

Multiple DatePickers in same activity


public class datepicker extends Activity private TextView mDateDisplay private TextView endDateDisplay private Button mPickDate private.. capture our View elements for the start date function mDateDisplay TextView findViewById R.id.startdateDisplay mPickDate Button.. .append mYear .append private void updateStartDisplay mDateDisplay.setText new StringBuilder Month is 0 based so add 1 .append..

how to not allow user select past date in datepicker?


less than current date.anyone guide me please ...Thank you mDateDisplay TextView findViewById R.id.dateDisplay Button pickDate_btn Button.. mYear mMonth mDay break private void updateDisplay mDateDisplay.setText new StringBuilder Month is 0 based so add 1 .append..

Customizing date picker dialog android


public class DatePickerDemoActivity extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. private TextView mDateDisplay private Button mPickDate private int mYear private int mMonth private int mDay static final int DATE_DIALOG_ID 0 @Override.. Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main capture our View elements mDateDisplay TextView findViewById R.id.dateDisplay mPickDate Button findViewById R.id.pickDate add a click listener to the button mPickDate.setOnClickListener.. the current date this method is below updateDisplay updates the date in the TextView private void updateDisplay mDateDisplay.setText getString R.string.strSelectedDate new StringBuilder Month is 0 based so add 1 .append mMonth 1 .append .append..

Date picker in Android


of your layout. You need this class variables private int mYear private int mMonth private int mDay private TextView mDateDisplay private Button mPickDate static final int DATE_DIALOG_ID 0 Here the onCreate method @Override public void onCreate Bundle.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main mDateDisplay TextView findViewById R.id.showMyDate mPickDate Button findViewById R.id.myDatePickerButton mPickDate.setOnClickListener.. Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH display the current date updateDisplay UpdateDisplay method private void updateDisplay this.mDateDisplay.setText new StringBuilder Month is 0 based so add 1 .append mMonth 1 .append .append mDay .append .append mYear .append..

Multiple DatePickers in same activity


android.widget.DatePicker import android.widget.TextView public class datepicker extends Activity private TextView mDateDisplay private TextView endDateDisplay private Button mPickDate private Button endPickDate private int mYear private int mMonth.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main capture our View elements for the start date function mDateDisplay TextView findViewById R.id.startdateDisplay mPickDate Button findViewById R.id.startpickDate add a click listener to the.. based so add 1 .append mMonth 1 .append .append mDay .append .append mYear .append private void updateStartDisplay mDateDisplay.setText new StringBuilder Month is 0 based so add 1 .append mMonth 1 .append .append mDay .append .append mYear .append..

how to not allow user select past date in datepicker?


application will prompt message to inform user cant select less than current date.anyone guide me please ...Thank you mDateDisplay TextView findViewById R.id.dateDisplay Button pickDate_btn Button findViewById R.id.pickDate pickDate_btn.setOnClickListener.. id case DATE_DIALOG_ID DatePickerDialog dialog .updateDate mYear mMonth mDay break private void updateDisplay mDateDisplay.setText new StringBuilder Month is 0 based so add 1 .append mDay .append .append mMonth 1 .append .append mYear .append..