android Programming Glossary: italics
Samsung devices supporting setTypeface(Typeface.Italic)? android typeface italic share improve this question It may be that your Samsung device does not have a native italics version of the desired font installed. You may have to force the system to create the italics style font synthetically... does not have a native italics version of the desired font installed. You may have to force the system to create the italics style font synthetically. Try tv.setTypeface Typeface.defaultFromStyle Typeface.ITALIC Typeface.ITALIC EDIT Instead of defaultFromStyle..
Line Break in XML formatting? break and t if you want to insert a tab. You can also use some XML tags for basic formatting b for bold text i for italics and u for underlined text. Other formatting options are shown in this article on the Android Developers' site http
Style EditText content 'on the fly'? EditText content 'on the fly' I'm working on a rich text editor in Android. Basically it has bold italics and link buttons that are tied to an EditText to change the style of the content. I have it working great if you select..
Specifying “strikethrough” on a section of TextView text and depending on some tags which I have predefined I want to style the text before setting it to my TextView. For bold italics and underline I was able to do this easily with the replaceAll command PageText PageText.replaceAll a zA Z0 9 b 1 b PageText.. _ u 1 u txtPage.setText Html.fromHtml PageText TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE So to bold a word surround it with 's for italics surround with _. But for strikethrough Html.fromHtml does not support the strike tag so it can't be done this same way...