android Programming Glossary: isscrollingleft
How to stop scrolling in a Gallery Widget? the swipe was from left to right or right to left and call the appropriate dpad event as shown below private boolean isScrollingLeft MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 return e2.getX e1.getX @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float.. e1.getX @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY int kEvent if isScrollingLeft e1 e2 Check if scrolling left kEvent KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT else Otherwise scrolling right kEvent KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT..
Creating a custom Gallery - overriding onFling public mygallery Context ctx AttributeSet attrSet super ctx TODO Auto generated constructor stub private boolean isScrollingLeft MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 return e2.getX e1.getX @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float.. e1.getX @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY int kEvent if isScrollingLeft e1 e2 Check if scrolling left kEvent KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT else Otherwise scrolling right kEvent KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT..
Carousel library for android MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY TODO Auto generated method stub boolean leftScroll isScrollingLeft e1 e2 float velX if leftScroll velX 500 else velX 500 return super.onFling e1 e2 velX velocityY private boolean isScrollingLeft.. e1 e2 float velX if leftScroll velX 500 else velX 500 return super.onFling e1 e2 velX velocityY private boolean isScrollingLeft MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 return e2.getX e1.getX ResourceImageAdapter package pl.polidea.coverflow import java.lang.ref.WeakReference..