android Programming Glossary: ist
Observing changes in android content observer for Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI you can help me. Update Wednesday 10 April 2013 14 47 36 IST If anyone Knows methods for querying Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI..
While Make sign APK of Google map (Failed to load map Could not contact Google servers) this error accured US Serial number 4a5b5c6d Valid from Thu Apr 04 18 33 13 IST 2013 until Sat Mar 28 18 33 13 IST 2043 Certificate fingerprints.. Thu Apr 04 18 33 13 IST 2013 until Sat Mar 28 18 33 13 IST 2043 Certificate fingerprints MD5 51 CE 5C 07 05 31 98 6A D5..
Integrating FaceBook, Twitter, Social networks in Android share improve this question EDIT on 14 July 2012 21.30 IST. The project is abandoned by the Creator and is no more usable..
android maven build gives trouble processing “javax/xml/namespace/QName.class”: for Android Development Tools 0.2.5 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO skip non existing resourceDirectory D my workspace android.. android test app src test resources 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO Not compiling test sources 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO.. PM IST INFO Not compiling test sources 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO Tests are skipped. 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO D my android..
KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays Category C new Category C.CategoryId 1 C.Description Das ist die Beschreibung C.Name ObjektName Set the category to be..
android listview display all available items without scroll with static header listview display all available items without scroll with static header.. trying to get a certain layout to work I want to have list. List does not have to be scrollable but should be shown completely... to get a certain layout to work I want to have list. List does not have to be scrollable but should be shown completely...
sqlite encryption for android willing to purchase a commercial build but I have to test ist before spending a few hundred dollars. Did anyone solve this..
Get focused View from ViewPager needs an Adapter so I've built this one public class ListViewPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter protected static final.. extends PagerAdapter protected static final String TAG ListViewPagerAdapter protected static final int NUM_VIEWS 3 protected.. int NUM_VIEWS 3 protected final Activity mActivity public ListViewPagerAdapter Activity activity mActivity activity @Override..
Android: Enable Scrollbars in Custom View to add the standard Android scrollbars. Using Scrollviews ist not possible since I need the Layout to be scrollable in 2 dimensions.. There are tons of questions like this in various mailing lists and on SO but everywhere the answer seems to be 1. call setHorizontalScrollbarEnabled..
NoClassDefFoundError on external library project for Android is included in the library project . Edit The jar file ist added to the exported entries x my.jar on the Order and Export..
Android java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.jsoup.Jsoup Release 2 Build id 20120216 1857. The Android version ist 2.2. I make an app to test a connect and parse a web site like..
Observing changes in android content observer for Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI find solution for it. I will be very grateful to you all if you can help me. Update Wednesday 10 April 2013 14 47 36 IST If anyone Knows methods for querying Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI for its latest changes the it could help but mCursor..
While Make sign APK of Google map (Failed to load map Could not contact Google servers) this error accured Debug O Android C US Issuer CN Android Debug O Android C US Serial number 4a5b5c6d Valid from Thu Apr 04 18 33 13 IST 2013 until Sat Mar 28 18 33 13 IST 2043 Certificate fingerprints MD5 51 CE 5C 07 05 31 98 6A D5 7C 24 B1 B3 EC 22 A3 SHA1.. Android Debug O Android C US Serial number 4a5b5c6d Valid from Thu Apr 04 18 33 13 IST 2013 until Sat Mar 28 18 33 13 IST 2043 Certificate fingerprints MD5 51 CE 5C 07 05 31 98 6A D5 7C 24 B1 B3 EC 22 A3 SHA1 B2 68 A7 D6 3A FC 8F 15 8D 3E 1F..
Integrating FaceBook, Twitter, Social networks in Android Thanks android facebook twitter social networking share improve this question EDIT on 14 July 2012 21.30 IST. The project is abandoned by the Creator and is no more usable due to changes in Facebook APIs. I contacted the Dev and..
android maven build gives trouble processing “javax/xml/namespace/QName.class”: Android SDK API level 8 Eclipse ADT 10.0.1 Maven Inegration for Android Development Tools 0.2.5 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO skip non existing resourceDirectory D my workspace android android test app src test resources 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST.. INFO skip non existing resourceDirectory D my workspace android android test app src test resources 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO Not compiling test sources 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO Tests are skipped. 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO D my android.. android android test app src test resources 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO Not compiling test sources 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO Tests are skipped. 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO D my android sdk my android sdk windows platform tools dx.bat dex output..
KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays Create Category with Id to be passed as an argument Category C new Category C.CategoryId 1 C.Description Das ist die Beschreibung C.Name ObjektName Set the category to be the argument of the web service method PropertyInfo objekt..
android listview display all available items without scroll with static header listview display all available items without scroll with static header I'm having a little difficulties while trying to get.. with static header I'm having a little difficulties while trying to get a certain layout to work I want to have list. List does not have to be scrollable but should be shown completely. But the page itself should be able to scroll with the.. static header I'm having a little difficulties while trying to get a certain layout to work I want to have list. List does not have to be scrollable but should be shown completely. But the page itself should be able to scroll with the lists..
sqlite encryption for android find any working example for this stuff. Btw I'm absolutly willing to purchase a commercial build but I have to test ist before spending a few hundred dollars. Did anyone solve this issue for his own edit question is solved by commonsWare if..
Get focused View from ViewPager for switching views with left right swipe. The ViewPager needs an Adapter so I've built this one public class ListViewPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter protected static final String TAG ListViewPagerAdapter protected static final int NUM_VIEWS.. so I've built this one public class ListViewPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter protected static final String TAG ListViewPagerAdapter protected static final int NUM_VIEWS 3 protected final Activity mActivity public ListViewPagerAdapter Activity.. String TAG ListViewPagerAdapter protected static final int NUM_VIEWS 3 protected final Activity mActivity public ListViewPagerAdapter Activity activity mActivity activity @Override public int getCount return NUM_VIEWS @Override public void..
Android: Enable Scrollbars in Custom View scrollTo and scrollBy . Scrolling works and now I'd like to add the standard Android scrollbars. Using Scrollviews ist not possible since I need the Layout to be scrollable in 2 dimensions so I tried to do it as described here Android Enable.. get them to show up. Any ideas what might be the problem There are tons of questions like this in various mailing lists and on SO but everywhere the answer seems to be 1. call setHorizontalScrollbarEnabled true 2. implement all the compute..
NoClassDefFoundError on external library project for Android for a class which is inside the jar file which is included in the library project . Edit The jar file ist added to the exported entries x my.jar on the Order and Export Tab from the library project Is there a clean way to get..
Android java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.jsoup.Jsoup org.jsoup.Jsoup I work with eclipse Version Indigo Service Release 2 Build id 20120216 1857. The Android version ist 2.2. I make an app to test a connect and parse a web site like this public class TestActivity extends Activity Called when..