android Programming Glossary: item.gettitle
How to create a DataGrid display in android? true if titleView null titleView.setText item.getTitle if authorView null authorView.setText item.getAuthor ..
Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1 MenuItem item TODO Auto generated method stub if item.getTitle Photo media_type image media_thumb null Intent intent new..
Highlight custom listview item when long click break default Toast.makeText MainActivity.this Clicked item.getTitle Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break return true public void onDestroyActionMode..
Show context menu when link is long pressed in TextView to preform for buttons pressed in a context menu can use item.getTitle or similar to find out button pressed item.getItemID will return..
GoogleMaps MapView crashes onTap in Android? dialog new AlertDialog.Builder mContext dialog.setTitle item.getTitle dialog.setMessage item.getSnippet return true..
Am I creating my custom ArrayAdapter correctly? public boolean onContextItemSelected MenuItem item if item.getTitle Remove deserializeQuotes AdapterContextMenuInfo info AdapterContextMenuInfo.. Can you try using this in your remove if Remove .equals item.getTitle .... Edit I just noticed you are de serializing Quote objects..
It is possible to remove the Shadow of the Icons (items) on a googlemap? dialog new AlertDialog.Builder mContext dialog.setTitle item.getTitle dialog.setMessage item.getSnippet return true public..
Can i personalize the onTap() dialog of the items on my googlemapview?? (i wanna add a button on it) dialog new AlertDialog.Builder mContext dialog.setTitle item.getTitle dialog.setMessage item.getSnippet return true ok.. mContext builder.setMessage item.getSnippet .setTitle item.getTitle .setCancelable true .setPositiveButton View Details new DialogInterface.OnClickListener..
Popupwindow with image final Show item showList.get position holder.title.setText item.getTitle holder.prev.setText item.getPrevNr item.getPrevDate holder.prevTitle.setText..
Android: how to use SectionIndexer holder ViewHolder convertView.getTag holder.title.setText item.getTitle if holder.subtitle null holder.subtitle.setText item.getSubtitle..
Android - How to dynamically change menu item text outside of onOptionsItemsSelected or onCreateOptionsMenu item try switch item.getItemId case if item.getTitle .equals Set to 'In bed' item.setTitle Set to 'Out of bed' ..
Android: Adding ListView Sub Item Text String datum new HashMap String String 2 datum.put title item.getTitle datum.put date item.getDate .toString data.add datum SimpleAdapter..
Custom information bubble on tap for overlay items using osmdroid void setBalloonData Item item ViewGroup parent if item.getTitle null title.setVisibility VISIBLE title.setText item.getTitle.. null title.setVisibility VISIBLE title.setText item.getTitle else title.setText title.setVisibility GONE if item.getSnippet..
How to create a DataGrid display in android?
Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1 0 v.getId 0 Photo @Override public boolean onContextItemSelected MenuItem item TODO Auto generated method stub if item.getTitle Photo media_type image media_thumb null Intent intent new Intent getApplicationContext Transperant.class intent.putExtra..
Highlight custom listview item when long click items Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show mode.finish break default Toast.makeText MainActivity.this Clicked item.getTitle Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break return true public void onDestroyActionMode ActionMode mode public void onItemCheckedStateChanged..
Show context menu when link is long pressed in TextView onContextItemSelected MenuItem item Call your function to preform for buttons pressed in a context menu can use item.getTitle or similar to find out button pressed item.getItemID will return the v.getID that we passed before share improve this..
GoogleMaps MapView crashes onTap in Android? OverlayItem item mOverlays.get index AlertDialog.Builder dialog new AlertDialog.Builder mContext dialog.setTitle item.getTitle dialog.setMessage item.getSnippet return true How do I fix this android google maps google maps markers..
Am I creating my custom ArrayAdapter correctly? an item from the list THIS DOESNT WORK DOES NOTHING @Override public boolean onContextItemSelected MenuItem item if item.getTitle Remove deserializeQuotes AdapterContextMenuInfo info AdapterContextMenuInfo item.getMenuInfo quotesAdapter.remove quotes.get.. share improve this question The code seems to be alright. Can you try using this in your remove if Remove .equals item.getTitle .... Edit I just noticed you are de serializing Quote objects by calling deserializeQuotes . Have you overridden the boolean..
It is possible to remove the Shadow of the Icons (items) on a googlemap? index OverlayItem item mOverlays.get index AlertDialog.Builder dialog new AlertDialog.Builder mContext dialog.setTitle item.getTitle dialog.setMessage item.getSnippet return true public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow..
Can i personalize the onTap() dialog of the items on my googlemapview?? (i wanna add a button on it) index OverlayItem item mOverlays.get index AlertDialog.Builder dialog new AlertDialog.Builder mContext dialog.setTitle item.getTitle dialog.setMessage item.getSnippet return true ok it works fine and i still need to show that dialog but i need.. Developers AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder mContext builder.setMessage item.getSnippet .setTitle item.getTitle .setCancelable true .setPositiveButton View Details new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface..
Popupwindow with image else holder ViewHolder convertView.getTag testSort holder final Show item showList.get position holder.title.setText item.getTitle holder.prev.setText item.getPrevNr item.getPrevDate holder.prevTitle.setText item.getPrevTitle item.getNextNr..
Android: how to use SectionIndexer convertView.setTag holder else holder ViewHolder convertView.getTag holder.title.setText item.getTitle if holder.subtitle null holder.subtitle.setText item.getSubtitle return convertView private class ViewHolder public TextView..
Android - How to dynamically change menu item text outside of onOptionsItemsSelected or onCreateOptionsMenu do the following public boolean onOptionsItemSelected MenuItem item try switch item.getItemId case if item.getTitle .equals Set to 'In bed' item.setTitle Set to 'Out of bed' inBed false else item.setTitle Set to 'In bed' inBed true..
Android: Adding ListView Sub Item Text String String for RSSItem item feed.getAllItems Map String String datum new HashMap String String 2 datum.put title item.getTitle datum.put date item.getDate .toString data.add datum SimpleAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter this data android.R.layout.simple_list_item_2..
Custom information bubble on tap for overlay items using osmdroid method of file as follow protected void setBalloonData Item item ViewGroup parent if item.getTitle null title.setVisibility VISIBLE title.setText item.getTitle else title.setText title.setVisibility GONE if item.getSnippet.. void setBalloonData Item item ViewGroup parent if item.getTitle null title.setVisibility VISIBLE title.setText item.getTitle else title.setText title.setVisibility GONE if item.getSnippet null snippet.setVisibility VISIBLE snippet.setText item.getSnippet..