android Programming Glossary: istablet
Android theme, fullscreen and the action bar bar back. Otherwise it won't show. I added this in my main Activity. @Override public void setTheme int resid if isTablet this super.setTheme return super.setTheme resid android android actionbar share improve..
Android image on tablets and phones are 320 by 200 for phones and I store them in the mdpi directory. For tablets I resize them to 480 by 300 like this if isTablet getActivity tablets only debugLog display tablet image imagename int resID getResources .getIdentifier imagename drawable..
Tablet or Phone - Android share improve this question To detect whether or not the device is a tablet use the following code public boolean isTablet Context context boolean xlarge context.getResources .getConfiguration .screenLayout Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK..
Determine if the device is a smartphone or tablet? topic they explain how to set a boolean value in a specific value file as res values sw600dp resources bool name isTablet true bool resources Because the sw600dp qualifier is only valid for platforms above android 3.2. If you want to make sure.. this technique works on all platforms before 3.2 create the same file in res values xlarge folder resources bool name isTablet true bool resources Then in the standard value file as res values you set the boolean to false resources bool name isTablet.. true bool resources Then in the standard value file as res values you set the boolean to false resources bool name isTablet false bool resources Then in you activity you can get this value and check if you are running in a tablet size device boolean..