android Programming Glossary: isrecording
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? 0 private Thread recordingThread null private boolean isRecording false @SuppressLint NewApi @Override public void onCreate Bundle.. id .setEnabled isEnable private void enableButtons boolean isRecording enableButton isRecording enableButton boolean isRecording enableButton isRecording enableButton isRecording private String getFilename..
Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece is my code public class LoopProg extends Activity boolean isRecording currently not used AudioManager am int count 0 Called when the.. short readBuffer new short bufferSize public void run isRecording true android.os.Process.setThreadPriority android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO.. new byte buffersize arec.startRecording while isRecording buffer 0 buffersize atrack.write buffer 0 buffer.length..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function and an output stream myAudioRecord.startRecording while isRecording myBuffer is being filled with fresh audio read audio data into.. with the rate of recording is unclear is the boolean isRecording sequenced on and off properly elsewhere It seems this code could..
AudioRecord object not initializing extends Activity private Thread thread private boolean isRecording private AudioRecord recorder private FileOutputStream os private.. byte buffer new byte bufferSize recorder.startRecording isRecording true try while isRecording result buffer 0 bufferSize.. recorder.startRecording isRecording true try while isRecording result buffer 0 bufferSize for int a 0 a result..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling int trackBufSize private short audioData private boolean isRecording false isPlaying false private Thread startRecThread private.. Log.e LOG_TAG stop Recording private void stop if isRecording isRecording false stopRecording if isPlaying isPlaying false.. LOG_TAG stop Recording private void stop if isRecording isRecording false stopRecording if isPlaying isPlaying false stopPlaying..
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? private AudioRecord recorder null private int bufferSize 0 private Thread recordingThread null private boolean isRecording false @SuppressLint NewApi @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. enableButton int id boolean isEnable Button findViewById id .setEnabled isEnable private void enableButtons boolean isRecording enableButton isRecording enableButton isRecording private String getFilename String filepath.. Button findViewById id .setEnabled isEnable private void enableButtons boolean isRecording enableButton isRecording enableButton isRecording private String getFilename String filepath Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece I want it to play out via the ear piece on the device. Here is my code public class LoopProg extends Activity boolean isRecording currently not used AudioManager am int count 0 Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate.. int bufferSize 200000 final short buffer new short bufferSize short readBuffer new short bufferSize public void run isRecording true android.os.Process.setThreadPriority android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO int buffersize AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize.. am.isSpeakerphoneOn atrack.setPlaybackRate 11025 byte buffer new byte buffersize arec.startRecording while isRecording buffer 0 buffersize atrack.write buffer 0 buffer.length arec.stop atrack.stop isRecording false As you can..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function with buffer size and recording format info set up a file and an output stream myAudioRecord.startRecording while isRecording myBuffer is being filled with fresh audio read audio data into myBuffer send contents of myBuffer to SD file myAudioRecord.stop.. SD file myAudioRecord.stop How this code synchronizes its reading with the rate of recording is unclear is the boolean isRecording sequenced on and off properly elsewhere It seems this code could either read too frequently or too infrequently depending..
AudioRecord object not initializing import android.widget.TextView public class recorder extends Activity private Thread thread private boolean isRecording private AudioRecord recorder private FileOutputStream os private BufferedOutputStream bos private DataOutputStream dos private.. AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize sampleRate channel encoding byte buffer new byte bufferSize recorder.startRecording isRecording true try while isRecording result buffer 0 bufferSize for int a 0 a result a dos.write buffer a if isRecording.. sampleRate channel encoding byte buffer new byte bufferSize recorder.startRecording isRecording true try while isRecording result buffer 0 bufferSize for int a 0 a result a dos.write buffer a if isRecording recorder.stop break..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling null private int recorderBufSize recordingSampleRate private int trackBufSize private short audioData private boolean isRecording false isPlaying false private Thread startRecThread private AudioRecord.OnRecordPositionUpdateListener posUpdateListener.. startRecThread null player.stop player.flush Log.e LOG_TAG stop Recording private void stop if isRecording isRecording false stopRecording if isPlaying isPlaying false stopPlaying recordBtn.setEnabled true playBtn.setEnabled.. startRecThread null player.stop player.flush Log.e LOG_TAG stop Recording private void stop if isRecording isRecording false stopRecording if isPlaying isPlaying false stopPlaying recordBtn.setEnabled true playBtn.setEnabled true @Override..