android Programming Glossary: ispreviewrunning
Camera preview on Android - strange on Samsung Galaxy S SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height if isPreviewRunning camera.stopPreview try camera.startPreview catch Exception.. catch Exception e Log.d APP Cannot start preview e isPreviewRunning true ... android camera share improve this question I found..
Android - Camera preview is sideways SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height if isPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters.. mSurfaceHolder mCamera.startPreview isPreviewRunning true catch Exception e Log.d APP_CLASS Cannot start preview..
Picture distorted with Camera and getOptimalPreviewSize SurfaceHolder holder int format int w int h if isPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters.. mCamera.setParameters parameters mCamera.startPreview isPreviewRunning true The picture has a good quality http set up the camera parameters and begin the preview. if isPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card holder SurfaceView surface Camera camera Boolean isPreviewRunning fromOnResume Preview mpreview Called when the activity is first.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main isPreviewRunning false fromOnResume false requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE.. SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height if isPreviewRunning camera.stopPreview Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters..
How can I manipulate the camera preview? mHolder private Camera mCamera private boolean isPreviewRunning false private byte rgbbuffer new byte 256 256 private int rgbints.. this try if mCamera null mCamera.stopPreview isPreviewRunning false mCamera.release catch Exception e Log.e Camera e.getMessage..
takepicture hangs on Android 2.3.3 TAG .surfaceChanged w w Log.i TAG .surfaceChanged h h if isPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder mCamera.setPreviewCallback.. SIZEOFPICTURE mCamera.setParameters p mCamera.startPreview isPreviewRunning true public void takePicture Log.i TAG .takePicture being called..
Camera preview on Android - strange on Samsung Galaxy S APP set preview error. ignored public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height if isPreviewRunning camera.stopPreview try camera.startPreview catch Exception e Log.d APP Cannot start preview e isPreviewRunning true.. if isPreviewRunning camera.stopPreview try camera.startPreview catch Exception e Log.d APP Cannot start preview e isPreviewRunning true ... android camera share improve this question I found that Samsung seems to have problems with the parameters..
Android - Camera preview is sideways 8. So this is how I implement it public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height if isPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters Display display WindowManager getSystemService WINDOW_SERVICE.. previewCamera method public void previewCamera try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mSurfaceHolder mCamera.startPreview isPreviewRunning true catch Exception e Log.d APP_CLASS Cannot start preview e This was on an HTC Desire and I had to initially put in..
Picture distorted with Camera and getOptimalPreviewSize preview size. In fact with this first code public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int w int h if isPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters mCamera.setParameters parameters mCamera.startPreview.. Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters mCamera.setParameters parameters mCamera.startPreview isPreviewRunning true The picture has a good quality http i 04042011172937.jpg But with this code private Size getOptimalPreviewSize.. holder int format int w int h Now that the size is known set up the camera parameters and begin the preview. if isPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters List Size sizes parameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card Camera object. Plus the image never gets saved. Code SurfaceHolder holder SurfaceView surface Camera camera Boolean isPreviewRunning fromOnResume Preview mpreview Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main isPreviewRunning false fromOnResume false requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE surface SurfaceView findViewById holder.. onCreate null @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height if isPreviewRunning camera.stopPreview Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters List Size sizes parameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes..
How can I manipulate the camera preview? implements Callback Camera.PreviewCallback private SurfaceHolder mHolder private Camera mCamera private boolean isPreviewRunning false private byte rgbbuffer new byte 256 256 private int rgbints new int 256 256 protected final Paint rectanglePaint new.. this public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder synchronized this try if mCamera null mCamera.stopPreview isPreviewRunning false mCamera.release catch Exception e Log.e Camera e.getMessage public void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera camera..
takepicture hangs on Android 2.3.3 int w int h Log.i TAG .surfaceChanged being called Log.i TAG .surfaceChanged w w Log.i TAG .surfaceChanged h h if isPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder mCamera.setPreviewCallback mPreviewCallback catch IOException.. setOptimalSize p w h SIZEOFPREVIEW setOptimalSize p w h SIZEOFPICTURE mCamera.setParameters p mCamera.startPreview isPreviewRunning true public void takePicture Log.i TAG .takePicture being called mCamera.takePicture null null mPictureCallback Log.i TAG..