android Programming Glossary: isvalid
Android, Autocomplettextview, force text to be from the entry list an instance of the interface AutoCompleteTextView.Validator as parameter. AutoCompleteTextView.Validator contains isValid with which you can check the value that has been entered and you can fix this string by implementing fixText . Seems this.. new FocusListener class Validator implements AutoCompleteTextView.Validator @Override public boolean isValid CharSequence text Log.v Test Checking if valid text Arrays.sort validWords if Arrays.binarySearch validWords text.toString..
How to set Edittext view allow only two numeric values and two decimal values like ##.## know how to do this validation Thanks in advance android validation edittext share improve this question boolean isValid EditText Variable .getText .toString .matches d 2 . d 2 Put this method in a onClickListener and I guess you will be good..
how to check edittext's text is email address or not? @param email @return boolean true for valid false for invalid public static boolean isEmailValid String email boolean isValid false String expression ^ w . @ w . A Z 2 4 CharSequence inputStr email Pattern pattern Pattern.compile expression Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE.. Pattern.compile expression Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher pattern.matcher inputStr if matcher.matches isValid true return isValid Pass your edit text string in this function . for right email verification you need server side authentication.. expression Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher pattern.matcher inputStr if matcher.matches isValid true return isValid Pass your edit text string in this function . for right email verification you need server side authentication share improve..