android Programming Glossary: isvideofullscreen
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview private VideoEnabledWebView webView private boolean isVideoFullscreen Indicates if the video is being displayed using a custom view.. this.loadingView null this.webView null this.isVideoFullscreen false Builds a video enabled WebChromeClient. @param activityNonVideoView.. this.loadingView loadingView this.webView null this.isVideoFullscreen false Builds a video enabled WebChromeClient. @param activityNonVideoView..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview private ViewGroup activityVideoView private View loadingView private VideoEnabledWebView webView private boolean isVideoFullscreen Indicates if the video is being displayed using a custom view typically full screen private FrameLayout videoViewContainer.. activityNonVideoView this.activityVideoView activityVideoView this.loadingView null this.webView null this.isVideoFullscreen false Builds a video enabled WebChromeClient. @param activityNonVideoView A View in the activity's layout that contains.. activityNonVideoView this.activityVideoView activityVideoView this.loadingView loadingView this.webView null this.isVideoFullscreen false Builds a video enabled WebChromeClient. @param activityNonVideoView A View in the activity's layout that contains..