android Programming Glossary: itemid
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? onPurchaseStateChange PurchaseState purchaseState String itemId int quantity long purchaseTime String developerPayload if Consts.DEBUG.. if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null else Log.e.. if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null else Log.e TAG onPurchaseStateChangeCheck..
Android listview row delete animation viewToRemove int position firstVisiblePosition i long itemId mAdapter.getItemId position mItemIdTopMap.put itemId child.getTop.. long itemId mAdapter.getItemId position mItemIdTopMap.put itemId child.getTop Delete the item from the adapter int position.. i int position firstVisiblePosition i long itemId mAdapter.getItemId position Integer startTop mItemIdTopMap.get..
How to add spinner to subtitle - as in the Play Music app for Android? boolean onNavigationItemSelected int itemPosition long itemId return false MySpinnerAdapter public class MySpinnerAdapter..
Android: SQLite one-to-many design ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put ITEM_ID itemId values.put NAME name values.put TYPES concat types return values..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? .getString R.string.notif_text intent.putExtra item_id itemId intent.putExtra activityToTrigg com.companyName.appName.main.Activity_Reminder.. activityToTrigg bundle.getString activityToTrigg int itemId Integer.parseInt bundle.getString item_id NotificationManager.. activityToTrigg newIntent.putExtra item_id itemId CharSequence text1 itemName reminderOrAlarmMessage CharSequence..
How to set active item in the Action Bar drop-down navigation? boolean onNavigationItemSelected int itemPosition long itemId if application.isRotated application.activePosition itemPosition.. itemPosition application.activeId itemId getFragmentManager .beginTransaction .replace
android action bar onNavigationItemSelected boolean onNavigationItemSelected int itemPosition long itemId MyApp appState MyApp this.activity.getApplicationContext appState.setDittaSelezionata.. appState.setDittaSelezionata int itemId SharedPreferences settings this.activity.getSharedPreferences.. settings.edit editor.putInt ditta_id_selezionata int itemId restart activity this.activity.recreate return false android..
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? DIALOG_BILLING_NOT_SUPPORTED_ID @Override public void onPurchaseStateChange PurchaseState purchaseState String itemId int quantity long purchaseTime String developerPayload if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState.. String itemId int quantity long purchaseTime String developerPayload if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null else Log.e TAG onPurchaseStateChangeCheck onPurchaseStateChange if purchaseState.. itemId int quantity long purchaseTime String developerPayload if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null else Log.e TAG onPurchaseStateChangeCheck onPurchaseStateChange if purchaseState..
Android listview row delete animation i View child listview.getChildAt i if child viewToRemove int position firstVisiblePosition i long itemId mAdapter.getItemId position mItemIdTopMap.put itemId child.getTop Delete the item from the adapter int position mListView.getPositionForView.. if child viewToRemove int position firstVisiblePosition i long itemId mAdapter.getItemId position mItemIdTopMap.put itemId child.getTop Delete the item from the adapter int position mListView.getPositionForView viewToRemove mAdapter.remove mAdapter.getItem.. int i 0 i listview.getChildCount i final View child listview.getChildAt i int position firstVisiblePosition i long itemId mAdapter.getItemId position Integer startTop mItemIdTopMap.get itemId int top child.getTop if startTop null if startTop..
How to add spinner to subtitle - as in the Play Music app for Android? items new OnNavigationListener @Override public boolean onNavigationItemSelected int itemPosition long itemId return false MySpinnerAdapter public class MySpinnerAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String CUSTOM SPINNER ADAPTER private..
Android: SQLite one-to-many design from the model class public ContentValues toContentValues ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put ITEM_ID itemId values.put NAME name values.put TYPES concat types return values private String concat String values trivial and here's..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? intent .putExtra message Activity_Reminder.this .getString R.string.notif_text intent.putExtra item_id itemId intent.putExtra activityToTrigg com.companyName.appName.main.Activity_Reminder PendingIntent mAlarmSender mAlarmSender.. String reminderOrAlarmMessage bundle.getString message String activityToTrigg bundle.getString activityToTrigg int itemId Integer.parseInt bundle.getString item_id NotificationManager nm NotificationManager context.getSystemService notification.. System.currentTimeMillis Intent newIntent new Intent newIntent.setAction activityToTrigg newIntent.putExtra item_id itemId CharSequence text1 itemName reminderOrAlarmMessage CharSequence text2 context.getString R.string.notif_Go_To_Details PendingIntent..
How to set active item in the Action Bar drop-down navigation? list this And here is my workaround @Override public boolean onNavigationItemSelected int itemPosition long itemId if application.isRotated application.activePosition itemPosition application.activeId itemId getFragmentManager .beginTransaction.. int itemPosition long itemId if application.isRotated application.activePosition itemPosition application.activeId itemId getFragmentManager .beginTransaction .replace MyFragment.newInstance itemPosition .commit else application.isRotated..
android action bar onNavigationItemSelected BaseActivity activity this.activity activity @Override public boolean onNavigationItemSelected int itemPosition long itemId MyApp appState MyApp this.activity.getApplicationContext appState.setDittaSelezionata int itemId SharedPreferences settings.. itemPosition long itemId MyApp appState MyApp this.activity.getApplicationContext appState.setDittaSelezionata int itemId SharedPreferences settings this.activity.getSharedPreferences MyApp.PREFS_NAME 0 SharedPreferences.Editor editor settings.edit.. MyApp.PREFS_NAME 0 SharedPreferences.Editor editor settings.edit editor.putInt ditta_id_selezionata int itemId restart activity this.activity.recreate return false android android actionbar share improve this question You can..